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Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 21st 2013, 10:36 PM

So I'm bisexual. I want to end up with a woman. The only reason that I'm not a lesbian is because of band members. You might already know that because I have posted here before. I feel that there is nothing wrong with being an LGBT and I don't think that it should be a sin.

I found this on Yahoo Answers:

Everyone is born with there own sexual orientation just like there born with there gender, its NEVER a choice, its no different then being born with a birthmark, I cant believe how stupid people on here can be. Homosexuality is totally unrelated to pedophilia, for one thing 97% of pedophiles are STRAIGHT MARRIED MEN! also Pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, all end with a PHILIA, does homosexuality end with a Philia? Homophilia? NO! Being gay is NOT a sin either, God made special people Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian & even Transgender for a reason, because he wanted us to spread peace in this cruel world, Also if being gay was a sin, why isn't it in the 10 commandments? The bible was written by MORTAL men NOT God or Jesus, also theres a GAY LOVE story, DAVID & JOHN! Marriage is based on 2 people that love eachother regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, skin color. Besides straight people get married for the wrong reasons, money, fame, kids, etc, thats why 51% of heterosexual marriages FAIL! I can't believe people go out of there way to discriminate Gods words, the same way they used his words to support slavery, the holocaust & even make woman look like Dogs compared to men. Thank you girl, for staying true to yourself & standing up for what you believe, Your parents must be proud to have a responsible, respectful mature daughter, & F*C* the haters!

Any thoughts?

Also, don't tell me that I can change and 'become strait' or any shit like that.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 12:57 AM

A thing I hear quite often is "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" and upholding the "purity" of marriage, yada yada. I think the whole thing they're trying to say, but someone should correct me if I'm wrong, is that God created a male-female pair for a reason and so it's "unnatural" to have anything else.

Do I agree with it? No. But I think that's the reasoning, but I also have a very limited understanding of religion either and I'm also not straight.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 01:35 AM

I don't care if The Bible does or doesn't involve a homosexual relationship of its own. If you have feelings for a man or a woman, someone who identifies as male or female, or any other gender identity, then that's none of my business or anyone else's apart from you and your partner's. Love isn't a sin.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 01:49 AM

Personally, I don't think it's a sin. I'm Christian, and the way I look at it is that God created everyone including LGBTQ+ people. Sexual orientation isn't a choice so how can it be a sin? Also, homosexuality is barely mentioned in the Bible, and where it is mentioned refers to a completely different time when the population needed to be increased which wouldn't happen if everyone was with the same sex. To keep it simple.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 07:15 AM

Thank you all
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by Terabithia. View Post
A thing I hear quite often is "God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" and upholding the "purity" of marriage, yada yada. I think the whole thing they're trying to say, but someone should correct me if I'm wrong, is that God created a male-female pair for a reason and so it's "unnatural" to have anything else.
This is the reasoning, but it's rather flawed to say the least. The Bible forbids interracial marriage and condones slavery, sexism, murder and infanticide - God got over all these things changing, didn't he?

To answer the question, though: being LGBT shouldn't be a sin...but what really is a sin anyway? Isn't it something invented by religion in the first place?

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 05:58 PM

Originally Posted by Adam the Fish View Post

This is the reasoning, but it's rather flawed to say the least. The Bible forbids interracial marriage and condones slavery, sexism, murder and infanticide - God got over all these things changing, didn't he?

To answer the question, though: being LGBT shouldn't be a sin...but what really is a sin anyway? Isn't it something invented by religion in the first place?
Since when does the bible forbid interracial marriage. Marriage is forbidden between Jew and non-Jew but you could be "adopted" in.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 08:50 PM

I personally don't think that people should follow a two thousand year old book written on the ideals of an ancient society in which the murder of a slave deserved no punishment as the loss of the slave is punishment enough, when said book has caused war, murder, suicide, racism, sexism and homophobia, to name but a few.
But that's just my opinion
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 22nd 2013, 10:03 PM

Originally Posted by Up In The Clouds View Post
Since when does the bible forbid interracial marriage. Marriage is forbidden between Jew and non-Jew but you could be "adopted" in.
Nice glazing over the other fun things like sexism and racism.

Anyway, try Deuteronomy 7. In any case, why the hell would we care what religion said or says anyway? Marriage is a civil, state matter, not one for a bunch of people following millenia-old laws from a book written by some random, largely illiterate desert-dwellers to decide.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by Adam the Fish View Post

Nice glazing over the other fun things like sexism and racism.

Anyway, try Deuteronomy 7. In any case, why the hell would we care what religion said or says anyway? Marriage is a civil, state matter, not one for a bunch of people following millenia-old laws from a book written by some random, largely illiterate desert-dwellers to decide.
I never suggested we let the bible determine civil law and sexism is irrelevant to your point.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 08:34 AM

I personally don't see being LGBT as a sin. While I'm on the fence about what I believe, one thing that I know for sure is that I'm bisexual with a stronger preference for women. Even when I did identify as a Christian, I felt that my sexuality did not affect my relationship with God and that, at the end of the day, he would accept me for the way that I was.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 10:43 AM

Originally Posted by Up In The Clouds View Post
I never suggested we let the bible determine civil law and sexism is irrelevant to your point.
The original point where I responded to Dez was pertaining to marriage, ie. a civil matter.

My point regarding sexism (etc.) was that the Bible is so full of immoral things that we probably would be ill-advised to look to it for any sort of moral guidance.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by Adam the Fish View Post
Marriage is a civil, state matter, not one for a bunch of people following millenia-old laws from a book written by some random, largely illiterate desert-dwellers to decide.
While marriage can be a state matter, it doesn’t have to be. Sometimes people get married via the court in a completely secular setting. Sometimes people get married in a religious ceremony only, that would not be consider legal by the state. Some people do both and are legally married by a state official and married in a religious ceremony (like I did). It just depends on what the couple wants to do.

There are plenty of people in America alone that are married religiously where it is not recognized by the state. Take for example polygamous groups. They consider themselves truly married and bound to one another by God, but that would not be reflected by state laws.

But, at the end of the day, whichever ceremony or commitment you choose to go with is your own personal choice and it’s between you and God. If you want to marry someone outside of the legal system then I say go for it. It won’t be recognized by the state, but that doesn’t mean you can’t commit yourself to someone you love.

In my personal opinion marriage should not be a legal/non legal thing. It should remain a spiritual connection. The government should not get to decide who is worthy of being with another person the rest of their life. But that’s probably not going to happen so I am all for making gay marriage legal. I am also all for making polygamy legal as I think grown adults should be able to marry whomever they like. (But that’s another topic.)

Originally Posted by YoUcAnCaLlMeInSaNe View Post
. I feel that there is nothing wrong with being an LGBT and I don't think that it should be a sin.
While I am not Christian, my understanding of the religion is that as long as you accept Jesus Christ as your savoir and try to do your best to be a good person, the rest of it is just earthly matters.

I personally do not think God cares who you are with as long as you are good to them and they are good to you. I really do think it is that simple.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by YoUcAnCaLlMeInSaNe View Post
So I'm bisexual. I want to end up with a woman. The only reason that I'm not a lesbian is because of band members. You might already know that because I have posted here before. I feel that there is nothing wrong with being an LGBT and I don't think that it should be a sin.

I found this on Yahoo Answers:

Everyone is born with there own sexual orientation just like there born with there gender, its NEVER a choice, its no different then being born with a birthmark, I cant believe how stupid people on here can be. Homosexuality is totally unrelated to pedophilia, for one thing 97% of pedophiles are STRAIGHT MARRIED MEN! also Pedophilia, necrophilia, zoophilia, all end with a PHILIA, does homosexuality end with a Philia? Homophilia? NO! Being gay is NOT a sin either, God made special people Gay, Bisexual, Lesbian & even Transgender for a reason, because he wanted us to spread peace in this cruel world, Also if being gay was a sin, why isn't it in the 10 commandments? The bible was written by MORTAL men NOT God or Jesus, also theres a GAY LOVE story, DAVID & JOHN! Marriage is based on 2 people that love eachother regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, skin color. Besides straight people get married for the wrong reasons, money, fame, kids, etc, thats why 51% of heterosexual marriages FAIL! I can't believe people go out of there way to discriminate Gods words, the same way they used his words to support slavery, the holocaust & even make woman look like Dogs compared to men. Thank you girl, for staying true to yourself & standing up for what you believe, Your parents must be proud to have a responsible, respectful mature daughter, & F*C* the haters!

Any thoughts?

Also, don't tell me that I can change and 'become strait' or any shit like that.
If you believe the Bible, the Bible seems to imply that humans are born with sin. If this is the case, homosexuality can be something someone is born into.

The Bible also states that humans are slaves to sin, and that only Christ can set us free. If this is the case, then our only ability to cease from any sin is through Christ.

I think the issue is that a lot of Christians condemn one sin in particular. If homosexuality is a sin, it's no more a sin than the greed that is rampant in Churches.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 07:30 PM

I'm really confused.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 23rd 2013, 08:26 PM

What are you confused about?

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 26th 2013, 04:01 AM

Okay, first off, the Bible is not some "ancient book" written by "desert-dwellers."
The Bible is inspired by God, and contain His thoughts, which are higher than ours.
(2Timothy:3:16, 17.) (Isaiah:66:8,9.)

And, yes, as it is written in the Bible, being LGBT is in fact a sin.
Leviticus:18:22: Reads this way: "You must not lie down with a male in the same way that you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable act."

Very clear there.

If you want a "New Testament" reference, here you go.
1 Corinthians:6:9,10: "Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom."

So there you go, plain and simple. According to the Bible, it is a sin.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 26th 2013, 04:13 AM

There you have it. Kay nailed it.

I think it all really depends on what you define as a "sin".
Therefore, I don't think you can answer the question because everyone's view of a sin is completely different and unique to them.

But in my personal opinion, I believe it is a sin, like Kay stated above.
I'm not against LGBT in any way, I just agree with what the bible says. Plain and simple.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 27th 2013, 12:31 AM

If your actions are not harmful (directly or indirectly), who cares what the bible says? If you want an inherently dangerous and immoral way of living, follow all of the (613) original commandments in the bible.

I'm sure a omni-benevolent god would be accepting of the fact that you love another human being. If a god is against love, they are not a benevolent god, and they do not deserve any praise in the first place.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 27th 2013, 07:52 AM

Forgive me if this has changed, but you consider yourself a Christian, right? These viewpoints don't support that claim at all.

Being a Christian isn't about just believing in God, it's actually about giving your life to Him. Being LGBT is most definitely a sin, and God does not like sin.

I find it interesting how many people think that being LGBT or whatever is not a choice, sure, some people are more susceptible to it, but at the end of the day it all comes down to free will, and whether or not you act on your sinful thoughts.

Long story short, it is a sin. No doubt about it.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 27th 2013, 12:25 PM

Originally Posted by MovedByMercy View Post
Forgive me if this has changed, but you consider yourself a Christian, right? These viewpoints don't support that claim at all.
I don't know who this was addressed at, but I'm not. Also, that's a "no true Scotsman" fallacy.

Originally Posted by MovedByMercy View Post

Being a Christian isn't about just believing in God, it's actually about giving your life to Him. Being LGBT is most definitely a sin, and God does not like sin.
I'm sure there are hundreds of things that you do that are considered sinful. I don't see why you'd persecute one group of people for their "sins", but ignore others. It seems a bit hypocritical to me.

Originally Posted by MovedByMercy View Post

I find it interesting how many people think that being LGBT or whatever is not a choice,
If it's a choice, why don't you go ahead and change your sexuality for a day to show us how it's done. Become attracted exclusively to females for a day.

I mean it. Become GENUINELY attracted ONLY to females. Remember, if you just SAY that you're attracted to females, but you really aren't, then you're telling a lie, which is sinful.

Originally Posted by MovedByMercy View Post

sure, some people are more susceptible to it, but at the end of the day it all comes down to free will, and whether or not you act on your sinful thoughts.
You know, here's the problem that I have. Some people claim, "It's okay for you to have homosexual thoughts, as long as you don't do anything that's gay." Regardless of the content of your religious book, that is a bigoted thing to say.

I mean, would you honestly rather have people suppress their homosexual thoughts for the rest of their life? No amount of hoping or praying will make those thoughts go away, and when homosexuality is persecuted so much, it can make people feel pretty depressed and shameful when they're told that they're sinful simply for being themselves. It can make them fear for their life and have nightmares because they're scared of the thought of 'going to hell', because they can't change who they are.

Originally Posted by MovedByMercy View Post

Long story short, it is a sin. No doubt about it.
If somebody chooses to be in a homosexual relationship, it's not harmful to anybody. Can you at least admit that, MovedByMercy?

Last edited by MindBodySpirit; December 27th 2013 at 12:28 PM. Reason: formatting
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 27th 2013, 08:18 PM

I'm not a Christian, but I recently had a conversation with a friend of mine that is Christian about this. She believes that it is a sin, but that it is no worse than the sins we commit every day, such as sexual sin (looking at others in sexual ways) or engaging in sex before marriage. You can still ask for forgiveness and still go to heaven, in her opinion. And I consider her a very strict Christian. This is a view that has changed for her more and more as she's gotten older, as she used to believe they went to hell. But when you meet other people, gay people that have dedicated their lives to helping others and living "the way of God," as we both have friends like that, you really start to wonder why a God would make them that way if they weren't meant to be the way they are.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 27th 2013, 08:57 PM

Originally Posted by Lights. View Post
Okay, first off, the Bible is not some "ancient book" written by "desert-dwellers."
Uhhh...actually, I'm pretty sure it is. It's most certainly ancient, and it looks very much like a book to me. And if you fancy looking up some contextual history...it was written by people who lived rather ignorant lives (as we still do, but to a lesser extent)...in the desert.
Originally Posted by Lights. View Post
The Bible is inspired by God, and contain His thoughts, which are higher than ours.
(2Timothy:3:16, 17.) (Isaiah:66:8,9.)
I would contest this on several points. Firstly, you can't use the Bible to back up the Bible. That would be like me saying that God definitely doesn't exist and pointing to a previous post.

Also...thoughts higher than ours? Point me to one thing in the Bible which humans couldn't think of (you'll be hard pushed, since humans wrote the Bible).
I would argue that modern philosophers (actually, ancient ones too) have brought us to far more meaningful conclusions, whilst science provides us with perhaps not all the answers which religion claims to give...but at least they're vaguely accurate.

Originally Posted by Lights. View Post
[SIZE="4"And, yes, as it is written in the Bible, being LGBT is in fact a sin.
Leviticus:18:22: Reads this way: "You must not lie down with a male in the same way that you lie down with a woman. It is a detestable act."

Very clear there.

If you want a "New Testament" reference, here you go.
1 Corinthians:6:9,10: "Or do you not know that unrighteous people will not inherit God’s Kingdom? Do not be misled. Those who are sexually immoral, idolaters, adulterers, men who submit to homosexual acts, men who practice homosexuality, thieves, greedy people, drunkards, revilers, and extortioners will not inherit God’s Kingdom."

So there you go, plain and simple. According to the Bible, it is a sin.
And this is why the Bible is a) immoral b) not a good source of information as far as guidance for living our lives goes.
The Bible does say that homosexuality is a sin, but first I'd ask you to both justify your belief in the Bible, and what a 'sin' really is: isn't it just a concept created by religion anyway?

And until you can justify the Bible and provide satisfactory evidence as to its validity and relevance, I see no reason why anybody should have to follow it. By all means, feel free to sit within the happy confines of your childhood indoctrination if you want to...but don't force it upon the rest of us. [/size]

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 28th 2013, 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by Adam the Fish View Post

Uhhh...actually, I'm pretty sure it is. It's most certainly ancient, and it looks very much like a book to me. And if you fancy looking up some contextual history...it was written by people who lived rather ignorant lives (as we still do, but to a lesser extent)...in the desert.

I would contest this on several points. Firstly, you can't use the Bible to back up the Bible. That would be like me saying that God definitely doesn't exist and pointing to a previous post.

Also...thoughts higher than ours? Point me to one thing in the Bible which humans couldn't think of (you'll be hard pushed, since humans wrote the Bible).
I would argue that modern philosophers (actually, ancient ones too) have brought us to far more meaningful conclusions, whilst science provides us with perhaps not all the answers which religion claims to give...but at least they're vaguely accurate.

And this is why the Bible is a) immoral b) not a good source of information as far as guidance for living our lives goes.
The Bible does say that homosexuality is a sin, but first I'd ask you to both justify your belief in the Bible, and what a 'sin' really is: isn't it just a concept created by religion anyway?

And until you can justify the Bible and provide satisfactory evidence as to its validity and relevance, I see no reason why anybody should have to follow it. By all means, feel free to sit within the happy confines of your childhood indoctrination if you want to...but don't force it upon the rest of us.
Okay, first off, yes it is a book. It is ancient, but the way in which whoever was speaking of it made it seem like it was not relevant to our lives today-which it is.

I was not forcing anything upon anyone, others agreed with me as well.
This young woman was ASKING about these things, and WANTED references from the Bible to back up our answers, or so she said in a previous post of hers. Thank you very much.

The Bible is not immoral in any way, shape, or form.

I justify my belief in the Bible as God's word.
And yes, the Bible was written by men, humans, but it was only through God's Holy Spirit by which they did so.
If you knew as much as you obviously pretend to about the Bible, you would know the evidence of the scrolls and things written in stone from the first century Christians.

To answer your question, a sin such as homosexuality is something that is directly going against what God requires.
God does not approve of such because God created Adam and Eve, man and woman, to be together.
And it says numerous times in the Bible how homosexuality is a sin and it is a detestable act.
Therefore, if you engage in homosexuality, you are directly disobeying God's laws and that is what I consider a sin.

We are all born "sinners" or "in sin" because of Adam and Eve.
But we have the CHOICE to follow God's laws or not, and therefore we will be judged according to our deeds.

But if we make the CHOICE to disobey God, that is considered lawlessness on our part, which is sinning.
Doing something we know is wrong, something we know would damage our relationship with God.
And we have a choice to do so or not. Because that's how God created us.
We are not "born" a certain way.
Proof of that is in the example of Adam and Eve.
They were perfect, sinless, humans.
But they had their free will.
Just as we all do.
And they sinned against God by not listening to his directions and his laws because they lacked love for God.

So bottom line is, if we love God, and not just fear him, we will do what he asks of us, not bend it to fit what we want.

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and jump in the fire, if it burns you.
I'll throw my arms around you darlin',
and we'll turn to ashes.

Kinda like the way you tell me,
"Baby, please come home. I need you here right now.
I'm crying underwater so you don't hear the sound."

What if I can't forget you?
I'll burn your name into my throat.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 31st 2013, 01:12 AM

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post

Okay, first off, yes it is a book. It is ancient, but the way in which whoever was speaking of it made it seem like it was not relevant to our lives today-which it is.
I don't think it's relevant. At least not any more relevant than the Code of Hammurabi or Shakespeare. How is the bible relevant today?

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post

The Bible is not immoral in any way, shape, or form.
So you believe that beating your slaves within an inch of death is a moral action then?

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
I justify my belief in the Bible as God's word.
Except that the bible is not god's word. It is something that men wrote.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
And yes, the Bible was written by men, humans, but it was only through God's Holy Spirit by which they did so.
Do you have proof of that claim? Seriously, prove it. I would very much like you to back up your claim with some sort of evidence that does not involve circular reasoning.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
If you knew as much as you obviously pretend to about the Bible, you would know the evidence of the scrolls and things written in stone from the first century Christians.
I'd advise you to look a little bit deeper into the history of the gospels. The gospels weren't written in first century AD. In fact, in some versions of the bible (NIV for example) gospels, it will say that the authors are "unknown" at the beginning.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
To answer your question, a sin such as homosexuality is something that is directly going against what God requires.
God does not approve of such because God created Adam and Eve, man and woman, to be together.
And it says numerous times in the Bible how homosexuality is a sin and it is a detestable act.
Therefore, if you engage in homosexuality, you are directly disobeying God's laws and that is what I consider a sin.
I don't think you answered the question he asked. He's asking you to justify your belief in the bible and he's also asking if sin is just a concept created by religion. So yes, you can assign the word 'sin' to something in the bible, but it doesn't really have any real meaning to anybody until a belief in the bible is justified.

You see, people often claim that Christianity is the solution to "sin". However, sin is a creation of Abrahamic religions, so Christianity is essentially trying to fix the problem it created. That sounds asinine if you ask me.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
We are all born "sinners" or "in sin" because of Adam and Eve.
So we were born into sin because of two people that never existed?

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
But we have the CHOICE to follow God's laws or not, and therefore we will be judged according to our deeds.
You can be a terrible person your entire life and ask for forgiveness on your deathbed and still be accepted into heaven.

...but you could be the kindest person in the world and dedicate your entire life to helping people but not be allowed into heaven because you never heard about Christianity.

That's not being judged according to ones' deeds. That's a flawed system that a "perfect" god would never create.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
But if we make the CHOICE to disobey God, that is considered lawlessness on our part, which is sinning.
There are a ton of things that people do by accident, or have no choice in that are considered sinful. I mean, you contested yourself that people are born into sin. You certainly don't make the choice to be born.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
We are not "born" a certain way.
Sure we are. For example, we're born with a dominant right or left hand. We are born with different coloured hair/eyes/skin. We havedifferently shaped brains, and different biological make-ups that have a significant effect on personality, sexual orientation and even things like depression.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
Proof of that is in the example of Adam and Eve.
They were perfect, sinless, humans.
But they had their free will.
Aside from the fact that Adam and Eve did not exist, there are a number of problems with this.
  1. Adam and Eve (according to the bible) were created, not born.
  2. There are many physical examples of how Adam and Eve (and all humans) are not perfect.
  3. Free-will is inconsistent with an all-knowing god.
  4. This doesn't qualify as "proof" to begin with.

Originally Posted by Reign. View Post
So bottom line is, if we love God, and not just fear him, we will do what he asks of us, not bend it to fit what we want.
Even IF the Christian god existed, I would not love him. Yahweh is a horrible monster that is not deserving of praise. Even if we ignore slavery, women's lack of rights, the stupid laws in the bible, and the absurdities in the story of Jesus (the basis of the Christian faith), the bible is not really a good basis for a moral system.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - December 31st 2013, 08:55 PM

I believe in God, I just don't believe in a lot of the stuff in the bible (or the bible itself). There are lots of immoral things in the bible, first off.

Also, I'm gay. I can for sure tell you that I did not choose to be this way. I TRIED being straight and now have ended up in a whirlpool of depression due to the fact that I'm not attracted to women at all and have to hide it in a conservative state of the USA where it's not accepted to be the way I'm born.

I did not ask to be this way. I did not try to be this way. In all honesty, I don't mind being gay, but if I could have it a certain way just so I could live a happier life is either A.) I would want to wish to be straight and live a happier life and feel accepted ~ or B.) Be gay and be accepted, period.
I don't believe it's a sin.

Based on what you guys are all saying from the Bible, saying how homosexuality is a sin... then so are women's jeans. Are you going to stone your children to death for even slightly disrespecting you? Are you going to buy slaves and work them til old age?

If you say "no" to any of these, then you can not say that homosexuality is a sin.

According to the Bible (Like I said, I'm a Christian - I believe in God, just not in the Bible) all sins are equal in weight. One sin is just as bad as another. Pointing out homosexuality out of the thousands of sins stated in the literature is ignorant firsthand.


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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 1st 2014, 01:17 AM

Oh, Michael, hugs. You sum up my feelings rather well.

I'd also point out one further technicality: 'proof' is mathematical, an abstract. It implies absolutes. 'Evidence' points to and supports what can be almost-absolute, but being in reality, we can't quite be certain.

Here's the thing: you can't use a book to judge other people until you can justify that book as relevant to judge other people. The Bible is not. To my knowledge, no book is. I'd question whether any human is placed to appropriately judge others. 'God probably doesn't exist. Now go and enjoy your life' - and let others enjoy theirs.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 1st 2014, 09:44 AM

Okay, I come from a rather conservative country when it comes to religion and customs, but I think being a LGBT is no sin at all. I don't believe in God, and I don't really like The Bible's contents even for a single bit. The Old and New Testament are both written during old times, and some "moral values" it contains taught by Yahweh to its followers are plain controversial in my opinion. Time goes on, and the world keeps changing together with civilization.

Sin itself is an abstract concept, so it's uncertain. Considering the state of the world we're currently living in, whichever is real or not remains mystery.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 1st 2014, 10:14 AM

Love is no sin.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 2nd 2014, 01:04 PM

It isn't if you are christian or protestant.

But every other religion still shuns homosexuals, or it's really don't ask don't tell. But it's implied homosexuality isn't accepted.

Christians don't really talk about homosexuality anymore because they are accepted by law. Many christian churches welcome homosexuals.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 2nd 2014, 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by Maverick. View Post
It isn't if you are christian or protestant.

But every other religion still shuns homosexuals, or it's really don't ask don't tell. But it's implied homosexuality isn't accepted.

Christians don't really talk about homosexuality anymore because they are accepted by law. Many christian churches welcome homosexuals.
I would have to disagree with this statement. I find that there are several religions out there that are very excepting of people from all walks of life, take for instance pagans, unitarian universalists, buddhists. While there are many christian churches that accept homosexuality, I would say that the most intolerant religions would be those of the three Abrahamic religions. That's just what I have personally experienced and there are obviously exceptions to every rule.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 2nd 2014, 07:14 PM

I think you're correct, Lizzie, but the Abrahamic religions tend to be the most prevalent (other than, in the UK, Humanism / Atheism, but they don't really count as a 'religion') and the most vocal in their oppositions of equality, which right now is manifesting primarily in homophobia. The followers of these religions aren't necessarily bad people, they've just been deceived into thinking that they're helping by marginalising and oppressing people.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 15th 2014, 10:31 AM

I've never understood why some people put a book that they HONESTLY don't know the true roots of over another human being. The bible has been changed so many times over so many years and, believe it or not, there are parts left out. It has been translated into many different versions and who's to say it wasn't translated wrong.

I do not believe it is a sin and if it is then who the hell am I to judge? I sin every day and their lifestyle is not affecting my heterosexual one in anyway I don't let it. What others do is none of my business, nor yours, nor anyone elses as long as it isn't doing any hard to anyone or anything. You don't chose who you love and there's some findings that show that being gay is actually inherited.

To anyone that supports the crucifixion or oppression of others I have to ask you, what makes your bible so much more important than that living, breathing, LOVING HUMAN BEING you are so fond of putting down. Here's some bad news for you as well, marriage is not a Christian thing, it is the union of two people that love each other. There is no place for religion in the law making system, there's a reason for that.

It's sick that straight people can get married or divorced on a whim but a gay couple that truly loves one another can't get married. It's not a straight thing or a gay thing, it's a human thing.

To anyone that puts their bible above others rights (yes, it is their right) maybe you should take a look at yourself and start following it to the T. Stop throwing out what you don't like and keeping what you will. I believe the bible is all up to interpretation; so don't interpret it in a hateful way.

Good day and I pray that you find peace in your souls, friend or foe.
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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 22nd 2014, 05:55 PM

Have you heard this yet?

"Gay marriage being legalized on the same day as marijuana makes perfect biblical sense. Leviticus 20:13 "A man who lays with another man should be stoned." Our interpretation has just been wrong all these years."

Makes sense to me, problem solved.

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Re: Why should being LGBT a sin? - January 22nd 2014, 11:02 PM

My faith and who I love are two totally separate things and I intend on it staying that way.

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