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RebeccaR1 March 11th 2012 06:28 PM

Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
Ok this is going to be pretty long but I would greatly appreciate any help.
Basically I had unprotected sex a few weeks ago but he pulled out and didn't even come, he's also pretty sure he doesn't pre-come. I was supposed to get my period on the 6th but didn't so I took two First Response pregnancy tests, one on the 6th, one on the 8th which both came out negative. My period is now five days late which is strange for me. The problem is, I also had unprotected sex last night but he pulled out again. I know it was very stupid. I want to know why my period is late. I'm also pretty stressed and have been worried about my period. I know I should make an appointment with a doctor but I can't really get to one and I can't let my parents know. I have also been having tender breasts and have a mild UTI (could that delay my period?) I am extremely worried and paranoid and any help would be appreciated, I just don't really know where to go from here. I know I should go to a family planning clinic but the one near where I live is only open twice a week at really awkward times.

RebeccaR1 March 11th 2012 06:33 PM

Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
Also I'm 15

dani99 March 11th 2012 06:42 PM

Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
First of all, it's normal for periods to be off balance when you're young. Stress and worry can alter when you have it, so it may be why you're late for your period. If he didn't cum, then you most likely aren't pregnant because it's impossible to get pregnant if there isn't any cum involved when you have sex.

If you truely are worried, then wait about 10 days to 2 weeks (it varries woman to woman how early you can tell) and take another test.

A UTI can't affect a period in anyway. In the future, have protected sex to prevent this worry. But you're most likely just stressed, so try to calm down and your period will probably come soon. Also, tender breasts can be a sign that your period is coming up soon. My breats get tender and sore about a few days to a week before my period, so that's probably why they feel that way.

I know I've heard, but I don't know if it's true, but having sex can possibly make your period a little late. It's happened to me before. I remember the first time I had sex my period was 3 weeks late and I was 14 at the time. So, I wouldn't sweat it.

RebeccaR1 March 11th 2012 08:06 PM

Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
Thanks for your help, it was pretty reassuring. I'm going to take your advice and wait a while before I take a test and see what happens.

escape_thereal_world March 11th 2012 09:58 PM

Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
Danielle said everything I would have :P

So, I wouldn't stress too much. And the sore breasts definitely sound like it could be your period preparing to start. It would be very very unlikely for it to be from pregnancy. You said you had sex a few weeks ago and most women won't have symptoms until anywhere from 6 weeks gestation (from the time the baby is implanted) to 12 weeks!

So if it was under 5 or 6 weeks ago since you had sex, it would most likely not be pregnancy symptoms.

Bury The Hate March 12th 2012 01:31 PM

Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
All you really can do is take a test and see what happens. There are so many reasons why a period could be late and pregnancy is only one of them. A big one is stress. If your period actually is already late, you can test and it should be accurate. It might put your mind at ease to test soon.

Best wishes!

Harmony♥ March 12th 2012 04:44 PM

Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
Stressing can definitely make your period go off course. Even for women who have had their periods forever can easily have their cycles easily screwed up due to stress, changes in exercise and diet, and other things. Basically, ANYTHING can make your period go off whack, and because you're 15, it's normal for your period to still be adjusting to new cycles.

The first thing I'm going to tell you is to calm down and relax, and stop stressing about it. Stress DOES AND CAN make your period come early OR late. Freaking out about it isn't going to help, so the first step is going to be to sit back and relax, and stop stressing over the situation.

You mentioned that he pulled out and didn't cum. While the pull-out method isn't the greatest for birth control, it doesn't sound like these incidents have lead you to become pregnant.

When you took your pregnancy tests, were they two weeks after the unprotected sex occurred? If not, you need to WAIT two weeks after the incident before testing or you WILL have negative results on the test.

cuterthanyou864 March 12th 2012 11:29 PM

Re: Extremely worried about whether I'm pregnant
Honey just breath. It is unlikely that your pregnant but possible. If you need someone to vent feelings at let me know. You can message me if you want. I know how you feel I'm 18 but also unsure if im pregnant. Do you feel like you are? They say some women know.

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