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Mel May 13th 2009 07:06 AM

Article featured in Avatar - Volume 1, Issue 9 (February 2008).

by .Infinity. (Mel)

Abuse is one of the most common heard terms around the world these days. We hear about it in television, from people we know, and most of all on the Internet. To abuse or mistreat something or someone is a very unlawful act, one which usually has horrible results.

Though many things can be abused or mistreated, the main target for such a thing is usually children. Whether the child is young, newborn or a teen, abuse does occur often. Worldwide, approximately 40 million children are subjected to abuse each year.

While abuse does occur often, not every child, teen or person you will meet has been abused.

What are some forms of abuse?

The most common forms of abuse are:

o Physical
o Emotional/Verbal
o Sexual
o Neglect

Physical abuse means that the person (child, teen, et cetera.) are being hit, shaken, choked, bit or even burned. They can also have objects thrown at them as well as many other things. This sort of abuse usually means that their body is being hurt by whoever it is who is abusing them.

Emotional or verbal abuse consists of the abuser belittling the other person, taunting them, calling them names, embarrassing them, constantly disapproving of things they do or just doing anything that hurts the person emotionally. Examples include, but are not limited to, calling the person worthless, stupid, ugly, saying that they are pathetic or will never amount to anything, and so on.

Sexual abuse is when the child or teen is being sexually assaulted, molested or forced to have any unwanted sexual contact with the abuser.

Neglect is the form of abuse where the parent or guardian is dismissing the child or teen's rights and needs. Some of these necessities include food, clothing, a warm shelter to live in, medical and dental care, cleanliness, physical security, respect, emotional support, spending valuable time together and supervision for the times that require it when they can't be there themselves.

While these are only some of the ways how someone could be abused by someone, the definitions of abuse can vary.

What affect can abuse have on the victim(s)?

Some of the affects that abuse can have on a victim are, but are not limited to:

o Low self-esteem
o Depression
o Fear of physical contact
o Difficulties in learning
o Aggression
o Trust issues
o Anxiety
o Withdrawal
o Self hatred
o Poor health
o Suicide
o Death

What should I do if I or someone I know is being abused?

If you or someone you know is being abused, the best thing to do would be to let someone know that it's happening. Whether you tell a teacher, counselor, neighbor, doctor, close family member or any person who you feel you can trust, telling is important. Someone needs to know that it's happening in order for them to be able to help you or whoever else is being abused.

Though letting someone know about it may be very hard, letting someone know is one of the most important steps to be taking.

Will they get in trouble if I tell?

It is more than likely that the person who did this to you will get in trouble for it, but the most important thing about it is that they will no longer be hurting you how they have been. If the person doing this to you gets in trouble, it is very important that you remember that none of this is your fault. They chose to do this, not you.

What if they don't get in trouble and no-one believes me?

Though people sometimes do not get in trouble, continue telling someone that it is happening. Do not give up on trying to get help, no matter what the person may say to you. The only reason why they would be telling you to NOT tell is because they know that what they're doing is wrong. They know that they will get in trouble for it, too.

So if you are getting abused, in spite of what you are being told, remember to let someone know! It could save your life.

More information...

The Childhelp National Child Abuse Hotline (USA & Canada)
1 800 4 A CHILD

ChildLine (Speak about any problem, UK)
0800 1111 (24/7)



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