When I was ten I met my first queer person(my current boyfriend). At the time, he was nonbinary(now transgender FtM). I started researching about the LGBTQIA2S+ community, and I found the label transgender. I looked up stories and information on the identity and realized that I wasn't cis. At first, I identified as Non-binary, since I didn't know if I wanted to be a boy. As I started to dress more masculine and bind my chest I realized that I felt great that way. When people accidentally called me a he I died of happiness. I always wondered after puberty why I hated having boobs. I asked some female adults I know if they ever wish their boobs were just...gone and all of them said they never felt that. I knew I was different after that. I played with trucks and cars when I was younger rather than Barbie dolls and toy houses. I slowly realized that I was transmasculine. Then here comes sexuality into play. I knew I liked boys. I had always known that. But there were some times that I thought that since I wanted to be a boy I HAD to like girls, and that's when I found the label Gay MLM. Now I'm in a happy relationship with my boyfriend of 2 months, we're both trans gay guys, therians, and happy to be ourselves. We both have suffered from self-harm and suicidal ideation but we're both recovered. It took me two years to find myself, and I'm still changing to this day. Honestly, it feels amazing to be able to share my story and I hope it helps others to find their identity. If you have any questions feel free to
PM me<3