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Is my girlfriend pregnant? -
September 2nd 2011, 10:24 PM
Hey, well about a week ago, me and my girlfriend had sex, and I ended up cumming inside her, but, she missed a pill and in the 7 days after that your ment to use a different form of protection, we had unprotected sex.
Please note that I did cum inside her about 3 times.
And about 3/4 days later, she started feeling wierd,
So I linked her a thing about being pregnant, with say, signs of being pregnant, thinking that she might be pregnant.
And after a while, she said that she has the following terms.
Urinating alot more
Smells enhanced
Taste is different
Tummy is sensitive to touch
Back ache
Head ache
Rise in temperature
Eating more
And just recently her boobs have started getting sore, and sensitive...
Also, yesterday I think it was, her dog started getting REALLY protective and clingy to her, and apparently dogs are able to sense when a girl is pregnant.
Her spotting is also only happening at night around about 7-8. Its a short little burst of it, and then nothing... :/
She is going to take a test next week because it'd obviously be to soon to take a test,
I'm just getting extremely worried, and she know's I am... :/
So I'm hoping she is actually pregnant and not something bad is happening to her...
Thanks for any advice,
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Re: Is my girlfriend pregnant? -
September 2nd 2011, 10:59 PM
It's also too soon for her to be experiencing that many pregnancy symptoms, so I think she's psyched herself out into believing that she is pregnant. The test next week my be accurate, but it's best to wait until around the time her next period is supposed to roll around so you know you'll get an accurate result.

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Re: Is my girlfriend pregnant? -
September 4th 2011, 03:27 PM
Like Shannon said, it's highly unlikely she'd be experiencing any of these symptoms yet. I'd also say, you should wait until she's missed a period before taking a test, as it'd be most accurate then.
She may be having a hysterical pregnancy, which is where you basically kid yourself into thinking you're pregnant, so your body exhibits some of the symptoms.
Stress delays periods, so wait until after it was due to take the test, and don't presume "oh, she missed her period, she's pregnant," because that may not be true.
And if you know you're meant to be using protection, use protection!! And common sense!
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Re: Is my girlfriend pregnant? -
September 4th 2011, 03:56 PM
Yes it's far too soon. When I was pregnant i was at least 10 days late before I was kind of thinking something was wrong. For a good suggetion to you and your girlfriend quit worrying about it, I know sounds harsh right? It's just that if you worry worry worry, it's going to mess up her cycle even on birth control.
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Re: Is my girlfriend pregnant? -
September 4th 2011, 04:09 PM
I'm with the above posters.
I think it's best that you wait till her next period, see if she misses it and such.
Like Kate said, hysterical pregnancy can occur. It happens when you are so worried and more or less convinced that she is pregnant when this happens. So please don't panic just yet, or just say that she is pregnant. Wait a while and see where it leads you.
Take care.
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