I've questioned my sexuality for a while but having zero experience in relationships with anyone at all means that I have no solid ideas.
I think I would lean toward identifying as bi, but until June I went to an all girls school and have boy-phobic parents so I don't actually have any male friends for comparison of feelings. I
think I've had crushes on a few girls but I've never acted on anything.
It really doesn't help that my mother is rather homophobic with the "it's just a phase mentality" if she is presented with the issue of sexuality in conversation, and if confronted she comes back with the absolute classic; "I don't have a problem with the people, but the act itself is just wrong".

If that wasn't enough, for some as yet unknown reason, she genuinely seems to believe that homosexuality was the reason for the downfall of the Roman Empire!
Then there's the problem that I am going to university for 6 years to study medicine during which time I will be financially dependant on my parents; mix it all together and I may potentially have the recipe for a small shit storm!
Rant aside, I wanted to know if it would be a good idea to join the
LGBT group at my new university or if it would be better to simply go along to a few of the public
LGBT events first and see what happens.
Any input or advice is greatly appreciated <3