Himalayan salt lamps
by TeenHelp September 4th 2017, 02:15 PM
Himalayan salt lamps
By Cassie ( Cassado)
Himalayan salt lamps are known for their pleasing look, calming lighting, and different benefits such as help with anxiety or insomnia. Salt lamps are relatively easy to find and their positive effects make them great for any room, from an office or a living room to a bedroom. This article will discuss what these lamps are, how they work, and their benefits.
What are they?
Himalayan salt lamps are lamps that have salt crystals usually mined from Pakistan, Iran, or Poland [source]. The salt is usually pink or off-white and it is lit by a small heat source such as an incandescent bulb to cause evaporation and produce negative ions. Himalayan salt lamps can appear to be a large salt crystal that holds a light within it, or a small bowl, vase or basket that holds the crystals and houses a light bulb underneath. There are also smaller Himalayan salt lamps which can be used as a nightlight or placed in a smaller room.
How they work
A Himalayan salt lamp absorbs water and other contaminants, such as pollen or dust, from the air. When the salt is heated, it returns cleaner water and negative ions to the air through evaporation. The salt serves as a natural filter for the room it is placed in.
The process of absorbing and cleaning particles in the air make it a natural way to help with allergies, asthma, or coughing. This is because the particles that cause allergies or asthma get caught inside the salt crystal after the water is absorbed.
Himalayan salt lamps can also help give people an extra boost of energy. This is because they release negative ions, which counteract the positive ones that remove energy from the body. Additionally the negative ions emitted from the lamp can increase blood flow. This can improve a person’s sleep routine, thus increasing quality of sleep overall.
These salt lamps are also known for helping with a person’s mood and focus due to the ions. This can improve concentration and increase serotonin levels in the brain. It is thought that the soft pink glow is particularly beneficial for people struggling with Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD.
While a lot of these benefits are thought to be true, the validity of the benefits and of the lamps themselves are sometimes debated. Regardless of what is said about them it is important for someone to do what is right for themselves. Perhaps the positive impacts work for some people but not others.
How to use them
Be sure to follow all instructions included with the lamp you have purchased. It is highly recommended to place the salt lamp on a plate, coaster, or a protective surface as they can sometimes sweat in different weather conditions. It is suggested to wipe the salt crystal(s) with a dry microfiber cloth if they become overly moist or dusty.
Place the lamp in your chosen area, then plug it in and tun it on. Salt lamps usually use a low wattage bulb, so a dangerous amount of heat is not emitted. This makes it safe to leave the lamp on for long periods of time. If it is helpful, the person using the lamp could notice gradual differences within a week or two of using it.
Note: Keep out of the reach of cats and dogs. Cats and dogs are liable to lick the lamp and it is possible for them to experience salt poisoning.
Where to buy them
Because Himalayan salt lamps are popular among some people, they are usually relatively easy to find. Amazon has a variety of lamps and they can also be found in the lamp or home décor section of some stores. Lamps vary in price and it may be worth doing a little extra research before purchasing one.
Additional thoughts
Though the validity of Himalayan salt lamps is not entirely agreed upon, what works for one person may not work for another. At the very least, they add a fun light source and a pop of color to any room. Someone looking to help improve their overall health and well being could possibly benefit from purchasing one.