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LGBTQ+, Sexuality and Gender Identity This forum is for you to explore your sexuality and identity, whatever that may be.

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Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 11th 2009, 10:12 PM

Hey Lately I have been seriously questioning my sexuality. it's hard, but i am really lucky to have a supportive family and friends. I would really appreciate it if some of you guys would take the time to fill out my spiffy LGBT questionnaire. It would really help to hear from people who have gone through this. If a question is a bit too personal, be free to skip it. Thanks!

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
5.When did "come out"
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?

Thanks again
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 11th 2009, 11:12 PM

Erm okay then I'll give this a shot ^^

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?

I'd have to say Asexual, I'm not particularly drawn to either gender and I never really have been. If I'm honest, I'm quite happy being single ^^

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

I never really did, just nothing happened d:

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

Pretty much a normal childhood. I'd always known I was trans, ever since I knew there was a difference between boys and girls.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?


5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

I never really fitted in with guy stuff, or with guys in general, and it always made me happy when I was mistaken for a girl (which happened a lot).

5.When did "come out"

To my mum, about a year ago. To my sister, about two months ago. My dad's in the dark, and I haven't had the need to come out to my friends and people, they figured it out themselves d:

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?

Nope (: There's the intolerant people at school (Like 90%) of people, but I couldn't give a damn what they think about me tbh

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?

Take time to explore your identity, no-one's forcing you to rush into anything (: Remember, whatever you decide you are; you're never alone.

Hope this helped?x
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 11th 2009, 11:26 PM

Hii, I shall fill out this spiffy questionare
1. bisexual
2.when i was 11 or 12 (i dunno if that's considered young, but that's when i started noticing)
3. There was a girl in my class that I had this really strong feeling for, and at first I kind of ignored it and passed it off as admiration or something, but I didn't want to emulate her, I wanted to date her :-P And then I was reading books that I really identified with gay characters, feeling different, attractions toward the same gender, etc. I knew I liked guys, but I also liked girls. This for me is bisexuality.
4. Still waiting. I've never gone out with anyone actually haha.
5. Eventually the questioning and denying and hoping it would go away got to be too exhausting and I just... accepted it. It just crashed into my brain with this finality I couldn't shake. That was that, and this is how I was going to be.
6. I came out a year or so after I had come out to myself, first to my mom, then friends, acquaintinces, etc. I don't think everyone knows, but most of my friends and people at school do.
7. The majority of people have been awesome about it My friends were like, "Okay, that's cool, it doesn't bother me." Even my very religious (Catholic) friend, who is kinda skeeved out by homosexuality, said she'd always be my best friend and didn't care if I was bi. My friends don't treat me differently that I've noticed, though a couple who used to say "That's so gay" have stopped and tell people off for saying it lol. At first my mom was all "Are you sure, you're too young to know" but still supportive and by now she's totally accepting of it. I think it takes some people a little longer to get used to it than others, but if you still act the same and stick to your guns most will come around. Also, adults in general tend to say "You can't know yet, etc" which is annoying. I mean, why would you make it up? No idea why they're like that... It's odd, but the most infuriating response was from a girl who is also bi. I just mentioned it casually "oh, me too" and she insisted I could never know having never kissed a girl. I don't think this is the case, considering I've not kissed a boy either, and i'm not a sexuality-less blob.
7. Tips? Okay, let's see...
1. It's okay to question, and there's no rush to peg yourself as one sexuality Take your time figuring it out. And if you don't want to label it, there's no problem with that.
2. Read a lot, go to websites, watch movies, etc about sexuality and homo/bi/pan/trans sexuality in particular. This will give you information, and can help you sort things out if you're questioning. Also, knowing there are people out there who are similar can make you feel better.
3. Don't let anyone tell you that you are wrong, sick, immoral, dangerous, mentally ill, fake, or any other nasty, derogatory thing. You are not. Gay or not, you deserve respect and if you are LGBT, that's not a bad thing. It's just a part of who you are, something you can't change.
4. If you want to come out (if you are Lgbt) then I suggest testing people's reactions before telling them. Bring up a story you saw on the news/read/heard about gay marriage, gay rights, and see how they respond. Say you have a friend who's gay, ask their opinion on that. This gives you an idea of how they will respond to you coming out. Tell people you trust, and those you know love you and are likely to be supportive. Also, I'd wait on telling until you're sure of your sexuality, just so you can be more confident.
5. Remember that you're not alone There are many people out there who are questioning, or LGBT and people on this website as well that are going through or have been through the same thing. Talk to us if you want, we're here to help. That's why this is called TeenHelp haha. PM me any time
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 11th 2009, 11:46 PM

This is a good idea in my opinion. Alright, here we go.

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Well I am trans, but either gender works for me, doesn't really matter, so I guess Bisexual.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
That would be... 7? I knew something was off...

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Nothing really, just felt a tug towards both genders, and even some trans people got me going.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
A party out of control last summer...

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Nothing magical, just never felt right wearing guy clothes ,always related to girls better, and yes, LOVE being mistaken for one <3

5.When did "come out"
As Bisexual, 2 years ago to my friends, and few months to my mom.
As for being Trans, only a hand ful of friends know because I trust them, and told them about a month ago, even though I've known this since at least 9...

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
My friends started freaking out over helping me with names, so I don't think they really treated me any different, I mean they treat me the way I want to be treated, more feminenly(SP) and stuff, but no serioius change. Everyone I've told has been supportive and has helped me through alot.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Just take your time. You can't rush these things. You'll know when you'll know. Deciding what to classify oneself as IS difficult, and a hard time for all of us, but we're all here for eachother. You are not alone, and if you ever feel the need to talk just send me a pm and I will be more than happy to get back to you <3

We May Be Miles Apart. But Your Always Closer To The Moon. And Brighter Than The Stars

PM me anytime! =D
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 12th 2009, 05:32 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?

I consider myself gay, but I think it's all a bit confusing tbh. I have no doubt in my mind that I like boys on all levels (physically, romantically, sexually - that type of deal), but girls is where it becomes a tad fuzzy for me. I'm very much capable of being attracted to a girl on a romantic level as well as thinking a girl is beautiful, but there is just absolutely nothing there sexually. Nothing at all. Knowing that, I just feel it would be a bit unfair for both of us if I were to try having a true relationship with all of the various aspects with a girl. If I'm going to be in a relationship, I would like for both of us to be happy on all levels. I know that wouldn't happen if I were in a male/female relationship, so I have no interest in being with a girl for that reason. Since I have no interest in being with a girl, that is why I consider myself gay.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

I'm pretty sure I was 10 or 11 when I first started to realize my attraction to boys, but it wasn't until I was around 16 that I actually accepted the fact that I could possibly be anything other than straight.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

It took a lot for me to get there. I was very much opposed to the idea that I could possibly be anything but straight and I honestly didn't care much for the idea of homosexuality either, so I did my best to deny my sexuality for a good five years or so. Over time, I did open up to the idea of homosexuality and saw that it wasn't nearly as horrible as it had been made out to be to me. Around mid-2007, I had made two very good, close friends and I eventually got up the courage to talk to them about my feelings. Both friends were very accepting of how I felt and made me feel good for finally being honest with myself. They listened to me and helped me sort through my feelings, and after a little while is when I finally accepted my sexuality and new that it was right.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

Still waiting unfortunately

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

Just a lot of sorting through feelings. I had known for a long time that I wasn't really attracted to girls like I was boys and just talking about my feelings and sorting through them is what finally drew me to the conclusion that I'm gay.

5.When did "come out"

I didn't really come out to my friends since they were the ones who helped me figure out my real feelings, but I came out to my mother as bisexual in October of 2007. Not sure when I finally told her that I'm actually gay, but when I did, she came out to everyone else for me even though I really didn't ask her to.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?

Well, more or less my entire family is very conservative Christian, so I don't figure any of them were too thrilled when they were told. Only one of my sisters (I have two) has actually said that she was alright with my sexuality. I haven't personally talked to my other sister or my father about it, but my mother has made it fairly clear that she doesn't really like it. Despite that, she hasn't been too horrible. My room is slightly covered in posters of boys (lol) and no one has really objected, so that's good. But even so, I still feel like I can't really be open about anything. Honestly, it kinda sucks since I'm a little boy-crazed and boys are my favorite subject, lol. I could have it a lot worse, though, so I'm not really complaining.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?

Don't do anything you'll regret. Take your time and figure yourself out for sure, and only come out when you're ready and only to the people whom you know will accept you. I didn't really follow the latter and it has caused me some drama over the past two years. So again, there's no rush, just do everything when you know you're ready to.

- Trysten

Last edited by his_quirkiness; November 12th 2009 at 05:41 AM.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 12th 2009, 05:43 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
2.At what age did you first start questioning?

I don't know that I ever really questioned it. I remember in kindergarten, the girls always hung out with the girls, and the boys always hung out with the boys. In my mind that seemed correct. I never liked boys. and when all my friends started to crush on boys I felt out of place. Especially when I was crushing on my best friend.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
My older friend came out to me. And for the first time I realized what it meant to be gay. That there is a word for how I feel. That I'm not all alone.
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
I was four. And my best friend and I were very physical. My first real relationship was in eighth grade.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I was thinking about the friend who came out to me. I all the sudden realized that's what I am.
5.When did you "come out"?
March 10th 2009
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Only a couple of my friends believe me. I have to be pretty quiet about it at school because it's a privet school and I can be expelled. I haven't told my dad. My mom told me that I'm oppressed by demons.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
No one knows you better then yourself. It can be very confusing. Partially because of how judgmental our society is.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 12th 2009, 03:19 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I feel very bisexual at the moment. I actually have to major crushes at the moment, one on a guy, one on a girl.
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
As young as age 8 or 9.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
At first, i just felt something was different. Then, I started to having sexual feelings for a friend and eventually I realized I was bi. (I think. Much too young to tell.)
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Haven't had one.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
See Question 3.
5.When did "come out"
I haven't. (Here, of course, I have, but not with ayone I know in person. I'm giving it time.)
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
See above.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Just give it time, and NEVER feel bad about yourself for being bi/gay/lesbian/trans.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 12th 2009, 04:44 PM

I want to start off by highlighting that although it can be helpful to hear other people's experiences, don't hold them too much against yourself, as everyone is different

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Queer, prodominantly into the same sex/gender.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
17 I think.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Acknowledgement of trans came a lot later, at about 19 or 20. I think I realised I liked girls at 17, when my ex gf came on to me. I didn't consider myself gay or bi till later.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I was bi at the end of 18 I believe. I then decided I was a lesbian during my 19th year, and then undefined at 20, and now Queer. If you mean, when I concluded I wasn't straight, it was 17.

5.When did "come out"
In stages to different people from 17 onward. Now out to all but my parents and extended family.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Most people kinda guessed lol.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Take your time, there's no rush.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 12th 2009, 05:13 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Gay, I'm quite open about it, but I'll only reveal it if i'm being asked. I don't like to walk around announcing my homosexuality.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I think I had my first crush at 10 on a girl, but I never really knew it was a crush, i never even questioned my feelings until i was around 12/13 i think.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

Just kept developing feelings on all these girls, until one day I realised, 'jeesh, maybe this is what a crush feels like'. Googled teenhelp, on here i started to learn more about my sexuality. At first I thought i was bisexual, but i think it was only denial, I kept forcing myself to think i was attracted to guys but only when i was 14 i think, i just opened myself up and admitted i only like girls.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Never dated anyone before.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I became sure of my feelings, I knew how I felt and I flowed to the way I felt best.

5.When did "come out"
When I thought I was bisexual, 13. Spread around the school like a gigantic rumour. When i was 14 and decided that I had wrongly labelled myself, I told a few of my friends that I was gay, but it was kept more private than before.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
My friends were reassuring, they thought it was cool and were totally fine with it. When my whole 'bisexual' coming out happened, i just questioned a lot by people around school, people would ask me questions questions questions. Yes, there was a lot of talking about me behind my back, and I know that some of those people said mean things about me, and it hurt at first but I don't care as much now, they don't understand what Im going through.
I havent told my parents, but i told my sister (when i was bisexual), it took so much courage but she accepted me completely.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Well, it's a hard thing to do, figuring yourself out. And i know that its easier to try and label yourself, but it does take time to think it over, be sure of your feelings. Even if you cant find a label for yourself, just think that you are you, and you'll find yourself when the time is right.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 12th 2009, 05:32 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality? I am 99.99% sure that I am a lesbian but for some reason I can'y say I am positive on that just quite yet.
2.At what age did you first start questioning? I started questioning my sexuality when I was in 7th grade so I was 13, and it went on and off up to 9th grade and then it never went away.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans? Just the way I feel when I'm around some girls that I like.
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex? I was never in a relationship with another girl athough I have done things with another girl and this was last year when I was 16/17.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans? I don't really know how to awnser this question for you because like I said I can't fully say I am 100% lesbian.
5.When did "come out"? I wouldn't neccaseryly call it coming out, I told some people when I was in 9th grade that I thought I was bi. Last year I told my grandparents I might like girls and of course the girl I did things with noes
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different? Well when I told my ex-friend/Boy-friend(only guy I was every really atracted too) That I thought I was bi he just looked at me and said I was just copying him and another one of are friends. When I told my grandpa I think that I like girls he just looked at me and said know I think its you just don't trust guys. So know one actually believes me so I will just keep it to myself from now on until im completley sure and maybe even in a relationship.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Yeah honestly don't rush thing they will probley work out themself because honestly you don't need to put a lable on yourself at all. Look at me I started questioning in 7th grade and now am in 12th and still not 100% sure. So just take your time explore and don't rush
If you ever need to talk I am here and can try and help as best as I can.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 01:54 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I am a lesbian.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
My best guy- friend, who was a year and a half older than me, and I always talked about his 'sexual life'. And it always interested me when he would talk about the girls.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Ive tied both genders, many times. And I just couldnt do the guy thing. It was just way to weird for me to be with a guy.

5.When did "come out"
Grandma, 16. Mom, 16. Sister, 18. Dad, 20.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
My mom freaked out, and told me that I was going through a phase. My sister told me that she hated me and that I was discusting. My grandma hugged me and was very happy! I actually lost a lot of friends when people at school found out.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
I agree with everything said above. "Its better to be hated for you are, than loved for who your not." <Thats what I live by.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 02:15 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
My sexuality changes with the weather, I swear. Sometimes I identify as gay, sometimes pansexual, bi-sexual, I feel sexuality is very fluid. Homoflexible is my favorite term I usually explain myself as. Mostly gay with exceptions though. =)
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Probably around 15. I questioned fairly late compared to the rest of my LGBT friends.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Honestly, a game of Truth or Dare. I had never identified as 'straight' but never thought about being otherwise.
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
I haven't yet had a serious relationship with someone of the same sex.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
It wasn't a huge "aha" moment. I just was like, whoa, I like girls, I'd prefer to marry a girl. At the end of the day, I want to go to bed with a girl. And that was that.
5.When did "come out"
Honestly, every day for the rest of my life I'll have to come out. I came out to my parents about a year ago. Some of my friends know, but now I'm at the point where if you ask, I'll tell you the truth. Otherwise I will sport my rainbow and gay pride shit. <3
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Some people do treat me differently. My parents were a bit iffy at first but now they're right behind me in the political world and the general LGBT community.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Basically that it's okay to question. You don't need a label. It's okay to be whoever you are. You'll still be loved whether you're straight, gay, or anywhere on the spectrum.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 05:08 AM

Ooo, a survey! Fun. :3

1. Bisexual.

2. Hard question. I started really considering it, or questioning it, around December of '08, when I was 15. Looking back, though, I've always kind of been a little attracted to other guys no matter how much I tried to hide it.

3. I think it just took a lot of thinking, looking things up, and I finally decided on Bi around February.

4. July. It lasted a month, with a guy I had about the biggest crush ever on for about three months. It got too awkward, though, and we called it off about a month later.

5. It's kind of hard to explain. It's different for everyone, but for me I think it was when I seriously decided that I would like a relationship with the same sex.

5. The last week of Sophmore year, about Early June.

6. My closest friends already knew, but everyone I've told has been completely supportive, save for my mother. No other family members of mine know yet, and she didn't take it fantastically, but anyway.

7. Just follow your heart, and don't let the opinions of others affect you, follow your own path.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 07:31 AM

Okay then. = ]
1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I would say lesbian/homosexual.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Nothing, really. Just frequent thoughts that got more annoying, and finally I began sorting through them and realised...

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I realised I just couldn't honestly picture myself in a relationship with a guy, and that I don't find them attractive. Girls, however... there's another story.

5.When did "come out"
I haven't. This is all pretty recent. But I don't really want to keep it a secret. I'm fine with it. So I think I'll come out next year.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Take your time, don't shy away from your feelings, and don't try to hide how you feel either.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 03:39 PM

I will go ahead and answer this. I never really have answered these questions before haha.

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Maybe 15.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I didn't realize until i def was until like summer 2007. so i was 16.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Just a feeling. The relationship i got into secured that i felt that way.

5.When did "come out"
I don't know.. My mom found out soon after my first relationship with a girl. My dad never knew, but i don't think he would have had a problem with it.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Shocked.... and yeah i lost a lot of friends.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Take all the time you need(:

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 03:51 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Bi or possibly pansexual
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I had a pretty good idea a few months before my 13th birthday
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I could visualise myself in a relationship with a girl more easily than i could see myself with a guy
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
June. It lasted 12 days =(
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Falling head-over-heels for one of my female friends
6.When did "come out"?
I started the process September of 2008
7.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
My family members that know (I haven't told my grandparents, older cousins, or uncles/aunts) have been fine with it, most of my friends are, although some are a bit 'off' with me; one hasn't really spoken to me since, although we weren't exactly close before.
8.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Don't tell people if you aren't completely sure yourself

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 03:56 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Sexual partners and relationships

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Relationship: 18? Sexual activity: 16.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Through having a relationship/ doing sexual activities with someone of the same and opposite sex

5.When did "come out"
Haven't fully. But when I had just got into university- so I was aged 18

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Friends- were curious/ they sort of knew anyway? Family- still don't know.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Only you know about yourself. Don't let anyone influence your descisions. Take time! Don't rush to give yourself a label.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 13th 2009, 06:29 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
100% Pansexual. Always have been, alwasy will be.
Definition- A person who is physically, romantically, and/or emotionally attracted to anybody regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation. This sexuality actively acknowledges attraction to trans people, while bisexuality does not. J

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I started actively questioning when I was 14. Until then I had always thought it was normal. Lol.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Well one day I just decided to call myself bi… but I didn’t really tell anyone. It wasn’t a secret, I just didn’t think it was that big of a deal. I was 16. I guess you could say I’ve always been very confident with my sexuality.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
This past summer.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I just… idk. When I was little I had always wanted to marry a girl, and had a huge crush on my best friend, as well as the little boy in my Sunday school class. I always knew, I just didn’t care… or feel the need to label it until I was older.

6.When did you "come out."?
It wasn’t like I changed or anything… I was always the same old me. Why did I need to tell anyone? Most people know because I’ve had a girlfriend, though. Lol.

7. How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Friends- They didn’t care.
Family- They hate it, but they don’t try to make me into someone I’m not. They don’t force me.
Church friends… very few know. Its just something I think they’d be better off not knowing.

8.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Life happens, hun. You can’t change who you are. If you want to date a girl, date a girl. If you want to date a boy, date a boy. You don’t have to put yourself into a mold, and it doesn’t really matter anyways.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 14th 2009, 11:04 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I really don't know. During senior school though.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Being with people

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Relationship 17, I think.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Through how I felt being with people

5.When did "come out"
To most of my friends when I went to uni, and a few the year before and then to my family on my A level results day. I'd sort of hinted at it before, but it was only then that I 'properly' 'came out'.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Family - my brother was really supportive, my mum ' but I want grandchildren'
Friends - 'Ooh that gives us an excuse to go to a gay bar' again, really supportive and accepting.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Don't rush and let yourself question, it's okay!
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 14th 2009, 02:02 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Bisexual. With a tendancy for girls.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
11 or 12

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
After I got out of 3 back to back abusive relationships with guys, I felt more at home and comfortable with girls.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I was alot happier with girls than I could ever be with a guy.

5.When did "come out"
About that... I told my dad and we was okay with it, my brother just kinda found out because I was sleeping with his best friend. Other than that, for my "protection" my dad has locked me in the closet 'till his parents pass. =/

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Most of my friends were completely cool with it and happy as long as I was. Not that many of my family know, because they're real religious, and homophobic. The only way I've been treated different is with my friends just making small jokes at me about comming on to them.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Just be yourself.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 15th 2009, 05:27 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I don't particularly like lables, but since I am a female that loves only females, I would be a lesbian.
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
When I was 11 my cousin asked me if I was bi and I thought about it for a while and realized I was. At 13 I dated a girl and my likings for guys just kind of disappeared after that.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
When I was 13

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
After I dated a girl when I was 13 and realized that I didn't feel the same way about guys.

5.When did "come out"
When I was 13 I wrote my mother a letter. She kind of blurt it to my dad. My brother found a lot of videos I made about gay rights and just assumed I was gay.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
My father was perfectly fine with it. My mother-in a sense- refused to believe it, saying "you're too young to know!" and my brother was a complete jerk about it calling me "dyke" and saying "why don't you act like a girl and go out with a guy?!"

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
It's just something you have to get through. You jut have to know that eventually you will come to terms with it. So even if it's hard not to stress out, try your best not to stress out about it. Lables don't matter and as I said, you'll eventually come to terms on what your sexual preference is.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 15th 2009, 06:34 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
bisexual but i do like guys more
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
somewhere between 7 and 9
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
it never really occured to me that likeing guys and girls was bisexual until i got to 8th grade and dating was like a big thing
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
uhmm at the end of my 9th grade year
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
See Question 3.
5.When did "come out"
I haven't really "come out" i mean my friends know and a few family members but i dont think its that big a deal
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
ive only told a few family members and it doesnt bother them and surprisingly im running out straight friends
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
your sexuality no ones business but yourselves, if dey dont like it den bump 'em
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 15th 2009, 11:44 PM

Hey x

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I think Ive kinda always known that I wud either turn out bi or lesbian, its jus something thats always been there, something Ive always known some how, as far back as I can remember I've liked girls as well as guys, My first kiss was wit a girl. even Some family members have always sed that they fort I wud turn out lesbian, (but no one knows cept 2 ppl, one of my family, other close friend) lol.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
having crushes on girls alot, but guys also, You cud say "experimenting" with a old friend of mine when I was like 9/10yrs old, my first kiss with the same girl!.. one of us moved away n we dont really talk much now, but for like 2/3 yrs I dint realli think to much about my sexuality, Then I went to high school n Since then I've always dated guys, I fell madly inlove with my best friend about a yr ago, we've had our "moments" u could say "of messing around", But we are both in relationships with guys.... I guess getting close with my best friend as I did with the other girl when I was younger, it kinda triggered them thoughts back n I realised that yh This is the way I was n I came out as Bi.... which the ppl who know are totally cool with it.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
10 It wasnt actually a relationship, TBH I dont really no wot it was, cos I dnt think we actually knew wot we was doing, we was just friends, guess we jus liked eachother, we was just to young to understand it I guess. wot can I say " I kissed a girl and I liked it!"

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Just something I guess I always knew, just I dint embrace it till now

5.When did "come out"
may 09 to my best friend n then about a week later to my sister.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
My family dont all know yet, but the ppl who no dont treat me any different, it hasnt changed A thing between us

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Be yourself, dont worry to much about it, You'll find out in time, n when u do dnt b scared, embrace it, if no ones likes the way you are, then it doesnt matter, ppl dnt like wot they cnt understand, its none of there business, its ur life, its wot makes u happy not them, n if they dnt like it then it doesnt matter, as long as ur comfortable with yourself then no one else's opinions/ criticisms matter!!
Pm me anytime xxx
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 16th 2009, 02:32 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I consider myself to be bisexual.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Now, this is a loaded question. I think that you can't "chose" to be gay and that you are born this way. Therefore, supporting that, you'd say I've known all my life. I have known. When I was a child, I always remember looking at women and thinking they're pretty or wanting to kiss the girls on the playground. However, I was not raised in a tolerant household. I pushed those feelings aside because that was not what my family considered to the norm. I wanted to follow their standards and be a good daughter, pleasing my father. When I was about 14 however, I started to question everything I'd ever believed and realized that the feelings I had for women were real and not something that I could push aside.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I'd probably say that I came to the grand conclusion that I was bisexual when I became involved with a female friend from the internet (that sounds so awful, but it wasn't). Needless to say, she really opened me up to things because she is a lesbian. Without her, I would have struggled a lot more.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
I haven't had a real relationship with a woman. As mentioned in the prior question, I was involved with a girl for sometime when I was about fourteen.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I think that I came to the conclusion because of the "can of worms" she opened up with that. I'm not complaining, because I would have realized it eventually. I was bisexual all along, my feelings were just shoved under a rug because of the beliefs that were instilled in me since I was a small child.

5.When did "come out"?
Ah, another tough question. I've never officially "came out". My family has no idea. I've told some friends, some friends have just figured it out you know? On Facebook, however, I do have my profile set to say that I am interested in both men and women. I am friends with a couple of my teachers and girls that I have coached on softball teams. That is hidden from them, but for the most part everyone can view it.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Well, I've had a lot of guys refuse to date me because of it. Not that it matters, because if they are prejudiced like that then I wouldn't have been interested in the first place. For the most part, things have stayed the same. I do have some girl friends who don't/won't change in front of me for gym or whatever. With a lot of straight girls, I'm not even attracted to them because I know there is no chance so why bother?

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Experiment. Step out there. Talk to someone. Get your emotions on paper. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who you are attracted to. Don't feel the need to instantly stick a label on yourself. Just be comfortable with who you are, regardless of your sexuality.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 16th 2009, 02:50 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I'd say I'm bisexual, but i'm not 100% sure. I know I've been in love with a guy, and i've been in love with a girl. I have a stronger attraction to males, I wouldn't be surprised or upset if i turned out gay.
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
fifteen years old.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I started falling in love with a very close friend of mine, he was two years younger and i never told him, he still doesn't know
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Still haven't had one, I've never had a real relationship though, heart break is terrible and im too worried it will happen again.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I still don't know 100% who i am.
5.When did "come out"
My friends have known i questioned my sexuality since i was 16, my parents knew since 17.
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Some of my friends said cool, some said they were okay with it (some said so, but weren't) and my parents were pretty accepting, a bit shocked.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
well, I'm still not sure myself, but all I can say is don't let labels ruin your life, you are who you are, thats all that matters.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 16th 2009, 05:37 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Bisexual. (Although I lean more towards guys than girls.)
2.At what age did you first start questioning?

Properly, sixteen. I'd always wondered about it though from eleven or so.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

I'd always been a bit worried when I was hitting puberty that I wanted to kiss girls and found them interesting. When I was fifteen I started drunkenly kissing same-sex friends, though that was literally all it was. However at sixteen I had a dream about being with a girl and then I really started questioning myself... especially when I began to want to kiss girls more and more and actually started to like a particular girl.
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

Emmm...not yet really. I had a sort of thing last year but for various reasons we couldn't develop it into a relationship. I've been with my boyfriend for a long time so in a way I haven't really had the chance.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

It got to the stage where I realised I wasn't really wondering anymore ~ I was pretty sure.
5.When did "come out"

A year and a half ago, when I was seventeen.
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?

Friends: totally normal. I think they'd been suspectting for a while, and they knew I'd been tryin to figure it out. Family were a bit more difficult; took me a much longer time to come out to them and i think they're still convinced it's a 'phase'.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?

Don't worry about finding a label for yourself, and don't be afraid to experiement as much as you can. Eventually you'll just know. Don't force yourself into a box of 'gay' or 'straight'.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 16th 2009, 07:06 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I guess bisexual

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Probably 14/15.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans
In grade eight I had feelings for a girl, but thought nothing of it and assumed I was straight. Then in grade ten I had really strong feelings for another girl and clued in that I wasn't straight.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
I haven't had one yet, but one may be in the near future

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I am still not completely sure. For the most part I like girls, but I can be attracted to guys. I guess I am bisexual but I'm not too fond of labels.

5.When did "come out"
I told a few close friends, and then eventually changed my interested in on facebook. I don't really go around announcing my sexuality to people but if they ask me about it, I will tell them.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
My friends were all great, and didn't treat me any differently. My family I haven't told, and have no idea as to how they would react.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Don't rush into labeling yourself. Embrace your current feelings.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 16th 2009, 10:13 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
My current sexuality is bisexual, and it's definitely set in stone. I know that I would never be straight, and I could never give up girls, lol.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Well the first time I can remember ever feeling different was when I thought I was in love with my friend named Alex (a girl) in 1st grade. It's weird looking back and understanding what that could've meant then, but of course, everything was so innocent then, you can't really say for sure. I definitely started questioning for real when I was 15.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Well I started to fantasize about girls, and at first it really freaked me out, but I was already very into the LGBT community and had already considered myself a straight ally. As I learned more about the community I guess I just was more comfortable with the fact that I too, might be a part of it.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
I wouldn't call it a relationship. Friends with benefits, and it started in March 2009 and ended in June 2009.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I honestly don't remember. It wasn't like a black and white kind of thing. It took a while to conclude that I was bisexual because for a while I thought I might've been a lesbian. Sexuality is confusing, that's for sure. Also, I really did not want to be anything other than straight. Even though I was a "straight" ally, I couldn't imagine myself as being any kind of gay. I remember writing in my journal about it, and how I couldn't believe that I could be gay. That was a moment for me that I really looked at myself and said, "What am I saying?". I just didn't want to feel so sad about it anymore, and I finally accepted it.

5.When did "come out"
Came out to the first person in January 2009. Included the rest of my friends gradually over the next few weeks, and I'm pretty sure all of them know now.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
The only friend of mine who treated me differently was one of my best friends. She gets "freaked out" by lesbians, and I think she thought that I liked her or something. She eventually apologized for it and now we're all good again. My other friends did not, because they're all straight allies pretty much.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Being gay/bisexual/lesbian is just kind of something you know. All I want to tell people is don't hate yourself for being gay or for even questioning your sexuality. You are who you are, and you cannot change that.

And a little bit of advice about coming out: it's ultimately your decision when you want to do it, and don't do it for anyone else but yourself. It will be a better experience for you and for everyone else involved if you're doing it because you WANT to.

"We all become important when we realize our goal should be to figure out our role within the context of the whole."

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’cause everybody’s different
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 18th 2009, 08:01 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
-I would say that I am a lesbian that is genderqueer.
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I started to question things when I was about 5yrs old.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
-I guess I started dress in my brothers clothes and felt soothing but it wasn't the right feeling and I didn't like men because of a childhood thing that happened, and I had a big feeling for boobs basically.
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
-I havent had one yet because I cant find that person that i can relate to.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
-I finally concluded this when I started to see a therapist and started to get suicidal.
5.When did "come out"
-I came out my junior year of high school.
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
-When I came out, I was kicked out of my home, and lost many of my friends. But it was the most helpful thing because it helped me find my true friends who stood with me thru this. And those that stood with me but where not extremely supportive, would treat me as if I am a different person entirely just cause I was dressing in differently and I didnt really have the the same feelings as they did.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
-Trust your gut! It is always right!

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 18th 2009, 03:57 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I guess I've always known, from a very young age, that I liked girls as well as boys.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Had a physical relationship with one of my girl friends when I was about 12 so that kind of put the nail in the coffin.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
First physical relationship was when I was 12. But proper one was when I was 15.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I think I just knew.

5.When did "come out"?
Dint really come out, my demeanor just let people know that I like girls as well as boys.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
No they dint, they were just relieved that they could finally ask me and talk to me about it properly.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Try it out, do a test drive. Can't know until you try.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 19th 2009, 11:55 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Bisexual.Sometimes I'm attracted more to girls than boys.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Around the ages of 12-13.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Ummm I've had little crushes on some girls,plus I've had my first boyfriend and my first kiss was with a girl.Something I truly liked.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
I haven't had a relationship with a girl yet,but I think I'm going to have one soon,wish me luck

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Like I said before,I've had crushes and have a crush on a girl now.Also-I kissed a girl once and I liked it.So by the time I was 14 years old(more like the time that I was about to turn 15),I realized I'm bi.

5.When did "come out"?
I didn't yet.I've come out to a few close friends and to my cousin who appears to be one of my best friends too.They took it really good.
Two of my best friends took it alright,one of them had the suspect a long time ago and the other one came out to me before,saying she was bisexual so I told her too.
I'm considering coming out to all my friends,but not to my parents.
If I'll come out any time soon it will be to my brother.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
One of my best friends is uncomfortable when I talk about stuff like those,but she accepts me.
My friend told me she was bisexual too.
My cousin asked a few times "are you sure?" and said she accepts me and loves me for who I am,and no matter what,she'll support me always.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
If you're not sure yet,just try.It won't hurt,right?
If you're sure but still not ready to come out,take your time,and take it easy and no matter what people say,be sure it will be okay.Always.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 20th 2009, 03:24 PM

1.Lesbian - dual spirit.
2. middle school, so twelve thirteen
3.Meet my first girlfriend.
4.my senior year of high school
5.When i fell in love with my first girlfriend
5. over the course of the year 2007 and i'm still coming out to family
6.Everyone was pretty accepting, haven't felt to much discrimination.
7. take your and don't rush to label yourself. Labels aren't that important anyway.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 22nd 2009, 05:52 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?

Bisexual for now. Possibly lesbian, but I'm going to give myself time on that one.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

About twelve when I realized that the way I looked at and thought of girls was similar to the way most girls think of boys.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

Multiple female crushes kind of led up to it. I just realized after awhile that it wasn't just admiration that I was experiencing.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

I was 13, but I wouldn't really consider it a relationship since both of us were just curious and experimenting.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

Same as #3. After the third big crush I finally gave up and decided there was no point in trying to deny that I am attracted to women anymore.

5.When did "come out"

I came out to my friend a couple years ago, and she was cool with it. Then I came out to my sister. The only other places I've come out are online communities. I'm not afraid to come out to my family and I know they wouldn't judge me, I just feel like it would make things awkward.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?

Like I said, the people I've told were totally cool with it. Nothing changed in our relationships at all.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?

Don't be afraid of experimentation. If you think you have feelings for someone of the same sex and they feel the same way, don't be afraid to try a relationship. It's not the end of the world if it doesn't work out or if you end up not being gay after all. If anything, it will help you to define your sexuality. Don't rush it, though. If you're not sure what to say, just say you're undecided.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - November 22nd 2009, 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by Bonjour View Post
Hey Lately I have been seriously questioning my sexuality. it's hard, but i am really lucky to have a supportive family and friends. I would really appreciate it if some of you guys would take the time to fill out my spiffy LGBT questionnaire. It would really help to hear from people who have gone through this. If a question is a bit too personal, be free to skip it. Thanks!

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
5.When did "come out"
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?

Thanks again
I'm Gay

I started questioning at the end of seventh grade

What made me first star questioning was this girl on my soccer team who I reallt liked, and then we watched a video in health

The first person I came out to was in eighth grade, and in ninth grade I came out to pretty much all of my friends

for those who are still questioning take your time to decide and once your sure and comfortable with youself then tell people.
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - December 1st 2009, 09:45 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
I am a Bi girl and I am dating a guy
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
Age 10
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
best female friend came out and several bi girls admitted "feeling" for me and realized i had "feelings" for some
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Still have not had one in start of friends w/benefits relationship with female friend who is bi
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
When i was watching a show on tv and noticed i was getting turned on by the girls and then when i went to school and got turned on by my friend
5.When did "come out"
Very recently
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Some of my friends know but not all and i still havent told my family
my friends that know are cool with it (even the girls)
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
If you question being straight try being gay/bi/leb/trans/pan ect.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - December 1st 2009, 10:01 PM

1. How would you describe your current sexuality? I've kind of given up labelling it. But if anyone asks I'll say bisexual if I can't be bothered to explain.
2. At what age did you first start questioning? 11/12ish most girls my age went on about guys they had crushes on and I felt strange/left out as I didn't like any guys then. I also had a strange attraction to Kelly from Saved By The Bell lol =))
3. What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans? My first boyfriend helped me come to terms with it. When he told me he was bisexual I said it didn't bother me and it got me thinking about my own sexuality, so I also "come out" as bisexual.
4. When was your first relationship with someone the same sex? I haven't had one as of yet. Still looking aha.
5. How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans? The convo I had with my boyfriend helped me realise.
5.When did "come out" When I was 15. I still haven't really "come out" to my parents. I'll do it when/if I get a girlfriend.
6. How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different? My best friend at the time just told me to keep it quiet as I used to get bullied and she was worried people would bully me more, surprisingly nobody did. My friends treated me the same.
7. Any tips for those who are still questioning? You don't have to label yourself as anything, I find going with the flow and not thinking about it as much more helpful.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - December 1st 2009, 11:21 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
2.At what age did you first start questioning?
11 was about when I first started wondering, before then I'd always though it was normal.
3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Liking/ feeling attracted to both boys and girls.
4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Haven't had one.
5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Just, like I said, feeling attracted to both boys and girls.
5.When did "come out"
Erm, hard to answer question actually. I haven't officially "come out", but I quite often correct my dad ( and have done so for years) when he talks about me having a husband in the future and remind him it could be a wife too. Since my dad it totally supportive of LGBT rights, he really couldn't care less which it is. I still haven't even hinted to anyone but my dad and brother though.
6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
No, they could care less.
7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Don't feel the need to rush in figuring it out, take your time.

If you are LGBT, then take your time with coming out. And give those around you some time to adjust to it, if they seem akward.
Hope this helps! ^-^

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - December 2nd 2009, 11:43 AM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Bisexual, but leaning towards homosexual.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I think I was about 9, but obviously didn't completely understand back then. It wasn't until I was about 14 that I seriously started thinking about it.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
I had crushes on girls since I was about 9, and rarely on boys. That kind of hinted something. xD

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
About two years ago.

5.When did "come out"
I've only come out to a few friends. Started to about a year ago.

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
Friends are fine. Family don't know and I have no intentions of telling them any time soon.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Just give it time. No need to rush into labels.. it's just confusing!
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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - December 3rd 2009, 09:22 PM

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
For me, I consider myself bisexual, though I tend to still question that sometimes. Keep in mind I'm a girl in a relationship with another girl. ^^

2.At what age did you first start questioning?
I believe around 12. I really didn't understand what was happening, but I really looked up to one girl that was a year ahead of me. We were on the same softball team, and she just looked... perfect to me. It wasn't like "omg you're pretty" but just..something more.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Quite honestly, I still find it hard to label myself bisexual. I knew I had feeling for my girlfriend, and didn't quite understand them. Still sometimes I question myself. But the way I felt when she said certain things and talked to me... yeah it kind of came out. So I guess that would be when I admitted to my girlfriend I liked her.

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?
Right now. ^^

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Dating my girlfriend xD

5.When did "come out"
To anyone in real life? Not yet, but I came out to my girlfriend's cousin right after she came out to me that she had a crush on her best friend. xD

6.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?
No one really... no one yet.

7.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Trust me, these are confusing feelings. I would say don't try and deny it to yourself. I did this, and really regret pushing it down and down when it really needed to come out.

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Re: Questions for the LGBT communtiy - December 3rd 2009, 09:42 PM

I don't know if I count, seeing as I still don't really have a clue.

1.How would you describe your current sexuality?
Um... Gay. Gay as a boy and as a girl. Right this very second that is what I am saying I am. I can't really decide... Bi I guess, but its more my masculine thoughts go towards boys and my feminine ones to girls.

2.At what age did you first start questioning?

I dunno. I may have been for a long time or just since grade 9. I'm very 'go with the flow' and cool with everything- so I never really noticed.

3.What events lead up to the point where you decided you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?
Long conversations with one of my good friends (more than one actually), a crush on a few girls, dating a boy, life? I don't know how to answer that~ ^^

4.When was your first relationship with someone the same sex?

None really yet. I have joked with female friends, and I had a year (maybe 2?) or so long crush on a female friend (who identifies as a man). Umm... None yet I'll say because I can't think of one.

5.How did you finally conclude/know that you where lesbian/gay/bi/trans?

I don't know for sure. I still haven't concluded, maybe cause I really don't know for sure or the finality of it.

6.When did "come out"
I haven't really yet I don't think. A few people know because of strange questions I ask them, but I don't think I'll 'come out' just yet (or maybe ever)- Just being is fun

7.How did your friends and family act when they heard? Did people treat you different?

Nope~ Not that I've noticed

8.Any tips for those who are still questioning?
Just go with it, roll with it have fun- don't let people get you down. Thats it really ^^;;
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