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Question I might be pregnant, help!! - December 14th 2011, 09:53 PM

Okay, Maybe it's just me being stupid and worrying.
But I got my period last month at the start of the second week, and about a week later my boyfriend and i had protected sex, and about a week after we had protected sex again. Now it's December 14th and Sunday December 11th I had protected sex.
Now i'm really starting to worry and it's just so scary because if i am pregnant i'll be so dead.. and i'd ruin everything.. i'm so worried...
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Re: I might be pregnant, help!! - December 14th 2011, 09:58 PM

Hey there.

Stop worrying. I highly doubt you're pregnant. You've had PROTECTED sex every time you've had sex. As long as the condom wasn't broken, you will be okay. Wait until you're meant to get your period again, and take a test to ease your mind. Just remember, if you continue stressing about it, you could be putting yourself at the potential risk of missing your period. Stress is a leading factor in why periods are late, or don't come at all. So take some deep breaths. You'll be fine.

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Re: I might be pregnant, help!! - December 14th 2011, 10:04 PM

Hey. (: Don't be too worried. Stressing out can cause your period to be late. You've had protected sex every single time and that's the best way to prevent pregnancy. If you're genuinely worried, wait til your period is supposed to come then if you miss it, take a test. I highly doubt you're pregnant. Just relax.
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Re: I might be pregnant, help!! - December 15th 2011, 01:52 AM

You are most likely not pregnant if you had protected sex. If you worry too much about it then it can make your period late from stress. If you really want to find out then you could take a pregnancy test it's really the only way to know for sure. Take care and don't worry too much!

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Re: I might be pregnant, help!! - December 15th 2011, 11:59 PM

I agree with the masses here. Stress and worry causes for a lack of a period. Depending on how many days your cycle is, would depend when it will happen again the next month. Some people occasionally miss a period every now and then. You've had protected sex, which usually if done correctly will prevent pregnancy. If you still don't have your period in a week take a test or see a doctor.

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Re: I might be pregnant, help!! - December 17th 2011, 07:33 AM

If you were having protected sex then you are likely not pregnant. If you worry about it then you should see a doctor or take a pregnancy test. Best of luck to you!
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