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Could pregnancy symptoms start earlier if you get pregnant on the pill? -
June 12th 2011, 09:04 PM
I know it's unlikely to get pregnant while on the pill. But since there is no normal ovulation cycle is it possible that you conceived earlier and therefor experience pregnancy symptoms earlier?
I think there's a chance I might be pregnant. I start taking the placebo pills in two days so my period should arrive in about five days. I started getting some mild pregnancy symptoms three days ago. But since I haven't missed my period yet it seems too early to be having symptoms....
Please help
Re: Could pregnancy symptoms start earlier if you get pregnant on the pill? -
June 12th 2011, 09:25 PM
Hey Dani,
Pregnancy symptoms are different for everyone; they show up at different times for everyone. When was the last time you had unprotected sex, or the condrom broke, or there was some sort of accident? If it was less than two weeks ago, there is no chance of you being pregnant. You can take a pregnancy test after 14 days of unprotected sex, although you might not get an accurate reading. It's best to wait until you've missed your period.
However, I doubt you'd be feeling pregnancy symptoms now. It's hard to tell if you might be pregnant if we don't know what kind of 'symptoms' you are experiencing. Can you go into a little bit further that way I can determine?
We really can't tell you if you are or aren't. That's for you to be responsible for.
I may wear the glass slippers; But my hero wears combat boots <3 I love you, Lieutenant
HelpLink Mentor 6/13/2011
Pregnancy & Childcare Moderator 11/26/2011
Fashion & Style Moderator 12/28/2011
Social Groups Moderator 12/28/2011
Re: Could pregnancy symptoms start earlier if you get pregnant on the pill? -
June 12th 2011, 10:06 PM
we had sex many times since my last period. and a couple of those times i had taken my pill a few hours late or missed one day.
starting 3 days ago i experienced:
-im really tired
-im unusually hungry
-i have to go to the bathroom just a little bit more than usual
starting last night:
-my boobs seem more sensitive
-im very nauseous but havnt gotten sick
i plan on taking a test if my period doesnt come in 5 days. i want to wait as long as possible to make sure the test will be accurate but the wait is driving me insane. i just have this feeling im pregnant but i hope im just over reacting.
Re: Could pregnancy symptoms start earlier if you get pregnant on the pill? -
June 12th 2011, 10:12 PM
Are you sure those aren't just side effects from the pill? If you're already experiencing pregnancy symptoms, I assume it's safe to test, however you can wait until you expect your period to come.
"Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices."
Re: Could pregnancy symptoms start earlier if you get pregnant on the pill? -
June 13th 2011, 05:47 PM
Those might just be side effects from the hormones in the pill....HOWEVER
and I don't say this to scare you. But the symptoms you have listed are the same as early pregnancy symptoms, and yes those are symptoms that some women exp before the missed period. I say buy a two pack of First response early response pregnancy tests. Take one in the morning (first morning urine) and then take another in about a week if your period doesn't show.
"omg i might be pregnant!?!?!"
"ok..calm down..pee on your keyboard...nope its negative"
Re: Could pregnancy symptoms start earlier if you get pregnant on the pill? -
June 18th 2011, 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by justlikeme0
Woo! I got my period right on time so I'm not pregnant. I guess I just have a really active imagination... Thanks for all of your help
Glad to hear it! The mind can def play tricks on us sometimes and make us see pregnancy symptoms where there are none! Glad you got the outcome you wanted!
"omg i might be pregnant!?!?!"
"ok..calm down..pee on your keyboard...nope its negative"