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Spicy_ December 10th 2010 08:06 AM

Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
Recently some of our state senators are trying to lift the block that stops LGBT people from openly serving in the military. Many LGBT in the military have to go in hiding.

For article click here

I personally think people should be able to openly serve in the military, being bi-sexual my self, I neglect to see a reason why. People have said there runs a risk of unprotected sex on base/ invasion of sexual privacy. What about when male and female military hook up; thats not right. Some have also it raises chance for a misconduct, how can being lgbt really start a fight, if a LGBT was set to defend his country he will focus on just that and nothing else. I also read it must result in training to deal with LGBT, that is false, we don't require any additional training then a regular military.

more information and reasons against it click here

Anyone else care to share there honest opinion?

Jocelyn. December 10th 2010 05:48 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
Whether they're open about it or not, LBGT people are still gonna do their LGBT thang :p Don't Ask Don't Tell just gives the military the right to kick them out over it.

All it does is save intolerant civilians from a big freak out if the policy were lifted. "Now gays are joining our military so they can have openly gay sex with each other omgawdz!" Or something of that ignorant nature...

Acheron December 10th 2010 06:44 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by ForeverHis (Post 536827)
All it does is save intolerant civilians from a big freak out if the policy were lifted. "Now gays are joining our military so they can have openly gay sex with each other omgawdz!" Or something of that ignorant nature...

Except that 78% of Americans want it repealed.


I know it's difficult, but sometimes it's fine to have a little faith in the public.

Jocelyn. December 10th 2010 07:23 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Acheron (Post 536876)
Except that 78% of Americans want it repealed.


I know it's difficult, but sometimes it's fine to have a little faith in the public.

Sorry, sometimes I have a hard time getting my point across via internet.

I know most people want it repealed, as well as myself. I was just trying to make a joke about reasons why people wouldn't. Haha?

Fictional December 10th 2010 07:55 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
It really shouldn't matter if your gay or straight. I don't approve of teenagers joining the army though ¬.¬

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 10th 2010 08:53 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Fictional (Post 536936)
It really shouldn't matter if your gay or straight. I don't approve of teenagers joining the army though ¬.¬

How old then? If I am an adult which is 18 why should I NOT have the chance to risk my life for my country?

shimmeringfaerie December 11th 2010 01:43 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by I love dogs (Post 536981)
How old then? If I am an adult which is 18 why should I NOT have the chance to risk my life for my country?

Well, there's the fact that the brain isn't fully developed at 18. Particularly with males, the area of the brain that determines risk isn't fully developed until several years later than that (mid 20s if I recall correctly). That's why teenagers are a lot more likely to do risky things than adults are. I wouldn't want people who are going to put their lives and other people's lives at risk being in the army. But that's really got nothing to do with this topic.

I don't see why LGBT people shouldn't be allowed to serve in the army. I agree with Fictional that I'm iffy about teenagers being in the army in general, but there's no reason why gender or sexual orientation should be a decider.

Jesus Christ. December 11th 2010 01:58 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by I love dogs (Post 536981)
How old then? If I am an adult which is 18 why should I NOT have the chance to risk my life for my country?

O.o you said it yourself surely? If your an adult then surely that makes you not a teenager?

And I think anybody should be allowed to join.

Guile December 11th 2010 06:43 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
No, I do not think LGBT people should be allowed to serve in the military, whether open about it or not. I also believe people should be allowed to serve in the military at 16, with the first year being spent on less combat oriented roles, and more on technical, such as demolitions and such.

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 11th 2010 02:48 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 537270)
No, I do not think LGBT people should be allowed to serve in the military, whether open about it or not. I also believe people should be allowed to serve in the military at 16, with the first year being spent on less combat oriented roles, and more on technical, such as demolitions and such.

What is your reasoning for either/both of these.

Fictional December 11th 2010 02:54 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by I love dogs (Post 536981)
How old then? If I am an adult which is 18 why should I NOT have the chance to risk my life for my country?

I personally don't approve of the military at all, but heh, I'm biased.

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 11th 2010 02:58 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Fictional (Post 537394)
I personally don't approve of the military at all, but heh, I'm biased.

Why? because how would you provide for national defense?

Fictional December 11th 2010 03:05 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
We could do like the Japanese and have an army who serve only to deffend our country.

And I'm biased because my older cousin has dedicated his life to joining the army and killing people ¬.¬

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 11th 2010 03:28 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Fictional (Post 537406)
We could do like the Japanese and have an army who serve only to deffend our country.

And I'm biased because my older cousin has dedicated his life to joining the army and killing people ¬.¬

Wait isn't that what all armed forces do to defend their own country. We usually do not go into somewhere because we do not like them we do so because we feel they are a threat and as for your older cousin did he go in TO kill people or to defend his country in times of war meaning he may HAVE to kill people.

Spicy_ December 11th 2010 10:00 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Fictional (Post 537406)
And I'm biased because my older cousin has dedicated his life to joining the army and killing people ¬.¬

You have this all wrong. Our army (America in general) is not made for killing, we defend our freedom. We only kill if need be. With out a millitary we wouldn't be free like how we are now. We been in chaos and with no right going on.

Spicy_ December 11th 2010 10:02 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 537270)
No, I do not think LGBT people should be allowed to serve in the military, whether open about it or not.

What is your reasoning behind this? We can serve and defend our freedom as good as everyone else.

LucyLouWho December 12th 2010 02:49 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I do believe that LGBT people should be able to openly serve in the military. And in a perfect world, they would be able to do so without being ridiculed by other homophobic people in the military. I actually spoke to a retired Navy about this once and he said that the way that African American people are still tormented in the military, he thinks it would only cause more chaos for LGBT people to be allowed in. It's just such a shame that it has to be that way.

Double X December 12th 2010 02:52 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by I love dogs (Post 537421)
Wait isn't that what all armed forces do to defend their own country. We usually do not go into somewhere because we do not like them we do so because we feel they are a threat and as for your older cousin did he go in TO kill people or to defend his country in times of war meaning he may HAVE to kill people.

So...we are defending our nation by going over to another territory we have no jurisdiction over and shooting a bunch of civilians? Okay...

We should have a military, but it shouldn't step outside our borders unless there is agreement with the U.N.

Spicy_ December 12th 2010 04:09 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Mommy.Wife.Student (Post 537778)
I actually spoke to a retired Navy about this once and he said that the way that African American people are still tormented in the military, he thinks it would only cause more chaos for LGBT people to be allowed in. It's just such a shame that it has to be that way.

I really agree. LGBT is almost like saying the Japanese or the blacks couldn't serve in the military. If the blacks or Japanese were eventually allowed to enter the military, so should LGBT. There is no difference, we won't fight differently..etc

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 12th 2010 01:47 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by ShimmeringFaerie (Post 537132)

Well, there's the fact that the brain isn't fully developed at 18. Particularly with males, the area of the brain that determines risk isn't fully developed until several years later than that (mid 20s if I recall correctly). That's why teenagers are a lot more likely to do risky things than adults are. I wouldn't want people who are going to put their lives and other people's lives at risk being in the army. But that's really got nothing to do with this topic.

I don't see why LGBT people shouldn't be allowed to serve in the army. I agree with Fictional that I'm iffy about teenagers being in the army in general, but there's no reason why gender or sexual orientation should be a decider.

What is the drinking age over there? Booze messes with the brain like a lot right?

Anomaly December 12th 2010 02:04 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I think people from the LGBT community should be able to serve in the military. Theres not anything physically or mentally wrong with the people of the LGBT community so why should we not be able to serve our country. I thought that was what the military was about putting aside peoples differnces and fighting for the greater good.
Somebody brought up to me once they don't they should because the same sex lives with each other and showers with each other all that stuff, and they don't want somebody that's gay watching them take a shower for example. I think thats a bunch of crap as well. People need to stop being so full of themselves. That comes from the stupid thought that just because your gay your going to like every single guy or just because your a lesbian means your going to like every single female. Which is obivoulsly false.

Loving Linux Penguin December 12th 2010 04:04 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
No person should be barred from serving in the armed forces on a basis of race, gender, original place of origin (as long as they are a citizen) or sexual orientation. So what if you are LGBT? Does that mean that you can't be just as good with a gun than anyone else? Hell no. If they want to serve, let them serve. And make it policy that any officer who harasses a LGBT soldier can be stripped of rank or otherwise punished for their actions.

John 6:29 December 12th 2010 04:30 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I honestly don't think it should be able to open. Not because I think the idea is ridiculous, but because I think it would distract gay and straight militants alike. However, I think the decision should be up to the military and the people in the military since they'd be the ones to deal with it.

dr2005 December 12th 2010 04:42 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I've always held the view that a person's fitness to serve in the Armed Forces should be based upon their physical fitness to serve in the role, their ability to carry out their role and their dedication to protecting their country and abiding by the rules of engagement and applicable laws. Factors such as gender, religion, political views or sexuality are to my mind irrelevant so long as they do not encourage discrimination within the ranks or encourage illegal conduct (such as extremist views promoting violence against certain groups). On that basis, I see no coherent logical reason why LGBT persons should not be allowed to serve in the Armed Forces. The ban in the US seems to be based solely on appeasing deep-rooted prejudice, and I can assure you that repealing such restrictions has had no impact whatsoever on the Armed Forces here in the UK. It's practically a non-issue for most people.

DeletedAccount31 December 12th 2010 06:06 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I think gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military, and I believe one of the main points that is deterring some people from wanting this is the "invasion of sexual privacy." However, members of the LGBT community have morals too. If they're half-decent, they're not going to force their sexuality on you if you do not want it, and they are not going to watch you get changed or the like. If they're truly dedicated to defending their country, they wouldn't risk their position by doing any of these things anyway. If this happens, it just means that the culprit was indecent and probably should not be welcomed into the military at any rate.

I also see sexuality as rather irrelevant to the military. The reason I want it repealed is more so that LGBT members cannot be kicked out if they're discovered, not so they can go around proclaiming their sexuality to all of their comrades. I don't see why it matters what someone's sexuality is -- gay, straight, or otherwise. The goal of the military is to defend your country ultimately, and I don't see the point of dwelling on it.

Double X December 12th 2010 07:15 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by mewithYou (Post 538051)
I honestly don't think it should be able to open. Not because I think the idea is ridiculous, but because I think it would distract gay and straight militants alike. However, I think the decision should be up to the military and the people in the military since they'd be the ones to deal with it.


Should we be more like China, Iran, and Saudi Arabia?

Or like UK, Germany, or Sweden?

Kaydea December 12th 2010 07:42 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I was under the impression that they had gotten rid of the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy... And that any sexual preference could now openly serve?
That's what my recruiter told me?

shimmeringfaerie December 12th 2010 09:17 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by I love dogs (Post 537954)
What is the drinking age over there? Booze messes with the brain like a lot right?

The legal drinking age is 18, but I don't really see what your point is. I'm pretty sure if a member of the army turned up to work drunk, they would be in a lot of trouble and would, at the very least, be sent home for the day.

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 12th 2010 09:46 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by ShimmeringFaerie (Post 538252)

The legal drinking age is 18, but I don't really see what your point is. I'm pretty sure if a member of the army turned up to work drunk, they would be in a lot of trouble and would, at the very least, be sent home for the day.

You said that you were not for teens serving based on the fact that their brains are not fully developed and they take more risks than older adults. Does booze mess with your brain? If so then why let an 18 year old drink which can be risky yet they can not fight to protect others?

Tara. December 12th 2010 10:09 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
Honestly, isn't it more dangerous for LGBT to be open gay in the military?

Though, sexual orientation is a ridiculous reason to keep someone from serving their country.

shimmeringfaerie December 12th 2010 10:36 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by I love dogs (Post 538289)
You said that you were not for teens serving based on the fact that their brains are not fully developed and they take more risks than older adults. Does booze mess with your brain? If so then why let an 18 year old drink which can be risky yet they can not fight to protect others?

I don't believe I ever said that I support the legal drinking age. Personally, I don't think teenagers should be drinking either. But this debate isn't about that.

NonIndigenous December 12th 2010 10:48 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be allowed in the army. I just don't get it. What the hell has it got to do with anything.

Extra training? For what... exactly?
Invasion of privacy? Ok... I don't know the details, but I DO know, there are both men and women in the army, SO... from that angle I don't see any difference.

Actually I get it now, but it took an hour of my philosophy. They are trying to increase the gene pool of LGBTs in the general population by not sending them to war. Makes perfect sense. Perhaps they are trying to stem the population growth in the long term to reduce the public demands on the government?

ALLorNOTHINGforCHRIST December 12th 2010 10:53 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
One of the biggest problems could be they do not want them to be shot on purpose by friendly fire.

~Mr. Self Destruct~ December 12th 2010 11:51 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
I am quite Liberal and I very much want advancements in equal rights, but I can see a positive aspect here.
We are keeping people out of a war of complete bullshit.

Kyeto-X December 13th 2010 12:07 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
My personal opinion? A homosexual can shoot a rifle just as straight as a heterosexual. It is stupid to discriminate against people based on what they do form the comfort of their own sex swing. :rolleyes:

Brandon December 13th 2010 04:49 PM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
As long as you're in the military, it's not gay.

Guile December 14th 2010 08:12 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
As a general reply, to save time in replying to each question individually, as they were all generally the same.

It diminishes the outward appearance of our military as a powerful force, this looks scary, http://www.linkdelight.com/ldmedia/p...H051_show1.jpg


....no way am I posting that, just google image "gay parade" and you will see what I mean...

forfrosne December 14th 2010 09:07 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?
Actually Guile does have a point. I don't think it outweighs the rights of gay people or that its useful to have more potential troops, but its a fair point. Although I doubt gay people will be wearing rainbow uniform or anything, its more the reputation I think. Its one of the problems women are facing in the army. They just aren't intimidating or scary to any degree. Sure they can, mostly, perform to the same average as men can, but they don't have any intimidation/fear factor.

I think, when considering the upsides/downsides, they should be allowed in, but you DO have to recognise the possible negative consequences.

Spicy_ December 14th 2010 09:10 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 539442)
It diminishes the outward appearance of our military as a powerful force, this looks scary,
....no way am I posting that, just google image "gay parade" and you will see what I mean...

How does a gay parade have to do with this? Do you honestly think were going to full around and parade around in tights? You got that all wrong buddy. I bet LGBT can shoot a rifle just as a good as a straight. Why are you guys (senators included) so against this? It's not like were going to *ape someone or such? You guys dont know and don't bother to know that WE CAN AND WILL FIGHT AS GOOD AS YOU GUYS. You guys say it run the risk of sexual privacy? What about when a male and female hook up in the military? Its all g, but when its a guy and guy then its wrong and both of them get discharged?

This is all following how you guys felt about the blacks in the military in ww2, soon you guys will wake up and see our points, and you guys will see us prosper just like blacks in ww2.

Spicy_ December 14th 2010 09:13 AM

Re: Should LGBT Teens be able to openly serve in the military?

Originally Posted by Matthew (Post 539454)
intimidating or scary to any degree. Sure they can, mostly, perform to the same average as men can, but they don't have any intimidation/fear factor.

buddy, trust me, there are lotts of current military soldiers who ARENT SCARY AT ALL!

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