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eunoia January 8th 2009 05:47 AM

Does your school have an LGBT club?
Grade school or higher education, does your school have an LGBT group/club? Like a GSA or something similar. Please vote in the poll, and feel free to expand in a post! :)

Katrina January 8th 2009 05:49 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
We don't. I'm in Alabama, and we're all very conservative and hush-hush about things that aren't like they were one hundred years ago. I only know a few people who are out, and there's never been anyone motivated enough to make the club, I don't guess. Bummer.

Slade January 8th 2009 06:10 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
We don't either, yay closeminded south! =\ at my school it is horrible to even mention Prop. 8 or gay marriage, you are automatically accused of being... Not well... Of all the kids in our school, that say it is the person's life and they can live it how they want, we're too scared to even think about trying to start a GSA type thing.

Heretic January 8th 2009 06:56 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
My school indeed does have a Gay-Straight Alliance club. And I'm a member. The club is small, but most of the student body knows we exist and is accepting of it, which is great. There will always be a few students who would never even acknowledge the club's existence or give an ounce of respect to the LGBT community, but overall, it's quite nice at my school.

Skeleton January 8th 2009 07:09 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
I'm not at school/college/any form of education anymore but when I was as far as I knew there wasn't any form of group for LGBT or for anything in general. At college there is a team of people who you can talk to about things like that but no group as far as I was aware which is a shame because I believe a group would help people who are figuring themselves out and coming to terms with it.

VanishingActs January 8th 2009 08:54 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
We have a LGBT society at our university, so I voted yes.

However in both my high school and sixth form there was nothing at all.

Adam January 8th 2009 09:03 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
Nothing in my secondary school or 6th form. I might try to get one started :)

LimLight January 8th 2009 09:11 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
In my university there is one. In my highschool, however, there was not.

Drey January 8th 2009 10:45 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
My University has a fairly large one, that does alot for the entire campus.. my highschool... definitely not.

Ivanna_B_Me January 8th 2009 10:55 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
It kind of seems like it'll be a good idea but all it'll mean in my school is that it's just easier to pick them out and pick on them.... Stupid Airheads... :/

Pandaloo January 8th 2009 11:09 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
Nah, not many people i know are bisexual or gay, so there is no club. Would be cool :p

pixy_sticks January 8th 2009 11:19 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
Our highschool has recently developed a GSA club/group that meets at lunch times once a week. I don't however think that there is a lot of comfort and willingness to attend by the individuals at our school. I think it may take a couple years for the group to really pick up.

Mizu-Kun January 8th 2009 11:28 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
Durham College has one (That I posted for) But sadly, were severely underfunded, and am at the point, out of school now, so ummm... yeah. I'll update when I get to a new school. :P

DeletedAccount84 January 8th 2009 12:15 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
My university has a very active student ran Pride society. We do campaigns, welfare stuff and lots of socials. I'm on the exec.

JustSomeone January 8th 2009 12:47 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
My high school... no. I'm from a small town, so that's why. My college, I go to a community college and as far as I know, nothing like that exists. I wish it did. :(

Troy January 8th 2009 01:55 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
We do..
But they need to work on how they present it. Theres signs every were in big letters

then in small font it talks about how that puts people down blah blah.

So better signs would help haha

escape_thereal_world January 8th 2009 01:59 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
The high school I went to never even considered such a thing. It's no big deal if you're not straight, nobody really cares, but my school also doesn't care about you, so whatever. It's a crappy place emotionally.

Tegan January 8th 2009 02:01 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
nothing at all.
I go to a Girl's School which is really REALLY old fashioned.
No one would dare try and set one up just because the teachers would shut it down immediately.

NuHalo January 8th 2009 02:06 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
There is an entire faction at the University of Winnipeg for LGBT. It's insane.
And there are like, 300 members at least. And they have an event just about every week. U of W is very open and friendly for just about everything LGBT, and I'm proud to be apart of it. :)

It's a good place for me to go when I don't have anywhere else to go. Oh, and the free condoms are always nice... xP

Gingerbread Latte January 8th 2009 02:08 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
No, but I think we should have one. Half of my year are gay or suspected to be gay.

DeletedAccount84 January 8th 2009 02:12 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?

Originally Posted by Troy (Post 4375)
We do..
But they need to work on how they present it. Theres signs every were in big letters

then in small font it talks about how that puts people down blah blah.

So better signs would help haha

Hey the lib dem's student wing made a 'Homophobia is gay' campaign nationwide :p

Personally I have nothing against calling things, but realise many do, and therefore its silly to use such advertisement.

Also, now Section 28 is gone in the UK... I dont know if schools are actually allowed to ban such a thing... I'll ask one of my political friends.

WashoutThePain January 8th 2009 02:19 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
We do have one. There are actually a lot of members, although sadly I am not one of them. I am an officer of SADD (students against Destructive Decisions)

Troy January 8th 2009 02:27 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?

Originally Posted by Invert (Post 4392)
Hey the lib dem's student wing made a 'Homophobia is gay' campaign nationwide :p

Personally I have nothing against calling things, but realise many do, and therefore its silly to use such advertisement.

Also, now Section 28 is gone in the UK... I dont know if schools are actually allowed to ban such a thing... I'll ask one of my political friends.

Well i know that everyone has a right to freedom of speech. And i think that includes clubs but....i think we have the right.
at school you dont have rights i forgot..

DeletedAccount107 January 8th 2009 02:58 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
Screw Catholic school. :(

DeletedAccount84 January 8th 2009 03:04 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?

Originally Posted by Troy (Post 4408)
Well i know that everyone has a right to freedom of speech. And i think that includes clubs but....i think we have the right.
at school you dont have rights i forgot..

The last bit of my post was at:


nothing at all.
I go to a Girl's School which is really REALLY old fashioned.
No one would dare try and set one up just because the teachers would shut it down immediately.

I forgot to quote.

I was actually agreeing people shouldnt do those campaigns. (To be fair, you arent in the UK, so UK laws would be irrelevant :p and schools would have grounds to ban such a campaign if they deemed it to be discriminative... and that use of gay can be considered so... though it is possible to argue you have limited rights at school.)

Ellie January 8th 2009 03:08 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
At uni, yes. But at my senior school, we didn't. But then again we didn't have any groups that weren't sport orientated and certainly no methods of support for anything!

udontno January 8th 2009 03:23 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
It's the South. We don't have a club and things like that aren't mentioned. However, I do know a large amount of people who are gay compared to our student population. They tend to flock to me because I'm pretty open about my bisexuality.

ViolatrixStone January 8th 2009 04:21 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
No, I wish we did, but no. I live is Australia, it'd be nice to have one, I'd like to see more people my age who are what they are but *sigh* I think it's something that even the most confident person is afraid that the club will be shot down or they'll be the only one in it. But maybe that's just my P.O.V.

Marionette. January 8th 2009 04:25 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
No we don't.
I don't know if there is anyone in my school who is actually gay to be honest, and I know most of the elder kids.
We are quite small though, 250 kids, the eldest class being us, 17-18 year olds.
So I don't think anyone is out just quite yet for it to be an issue.

xxpaigiexx January 8th 2009 04:34 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
My school has nothing like that but... in sixth form people are pretty excepting so it's not because everyone is homophobic.

Moyshi January 8th 2009 04:38 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
This year is the first year my highschool has had a club. They've done quite a bit around the school. I think it's kind of cool. :smile

Angel January 8th 2009 04:42 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
My school has a Gay-Straight Alliance club that meets Mondays after school. I'm not able to attend because of my conflicting schedule.

LucyLouWho January 8th 2009 05:05 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
No, the high school that I went to doesn't have a GSA or anything like that. There really isn't anyone at my school that's out anyway. Not only that, but the people around here tend to be very narrow-minded and quiet about things like that.

WhySoSerious? January 8th 2009 05:11 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
I wish my school had one... it'd be good for us as we're said to be one of the worst schools for discrimination.

BrittneyNicole January 8th 2009 05:15 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
Yep! It's rather new, too.

SillyEvee January 8th 2009 09:57 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
We still technically have a GSA, but we hardly ever meet or do anything. We were so much more active last year! :( I\'m glad we officially have one, though.

Banshee Prince January 8th 2009 11:39 PM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
We have a GSA.
I\'d say they seem pretty active. And a good number of students are out at my school.
But I\'m not a member of the GSA for various reasons, but most of all because I\'m just not into extracurricular stuff much.

musicalbeds January 9th 2009 12:06 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
I\'m outside of the USA. And I didn\'t even know those clubs exist!
I\'m really impressed.
Here it\'s a disaster... LGBT, at school? kids will just laugh about it...
But it\'s cool. I think someone should present a project. I\'m tired of all of this discrimination.

blacksnow January 9th 2009 07:16 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
my old school is very very very conservative. One of the gay teachers isn\'t even allowed to say he\'s gay. It\'s a christian school, so I can see where they wouldn\'t be able to support that type of group. But yeh ... homosexuality or anything in that direction points in the direction of \'freak\'.

*Faith* January 9th 2009 09:36 AM

Re: Does your school have an LGBT club?
Nope, and there\'s only two people that I know about that are \'out the closet\'. Most of the people at school are close - minded so...

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