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Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 08:34 PM
I'm pregnant again! EDD is 2-9-12  Hard to believe this is my FOURTH pregnancy, hopefully my second baby. Fingers crossed that this one sticks and I will have a baby in my arms come feb!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 08:38 PM
Aw! Congratulations! 
Hope all goes well!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by xlightningbolt
Aw! Congratulations! 
Hope all goes well! 
Thank you!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 08:58 PM
Congrats Amber! How wonderful it must be for you!
I hope that this pregnancy goes well. :)
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 10:03 PM
All the best <3
xxxxxxx Take care xxxxxxx
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 10:46 PM
Congratz, you are already a wonderful mum and will be to this new little baby as well.
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 11:22 PM
congratulations hope all goes well
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 4th 2011, 11:36 PM
Ahhh good luck!  & congrats!!!
Lots of sticky dust your way (I'd never heard that term before until I saw you say it to another user  ) !!!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 12:20 AM
Great news, congrats to you
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 04:42 AM
Sorry I couldn't talk much earlier, I was running late to volunteer.. (over slept haha)
I sooo hope this baby sticks to you like syrup on a pancake. Keep me updated on anything that happens, and remember to make the guys do all the heavy lifting and work on the new house!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 05:37 AM
YAY! I'm so happy for you

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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 11:01 AM
Congratulations to you and your parner, his first baby?
Pregnancy can be an awesome time and a pretty shit one too.. So i hope yours is pretty awesome.
Take care of youself and goodluck!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 11:52 AM
I hope it all goes well for you <3
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 12:14 PM
Good luck with everything! I'm so happy for you
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 02:46 PM
Congratulations Amber, really happy for you
I hope all goes well, keep us informed
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 04:23 PM
I'm so pleased for you Hope everything goes well! x
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 04:28 PM
Congratulations! That is great news. Good luck!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by ball&chain
Ahhh good luck!  & congrats!!!
Lots of sticky dust your way (I'd never heard that term before until I saw you say it to another user  ) !!!
lol thanks! I need as much sticky dust as i can get!!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by Gooterz
Congratulations to you and your parner, his first baby?
Pregnancy can be an awesome time and a pretty shit one too.. So i hope yours is pretty awesome.
Take care of youself and goodluck!
It will be our first baby together, he has three daughters and I have one son all from previous marriages.
I will take every single horrible pregnancy symptom I can get, after 2 miscarriages I don't care about how shitty the pregnancy is as long as I get the end result
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by iHEAVENn
Sorry I couldn't talk much earlier, I was running late to volunteer.. (over slept haha)
I sooo hope this baby sticks to you like syrup on a pancake. Keep me updated on anything that happens, and remember to make the guys do all the heavy lifting and work on the new house!
Thanks! I told Dale last night, it was soo cute.
I went and bought a corny worlds greatest dad tshirt from walmart, a onsie that says "If you think I'm handsome you should see my daddy" a digi test and a daddy to be fathers day card.
I folded the tshirt,onsie, positive digi test and card up together and put it in a gift bag and gave it to him, he unfolded it all, looked at me, looked at it, looked at me, smiled and kissed me lol
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 04:58 PM
thank you everyone!!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 06:57 PM
congrats girl! and awwh super cute way of telling your man. i hope everything goes well for you.
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 07:24 PM
This is great news Amber! Congratulations!! 
Best of luck with the pregnancy
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by guillotine_blades
Thanks! I told Dale last night, it was soo cute.
I went and bought a corny worlds greatest dad tshirt from walmart, a onsie that says "If you think I'm handsome you should see my daddy" a digi test and a daddy to be fathers day card.
I folded the tshirt,onsie, positive digi test and card up together and put it in a gift bag and gave it to him, he unfolded it all, looked at me, looked at it, looked at me, smiled and kissed me lol
Aw did he like that better then the "HONEY IM PREGNANT WELCOME HOME?" lol
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 08:16 PM
Awhh, too sweet  Best of luck to you!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 09:08 PM
KEEP US UPDATED i hope everything goes GREAT
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 09:25 PM
Congratulations hun  If you have baby on the 5th my Lo and yours would be a year apart
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by iHEAVENn
Aw did he like that better then the "HONEY IM PREGNANT WELCOME HOME?" lol
I think he liked this way a lot better. lol no verbal diarrhea this time! lol
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 5th 2011, 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Monkei
Congratulations hun  If you have baby on the 5th my Lo and yours would be a year apart
And the 4th is my nieces 3rd birthday. Then the 13th is my grandmas birthday, and 2 of my stepdaughters birthday's are in Feb too! Baby is bound to be born on SOMEONE's birthday! lol
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 6th 2011, 12:21 AM
congrats hun! That's super exciting. Hope everything goes well for you =)
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 6th 2011, 12:23 AM
Congrats!! Definitely keep us updated !!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 6th 2011, 02:33 AM
Congratulations dearie, best of luck and take care.xx
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 6th 2011, 07:23 PM
Congrats!!! I hope the pregnancy goes well!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 8th 2011, 08:06 AM
Congratulations Amber!!!!!
In that order...
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 9th 2011, 04:44 PM
Congrats! Stick, baby stick!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 9th 2011, 05:07 PM
Congratulations Amber! I really hope that your pregnancy goes smoothly and that everything goes well for you and your family.

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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 11th 2011, 05:48 AM
Awww! Congratulations Amber!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 12th 2011, 04:34 AM
Thanks everyone!! I am 5 weeks 2 days today, symptoms as of right now: my boobs are slightly sore, but not too bad. I am tired, but can't sleep at night. During the day I can take naps like a mad woman, but at night....not happening! Every now and then I feel a little quesy, but no full blown morning sickness yet. Crazy pregnancy dreams are already starting. Areolas are slightly larger and darker, but if I wasn't looking for it I wouldn't notice it, I know Dale doesn't!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 12th 2011, 03:16 PM
Ah! I woke up this morning and my boobs feel like someone has been using them as a punching bag! I swear they grew half a cup size over night! lol....My nipples feel like they have been sitting in a bra made from sandpaper....not fun!
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Re: Pregnant again!!! -
June 12th 2011, 03:27 PM
I wish you lots of luck on not getting morning sickness from hell! lol
I'm glad things seem to be going ok except for the painful pregnancy boobies
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