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LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity This forum is for you to explore your sexuality and identity, whatever that may be.
Ummm... "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides is actually REALLY good but it's not like 100% LGBT focused, but the main character is (I believe) transgender.
Am I Blue is a good one. It's a collection of short stories, all about gay and lesbian teens. Another good one is It Gets Better, which is a collection of essay by LGBT teens and adults(and their allies.) Scars is one of my favourite. Annie on my mind is also a good one and I think Tricks by Ellen Hopkins has a transgendered or gay teen in it. I know Impulse by her does, although they are more about other issues faced by teenagers, drugs, depression, suicide, and cutting, than about being gay.
She whispered to her own reflection "I will be strong."
"I am not what has happened to me.I am what I have chosen to become."- Carl Jung
Annie on my Mind. Lesbian love story. Have to read it.
When all your friends have come and gone,
And the sun no longer shines,
And the happiness for which you long is washed away like an ocean's tide,
When all the hard times outweigh the good,
And all your words are misunderstood,
When the day seems lost from the start
You must follow your heart,
You must follow your heart.