LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity This forum is for you to explore your sexuality and identity, whatever that may be.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 29th 2015, 06:11 PM
Male, and gay
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 30th 2015, 02:47 AM
Just a question, what does "no gender" mean? That you have characteristics of neither gender, or both perhaps? Because having characteristics of neither gender sounds damn near impossible unless you're an alien where the same rules don't apply.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 30th 2015, 03:04 AM
Female - Bisexual and proud
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 30th 2015, 05:27 AM
I'm female and bisexual
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 30th 2015, 02:51 PM
Trans FtM (pre-everything) and for sexuality? I don't know, I'm probably questioning a little bit so I put other (I'm not sure... meh).
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 30th 2015, 07:38 PM
I am male and straight
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
May 24th 2015, 01:59 PM
Panromantic, grey asexual, polyamorous demi guy
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
May 24th 2015, 02:06 PM
Well I previously stated I identified as a straight female, but I've noticed that I've been attracted to some females since. I answered bisexual in the poll but from now on I've decided to just identify my orientation as "queer" because I'm really not sure and my lack of romantic and sexual experiences makes it very hard to know.
Gender identity hasn't changed, I'm trans MtF.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
May 30th 2015, 03:59 PM
Non binary lesbian
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 4th 2015, 07:52 PM
I know I've posted on here before saying straight female but... I am either demi sexual or grey asexual. I know I want relationships, just not sure if I want the sex side of it.
Gender I've confused myself a little.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 12th 2015, 02:13 PM
My gender is female, and when it comes to my sexuality I am into men. Oh, and I think I am demisexual as well
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 29th 2015, 07:18 PM
Female, panromantic and I-don't-even-know-anymore-sexual.  (I honestly don't think that my sexual orientation has a name.)
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
August 6th 2015, 03:37 PM
Agender, pan sexual celibate! :3
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
August 7th 2015, 02:30 PM
I am Female and bi
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
October 5th 2015, 06:49 PM
Cis female and Pansexual!!!
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
October 29th 2015, 01:00 PM
Female. Kind of stuck in question-zone (for years), but I've decided upon Panromantic Homosexual for now. (I've went from bi to pan, I'm still confused)
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
October 29th 2015, 09:22 PM
Male, straight as a king (sorry, I mean ruler).
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
December 29th 2015, 04:54 PM
im a genderfluid pansexual aromantic
i know v confusing
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
December 29th 2015, 06:06 PM
Bisexual male
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
December 29th 2015, 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by MichWolverineFreak
Just a question, what does "no gender" mean? That you have characteristics of neither gender, or both perhaps? Because having characteristics of neither gender sounds damn near impossible unless you're an alien where the same rules don't apply.
Normally it means agender.
They have genitals and stuff
But they don't feel like they are any gender.
It's hard to explain.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
December 29th 2015, 09:37 PM
Female, straight
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
December 30th 2015, 02:29 PM
Female, asexual.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 7th 2016, 06:42 AM
I stated I was a female bisexual, but have felt lately female, Lesbian is more appropriate
"I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back what's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night." - "Cake" by Melanie Martinez
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 9th 2016, 10:03 PM
Gender wise I guess I go towards other, asexual but panromantic
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 10th 2016, 01:28 AM
I get gayer every time I take a sexuality test. On the Klein grid scale of 0 to 6, I'm exactly in the middle at 3.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 10th 2016, 07:13 PM
Changing my vote once more to female asexual.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
April 22nd 2016, 04:28 PM
Well, I'm male, plan on staying that way because I like being a guy. I'm not really big on labels, and I know my life is on a hormone rollercoaster ride right now, and that's really confusing sometimes as to how to identify sexually. So I chose all that applied to me, which is even more confusing to me
So I guess I'm bi-stray. A combination of bi straight and gay��
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
May 2nd 2016, 11:48 PM
I'm female and hetro-romantic asexual
Never dated but that makes sense lol
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 10th 2016, 03:00 AM
Female, bisexual
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 10th 2016, 03:53 AM
Female. Bisexual.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 10th 2016, 09:51 AM
Male, Straight.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 28th 2016, 04:35 AM
Legally female, but I act like and think like a guy (my friends say I do). ...But I don't want to be trans or anything, even though I've thought about what it would be like and considered it but no. Also I'm bi, and yes, I will date trans people, so does that make me pan?? Anyway, I'm romantically attracted to both genders, but I'm not sexually attracted to guys. If I did that, I'm either drunk off my hat, or you must be special af.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
June 28th 2016, 08:10 PM
Female, asexual but hetero-romantic. Leaning a bit more towards bi-romantic.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
July 13th 2016, 10:06 PM
I am a female that likes both genders but im mostly gay and I can fall for anyone
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
July 14th 2016, 07:56 AM
Female and always will be female~
And honestly I keep moving between sexualities. Thought lesbian was the perfect one, but I might just be bisexual after all. I do prefer females, but i think it's more close to both being equal now.
"I'm not a piece of cake for you to just discard
While you walk away with the frosting of my heart
So I'm taking back what's mine, you'll miss
The slice of heaven that I gave to you last night." - "Cake" by Melanie Martinez
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
July 26th 2016, 08:14 AM
Female after a lot of time questioning. Straight but I liked some girls in the past. I came out as bisexual at 17 and then my brain said "mmmmnope, let's just go back to only liking boys, it's easier that way".
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
July 26th 2016, 09:04 AM
For gender I put agender, although with some feminine days and then other days masculine. Some days neither. For sexuality, I don't even know anymore, I just know I'm asexual with the romantic bit constantly changing.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
July 26th 2016, 06:32 PM
Updating for the fourth time. 
Agender and aromantic asexual (with very rare exceptions).
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
July 29th 2016, 10:32 PM
Biologically male. Psychologically I think genders are pointless and only allow room for discrimination.
Other (bi-curious-curious). I say curious-curious because I'd describe myself as straight, but I have wondered if I am bi, as I have had bi thoughts, I just have no lasting physical attraction to the same sex (which is what psychologists define as sexuality). It comes and goes.
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Re: What is your sexuality and gender identity? -
July 31st 2016, 11:54 PM
FTM trans, Demisexual Panromantic
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