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Sometimes when you're struggling with something, it can be hard to acknowledge or put words to how you're feeling. This can cause frustration or difficulty communicating with others. Here are a few things to try when you're coming up blank.
Assign a color to your feelings. It doesn't have to be the typical "I'm feeling blue" or "I'm seeing red" either. If that's helpful, go for it. If not, dig deeper: maybe you're a shade of lavender or a sky blue color. What draws you to your chosen color?
Listen to music. The great thing about music is that you can listen to the same song as another person, and each of you can draw your own meaning from it. Choose a song that comforts you during this time. Better yet, make a playlist for yourself and see if that helps. You can do this with TV shows or movies as well. Sometimes something on TV can help you cry if you haven't been able to cry otherwise.
Try something artistic. Sometimes, something creative such as writing or drawing can help you identify or release feelings you didn't know you had. Find a creative outlet and see if it does anything for you. It doesn't have to be drawing and writing, either: bake or cook, redecorate a space, or change something little in your life.