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Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 6th 2011, 11:00 PM
My friend might be pregnant and she wants to get an abortion how can I convince her not to?! Bc I know it's wrong like idk what to do.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 6th 2011, 11:11 PM
You can't convince her not to. She's making the choice that she needs to make. all ou can do is support her descion. I think personally she's making the best descion she could be making. She's doing the righ thing in my mind. You need to support her. Don't punish her because you think it's wrong. If you have any question I have got a abortion and I'm now living the dream life. Support her. Be her friend. She needs that now.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 6th 2011, 11:13 PM
Your friend probably needs your support right now, more than ever. Deciding to get an abortion is not an easy decision for many women to make. You may have your own ideas on what's wrong or right but now is not the right time to convince your friend of the same. The most you can do right now is be supportive of your friend and make sure she's doing ok. She will likely be more than thankful to have such a good friend like you.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 6th 2011, 11:16 PM
It's like she's doing it bc she don't wanna take care of it basically it's out of lazyness. And I do support her but it hurts me bc I know the baby can feel all of it.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 6th 2011, 11:20 PM
The baby doesn't feel anything!!! Abortions are safe for the mother and pain free for the baby. It's not all this blood and guts. Abortions are not what people and movies make them out to be. If she is 16 like yourself it's probably best she does. I think she's being very adult about the situation. I think about my baby but I know my baby is in a happier place then I could of provided. I'm not going to get graphic like this on the boards so feel free to PM me for further questions.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 7th 2011, 12:16 AM
Hey Carter,
Sweetie, the baby is technically a baby yet. When getting an abortion your friend and the baby won't be able to feel anything. It's just an embryo. After the third trimester, they don't recommend getting an abortion since it is an actual baby developing.
She's making an adult decision, and there is no way you can keep her from doing what she feels is right. Whether it's from pure laziness or otherwise, if she cannot provide for the baby, then she needs to decide to either have an abortion or give the baby up for adoption. If an abortion is what she wants, then let her do it. It's her life, not yours.
I know it's going to be hard to be supportive of something you don't feel is right, but you need to be there for her regardless of what decision she makes.

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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 7th 2011, 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Carter
It's like she's doing it bc she don't wanna take care of it basically it's out of lazyness. And I do support her but it hurts me bc I know the baby can feel all of it.
You seem to have been given some very incorrect information.
It's her life, it's up to her to make this decision. And though you may not agree with her reasoning behind the decision, it's still not your choice to make.
All you can do is support her emotionally. I'm not saying that you have to agree with what she's doing, but as her friend, you should be there to comfort her in her time of need.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 8th 2011, 10:57 PM
The bible says at the point of fertilization the baby is a complete human being. It is a complete person.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 8th 2011, 11:00 PM
how about you talk to her about adoption and maybe you can adopt it and cause its yours bestfriends then she can be like a godmother to it
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 8th 2011, 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Carter
The bible says at the point of fertilization the baby is a complete human being. It is a complete person.
The bible says a lot of things that are interpreted incorrectly.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 8th 2011, 11:07 PM
She said she don't want someone else raising her child.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 8th 2011, 11:11 PM
You're both allowed to have your own opinion, but it's not right of you to try to force your opinion on her. Just support her with whatever she decides to do.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 9th 2011, 04:27 AM
aww well I guess you just have to support her I know its hard but you have no other choice and tell her to quit having sex if she doesn't want a child and doesn't want the responsibilities... I know it has to be hard
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 9th 2011, 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
You're both allowed to have your own opinion, but it's not right of you to try to force your opinion on her. Just support her with whatever she decides to do.
Just because you and the "bible" think it's wrong doesn't mean your friend thinks it's wrong.
If your friend feels she can not raise a child right now, then that is HER choice. Not yours, not the bible, not willy wonka down the road.
If you try and force her to go through with the pregnancy it may end your friendship.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 9th 2011, 03:46 PM
It's her decision. You just need to be there to support her... because that's what best friends do. If you try to force her into a decision that she doesn't want, it could change your friendship. My advice is for you to just be there for her.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 9th 2011, 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by Carter
It's like she's doing it bc she don't wanna take care of it basically it's out of lazyness.
Seriously? Lazyness? It's not like she's deciding not to clean her room. Deciding not to raise a baby at 15 isn't being lazy, it's being responsible.
No offense but you don't sound like much of a best friend. Stop trying to push your own beliefs on her and either pull your head in or stop communicating with her, because she doesn't need you and your religious mumbo jumbo on top of everything else right now.
Originally Posted by Carter
The bible says at the point of fertilization the baby is a complete human being. It is a complete person.
The bible also says the earth was made in 7 days. Go figure.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 9th 2011, 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Marguerite
Seriously? Lazyness? It's not like she's deciding not to clean her room. Deciding not to raise a baby at 15 isn't being lazy, it's being responsible.
No offense but you don't sound like much of a best friend. Stop trying to push your own beliefs on her and either pull your head in or stop communicating with her, because she doesn't need you and your religious mumbo jumbo on top of everything else right now.
The bible also says the earth was made in 7 days. Go figure.
Thats funny sorry I had to laugh at the earth thing I totally agree the bible says alot of stuff and honestly that was the funniest thing I herd
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 9th 2011, 11:41 PM
Originally Posted by Marguerite
Seriously? Lazyness? It's not like she's deciding not to clean her room. Deciding not to raise a baby at 15 isn't being lazy, it's being responsible.
No offense but you don't sound like much of a best friend. Stop trying to push your own beliefs on her and either pull your head in or stop communicating with her, because she doesn't need you and your religious mumbo jumbo on top of everything else right now.
The bible also says the earth was made in 7 days. Go figure.
I agree with this. There is a difference between being lazy and knowing whether or not you can truly provide for a child at a tender age. Pushing beliefs on people isn't going to get them to agree with you; it's only going to push them away.

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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 10th 2011, 12:59 PM
I'm kind of in the same situation right now. My friend is pregnant, and she wants an abortion. I don't agree with abortion, and it personally isn't the decision I would make. But what you have to realize is that this isn't your decision. It's hers. It might be hard for you to comprehend why she would get an abortion, and that's okay. You don't necessarily have to understand why she wants to do it. But as a friend, it's not your job to dictate. It's your job to accept what your friend feels is best for her. Sure, you're going to have different opinions. But this is your friends life, and she has the right to her own decisions. As a friend, it's your job to stick by those.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 10th 2011, 01:23 PM
It's like everyone has said. You can't make her do anything, and continually telling her what to do, will only change things between you both and not for the better. You pushing her to have the baby is exactly the same as if something happened to you and she pushed you to get an abortion. You don't agree with it and you'd probably get mad after a while. This is a fight that you need to give up on and regardless of what the bible says, when the egg is fertilized it becomes an embryo, it's just an itty bitty tiny particle, nothing more. It can't feel anything, and nothing has yet developed. The bible, as Marguerite pointed out, also says the world was created in 7 days. And not everyone has the same religious beliefs anyway. You wouldn't want a friend to not only tell you to get an abortion but say it's because you should be their religion over your own, now would you? Mentally put yourself in her position. She is probably scared out of her mind, and knows she isn't ready to care for a baby, meanwhile her friend is sitting there trying to tell her what to do when her mind is already made up. You may not think so, but I think you would get pretty angry in her position. And you can't really blame her for it.
Just cool down, because it's her life and she's going to do what she wants to and feels is right in this situation and to be honest, there's nothing you can really do about it. But continuing on like you are, will only make your friendship weaker if not non-existent.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 11th 2011, 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by Marguerite
Seriously? Lazyness? It's not like she's deciding not to clean her room. Deciding not to raise a baby at 15 isn't being lazy, it's being responsible.
No offense but you don't sound like much of a best friend. Stop trying to push your own beliefs on her and either pull your head in or stop communicating with her, because she doesn't need you and your religious mumbo jumbo on top of everything else right now.
The bible also says the earth was made in 7 days. Go figure.
Once again, Marguerite has said everything for me.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 11th 2011, 06:19 AM
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. should an innocent baby suffer because she was too irresponsible to use protection? Its propaganda that the baby doesn't feel anything they feel everything. One half of mothers who get abortions regret it later and one third of mothers have pyschological problems because of it. Some even kill themsevels. You are sticking sharp ass tool in to a baby's head how the f"ck do they not feel that. Abortionists just want to make money and they don't sanitizes stuff as often as they should because they can't make money if the tools are sanitizing. Also they will say anything because they want that money from your abortion. Ultimately it's your friends decision bit she should at least be informed before she makes it and at least talk about adoption with her,
Just make sure she doesn't do something she'll regret later.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 11th 2011, 06:36 AM
Originally Posted by Knowledgeseeker
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. should an innocent baby suffer because she was too irresponsible to use protection? Its propaganda that the baby doesn't feel anything they feel everything. One half of mothers who get abortions regret it later and one third of mothers have pyschological problems because of it. Some even kill themsevels. You are sticking sharp ass tool in to a baby's head how the f"ck do they not feel that. Abortionists just want to make money and they don't sanitizes stuff as often as they should because they can't make money if the tools are sanitizing. Also they will say anything because they want that money from your abortion. Ultimately it's your friends decision bit she should at least be informed before she makes it and at least talk about adoption with her,
Just make sure she doesn't do something she'll regret later.
That was a little deep... ummm
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 11th 2011, 07:26 AM
Originally Posted by Knowledgeseeker
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. should an innocent baby suffer because she was too irresponsible to use protection? Its propaganda that the baby doesn't feel anything they feel everything. One half of mothers who get abortions regret it later and one third of mothers have pyschological problems because of it. Some even kill themsevels. You are sticking sharp ass tool in to a baby's head how the f"ck do they not feel that. Abortionists just want to make money and they don't sanitizes stuff as often as they should because they can't make money if the tools are sanitizing. Also they will say anything because they want that money from your abortion. Ultimately it's your friends decision bit she should at least be informed before she makes it and at least talk about adoption with her,
Just make sure she doesn't do something she'll regret later.
I really wish people like you would put as much effort into caring for these kids after they're born as you do harrassing young girls. Then maybe there would be less kids living in poverty and abuse. But whatever, scaremongering works too.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 11th 2011, 09:47 AM
Ignore this. I made an assumption that I was wrong about, and I can't delete posts when I'm on my phone.
Last edited by Maloo; June 11th 2011 at 09:53 AM.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 11th 2011, 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by Knowledgeseeker
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. should an innocent baby suffer because she was too irresponsible to use protection? Its propaganda that the baby doesn't feel anything they feel everything. One half of mothers who get abortions regret it later and one third of mothers have pyschological problems because of it. Some even kill themsevels. You are sticking sharp ass tool in to a baby's head how the f"ck do they not feel that. Abortionists just want to make money and they don't sanitizes stuff as often as they should because they can't make money if the tools are sanitizing. Also they will say anything because they want that money from your abortion. Ultimately it's your friends decision bit she should at least be informed before she makes it and at least talk about adoption with her,
Just make sure she doesn't do something she'll regret later.
I would love to see your credible citations for all of the "facts" you've stated in this paragraph, please.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 13th 2011, 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by Knowledgeseeker
Abortion is murder. Plain and simple. should an innocent baby suffer because she was too irresponsible to use protection? Its propaganda that the baby doesn't feel anything they feel everything. One half of mothers who get abortions regret it later and one third of mothers have pyschological problems because of it. Some even kill themsevels. You are sticking sharp ass tool in to a baby's head how the f"ck do they not feel that. Abortionists just want to make money and they don't sanitizes stuff as often as they should because they can't make money if the tools are sanitizing. Also they will say anything because they want that money from your abortion. Ultimately it's your friends decision bit she should at least be informed before she makes it and at least talk about adoption with her,
Just make sure she doesn't do something she'll regret later.
How about you get off the computer and go do some actual research and actually inform yourself?? "Abortionists" are doctors, usually operating in a hospital or a clean STERILE doctors office. They aren't money hungry baby killers! They are DOCTORS. OBGYNs to be specific. Now I am not one to side with everything an OBGYN says, but what I DO always suggest when it comes to ANYTHING related to your health, is do your own research....and by that I mean getting away from biased websites and actually going out and reading a book or two! Sounds like you are the one that needs to be informed.
OP: You can't force your beliefs onto your friends! If she wants an abortion, all you can do is support her! You don't have to agree with her decision, you just have to realize that it is HER decision, not yours.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 14th 2011, 09:24 PM
Oh, that is not a good mindset to have. It's her body, her choice, and though you don't agree with it, she will struggle with her decision and it's repercussions regardless. All you can do is support her unconditionally, and don't look down on her. My best friend was pregnant, and she developed a major psychological problem because she got an abortion:she couldn't remember the abortion, or anything to do with not keeping the baby. She had it in secret so no-one knew. I was there, and I'm pro-choice, pro-life, and I loved her through it all. She's now back at 100% and pregnant again. She's keeping it and I'm a shoe in for Auntie Airling. Lesson of the ramble: Don't judge, be a true friend, and don't try force the choice on her. She has to live with it.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 15th 2011, 12:28 AM
This is seriously enough, the point has been made and it is up to the OP to take it or leave it. Everyone has done what they can and that's it. This board needs to be closed and should've been a while ago actually. I don't know about you guys but I'm going to try to contact someone to close this board.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 15th 2011, 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by leochick123
This is seriously enough, the point has been made and it is up to the OP to take it or leave it. Everyone has done what they can and that's it. This board needs to be closed and should've been a while ago actually. I don't know about you guys but I'm going to try to contact someone to close this board.
It's funny because I thought we were allowed to respond to threads. Oh well, I better re-read the Teenhelp rules.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 15th 2011, 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Marguerite
It's funny because I thought we were allowed to respond to threads. Oh well, I better re-read the Teenhelp rules.
What's with the rudeness, I didn't say people can't post, the point is this is elevating into fighting on some user's parts and the question has been answered multiple times. Therefore given both of these circumstances, this topic should be closed.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 16th 2011, 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by leochick123
What's with the rudeness, I didn't say people can't post, the point is this is elevating into fighting on some user's parts and the question has been answered multiple times. Therefore given both of these circumstances, this topic should be closed.
It's not rudeness, I just don't like hypocracy. Given that you posted the exact same thing as everyone else when about ten people before you already had, it's a bit rich to gets sanctimonious now.
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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 16th 2011, 12:38 AM
Okay how about we all have a right to our opinions and we have a right to voice a views and what not just don't attack or push your beliefs on others... everyone is entitled to their opinion...
"Have no fear for giving in, Have no fear for giving over
You'd better know that in the end, Its better to say too much, Than never to say what you need to say again" - John Mayer

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Re: Bestfriends pregnant?? -
June 16th 2011, 02:53 AM
Given that this thread turned into an argument, got off topic, and everyone has said their bit, I'm going to go ahead and close this.
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