Originally Posted by Davebth
My name is David
I've lived my whole life as a male, and I've always identified as one, but recently I've been starting to want to be a female. I'm perfectly fine with my male body as of now, my genitalia doesn't bother me, and nothing else really bothers me, but if you told me right now I could become a girl, I would do it in an instant. I admire women and their beauty, and it makes me want to become a girl really badly. Are there any MtF trans people on here that can talk to me about this? It's something I want to research before I tell anyone about it, especially my family (mother), because the last time I talked to her about LGBT related stuff (me coming out as Bisexual), she got really mad at me and was trying to discourage me from it. It's not brought up much anymore, but I fear her reaction to me wanting to be a girl. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hii David!!
It's very natural and normal to fear people's reactions when coming out because these are important people in your life and what they think is important to you. Transgendered is a huge umbrella term and I am glad you are remaining honest and true to yourself with your feelings and thoughts as you try and research for answers. Most of those answers are going to come from within, but it's fantastic to get as much information as you can. Sometimes people call me "gender queer" (or whatever its called) but the truth is I am male and don't identify as transgender; I just beat to a different drum sometimes and don't take much stock into masculine/feminine roles/pressures. So obviously a transgendered person would be of more help to you if you had specific questions about your identity but you can feel free to
pm me or message me anytime too if you don't find the answers you are looking for. Because I may not be transgender but I do have xperience with coming out and I am not a judgmental person!!
The first thing I could think of if you have trouble finding someone to answer your questions would be to do a google search for "transgender" and/or "transgender resources" if you don't live in an area close to a college or similar place that might have people you could talk to about your identity. There are thankfully quite a few information sites out there these days. I say colleges because a lot of them will have "gay straight alliances" or "triangle clubs" or other
lgbt organizations with younger people who might be willing to answer your questions. Even if they arent in driving distance or if driving there is not an option you could try emailing them with your questions
Obviously you don't have to ask your specific questions here on the public forum if you don't feel comfortable using it for that but you are also welcome to do that too!!

Wishing you merry best on your journey of self discovery!!