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Atlantis May 15th 2011 08:55 AM

Why is it cool to get pregnant
To me it seems everyones getting pregnant because its like a new fashion or something. No one really seems interested in what is going to happen to themselves. Tv shows love it because it brings in the audiences.

whats changed that makes it so popular? when i was younger if you got pregnant you were an outcast!

Guile May 15th 2011 08:59 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
Never noticed that, I view pregnant teenagers as whores, but that's just me, and most people still.

Atlantis May 15th 2011 09:17 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 641789)
Never noticed that, I view pregnant teenagers as whores, but that's just me, and most people still.

Thats a little harsh!

Takes two to make a baby, but one girl sees another have a kid then she wants one! Doesnt matter that she doesnt have a job or a stable life, just wants to have one so people will feel sorry for the baby and give them attention or something.

why are they doing it for them.. when it should always be about whats best for the kid!

Jesus Christ. May 15th 2011 09:43 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
It hasn't become popular, just more acceptable. It's a very minute amount of people that try to get pregnant just to appear on TV.

Besides, a few hundred years ago it was the norm for 14 year old to bear children.

forfrosne May 15th 2011 09:47 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 641789)
Never noticed that, I view pregnant teenagers as whores, but that's just me, and most people still.

I really, really want to disagree with you - but I can't because every time I see someone under the age of 19 pregnant, "Whore" is the first word in my head. As I said, I want to disagree with you and pretend I'm some kind of paragon of acceptance, but I can't..

Atlantis May 15th 2011 09:48 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by God. (Post 641802)
It hasn't become popular, just more acceptable. It's a very minute amount of people that try to get pregnant just to appear on TV.

Besides, a few hundred years ago it was the norm for 14 year old to bear children.

But a few hundred years ago people didnt live anywhere near as long so they had too! + they got married and didnt have to learn as much, ladies never got to vote or anything much at all.


is a good example!

Jesus Christ. May 15th 2011 10:01 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Atlantis (Post 641804)
But a few hundred years ago people didnt live anywhere near as long so they had too! + they got married and didnt have to learn as much, ladies never got to vote or anything much at all.


is a good example!

So because women can now do more they're not allowed to have children at such an early age.
Biologically speaking (if we assume financial stability is here) the best to have a child is when you're younger, as long as your body can take it.

Doodle. May 15th 2011 10:33 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I know why it's so popular here. I live in quite a poor area, crime is awful, unemployment is awful, education is awful, health is awful and there just isn't enough jobs for everyone.

Young girls who have little ambition in life will get pregnant here for a council house/flat and benefits. That's their life sorted for them. Most jobs around here are so badly paid child benefits is the same amount of money or more.

I'm not saying it's a good idea, I don't think people shouldn't allow their surroundings determine who they are as a person but that's the truth :/

As for less deprived parts of the world, I don't know why teenagers get pregnant.

Kumagoro May 15th 2011 10:43 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I don't know about "cool", but if sociology text books are anything to go by, apparently it provides a source of love and a "meaning" to a girl's life, particularly if they are in poverty. Of course, looking after a kid can make poverty even worse, but maybe it's the emotional prospects that are most promising. I can't say I understand that, but I'm not in their situation.

It's different for all individuals and like Ceilidh says there's sometimes the prospects of benefits. The important thing to remember is that the situations on TV can't be generalised to all instances of teenage pregnancy; there are so many different factors to consider and we probably don't know the half of them.

Troubled_Heart May 15th 2011 11:47 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
As a teenager I'm not sure it is cool, I know that in my school you get kicked out for being pregnant and it can wreck your life... I think it is publisised? a lot because sex has become more open and more and more people are doing it underage. I don't think it's fair for a girl to be a whore for getting pregnant underage when nobody even considers the guy, I don't think you should judge the situation before you know all the facts, for all you know she might have been in a long term relationship etc...

Celyn May 15th 2011 12:02 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
In the uk, a lot of girls get pregnant, because they never seem to care about contraception. Then again, young people who get pregnant, usually have parents who were also young when they were pregnant. Someone who lives down the road, has about ten kids, is young, and are only having kids because of the money benefits that come with it. Also, if you are young and pregnant, you are put further up on the council housing list, if you want to move out.

However, I have met one extremely amazing girl. She is in my school, has a 2 year old daughter, and carries on studying in school. She wants to provide for her child better than what her family did for her. She doesn't want her daughter to grow up and be like her (a teenage mum). She is setting a good example, she deliberately makes sure her daughter has a healthy, balanced diet.

But most of the girls I have come across, never look after their child, they get their parents to do it for them.

Nicolette May 15th 2011 03:15 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
Its NOT cool to get pregnant, thats what I don't understand. Its not glamorous, its not fun, there's nothing "sexy" about it. I think people are seeing it as babybumps and babies themselves are trendy and the new accessory. Stick to a phone or handbag which doesn't make you puke, crap its diaper and keep you up all hours of the night.

NevermindMe May 15th 2011 03:27 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I do not wish to offend pregnant teens on the site, but I assure you I do not believe it is cool. However I would not go as far as to say they are "Whores" they are just people who did not make well informed choices. That being said I see nothing attractive about dating someone who has to drag Junior around to clubs, parties, school, work, uni, and anything else.

And I hope you realize that comic at the begining was intended to be a joke.

- Justin

Fictional May 15th 2011 06:56 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I doubt many people see it as 'cool' ¬.¬ And I doubt many teenage pregnancies are planned, in which case, your question should be "why is it cool to have sex?" After all, pregnancy is an (often unintended) after-effect of sex. In the UK teenage pregnancies continue because as already mentioned, it's possible to get benefits and housing form the council. Of course some girls will see that as a reason to get pregnant, which isn't at all fair, but what are we supposed to do, leave girls and their babies on the streets?

LucyLouWho May 16th 2011 02:33 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 641789)
Never noticed that, I view pregnant teenagers as whores, but that's just me, and most people still.

Pardon? I got pregnant at 17, and I'm far from a whore, buddy... The only man I've ever had sex with is my son's father.

Harmony♥ May 16th 2011 02:50 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
Teens who get pregnant are whores? Wow, a little bit harsh much.

How about the teen girls that are raped and get pregnant, are they whores? How about when the condom breaks, are they whores? I simply think saying all teens that get pregnant are whores is a little bit overboard. There are some that do have sex with the sole intention of getting pregnant, but that's not all teens.

I'm not trying to offend anyone here either, but I in no way think it's cool to get pregnant as a teen. TV shows like 16 & Pregnant and Teen Mom often make getting pregnant at such an age look 'cool'. They see these girls getting pregnant and getting their own TV show. It's happening a lot more often because parents are becoming increasingly scared of talking to their children about sex and birth control, and often times, teens don't even understand what the definition of contraception is. That's hardly their fault, but to an extent, it is.

Just Peachy. May 16th 2011 04:11 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I don't think that it's more popular, I just think that so many people get pregnant that people are used to it, and no one says anything about it.

BluEiis May 16th 2011 04:29 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
it isn't. It is in no way cool. Some people do it on purpose, some people accidentally, some are raped.. but it isn't "cool"...

ARTPOP May 16th 2011 09:41 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 641789)
Never noticed that, I view pregnant teenagers as whores, but that's just me, and most people still.

Silly maybe, not whore, that's really mean!

MegaMadness May 16th 2011 11:26 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
Yeah it's not cool. It's really sad. That might be harsh but girls my age, younger or a bit older having kids, it just seems wrong to me. I know at this age I could not be a good mother. I honestly doubt any one could. And if they are, they are still wasting their youth and education time, and all the fun times that they can never get back. I personally don;t see why anyone would want children under the age of about 25. Live a bit first, then kids, just seems so much better and practical for everyone involved.

guillotine_blades May 16th 2011 04:20 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Guile (Post 641789)
Never noticed that, I view pregnant teenagers as whores, but that's just me, and most people still.

And what about those boys who got those girls pregnant? They aren't frowned upon at all. So the girls who got pregnant the very same time they lost their virginity, those are whores too huh? The girls who immediately turn into mothers and want better for their children? nah, lets just forget about those good moms and just lump everyone into the same category right? Isn't that how you see it? Because EVERY teenage mom is just a partying, drug using, two-bit whore huh? And what about the women in their twenties who just (like myself) honestly LOOK young? You are judging them as a whore too, even though they might be married, in a serious relationship/engaged, working, responsible woman.

You need to grow up and realize the world isn't black and white. I bet your grandma or great grandma was definitely a teenage mother, does that make her a whore?

Maloo May 16th 2011 05:23 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
holy hell. Pretty sure that they weren't saying they're whores. Just that that's the first thing that crosses their mind. There's a difference. People have initial reactions. People judge people. It's life.

forfrosne May 16th 2011 05:34 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by guillotine_blades (Post 642788)
And what about those boys who got those girls pregnant? They aren't frowned upon at all. So the girls who got pregnant the very same time they lost their virginity, those are whores too huh? The girls who immediately turn into mothers and want better for their children? nah, lets just forget about those good moms and just lump everyone into the same category right? Isn't that how you see it? Because EVERY teenage mom is just a partying, drug using, two-bit whore huh? And what about the women in their twenties who just (like myself) honestly LOOK young? You are judging them as a whore too, even though they might be married, in a serious relationship/engaged, working, responsible woman.

You need to grow up and realize the world isn't black and white. I bet your grandma or great grandma was definitely a teenage mother, does that make her a whore?

You're reading way too far into it. Myss is right, he's not necessarily saying that they are ALL whores, just that that's his first reaction. I think that of the women who are pregnant at teenagers, the ones who do it by accident then choose to keep it are in the minority, so he's kinda justified.

MadPoet May 16th 2011 05:39 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
There are the select few people who think it's cool to get pregnant, and who do it at sixteen just because they want a baby and don't want to wait. I think it's become more of a common or popular thing to do because more people are starting to accept it. It's sad because I think some teenagers see having a baby as something fun, when they don't realize how much they have to give up and what a challenge it is. I don't think people should be hated for getting pregnant at a young age, but I don't think it should be as accepted as it is.

Fictional May 16th 2011 06:41 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
Some of you are saying that shows like Teen Mom glamourise parenthood... I always thought they show it in a very realistic light.

Jovial. May 16th 2011 11:16 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I would say that calling a person a whore for getting pregnat is a little much, for real?

Twisted May 17th 2011 12:00 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
Some girls see it as 'cool' but a lot of them are just silly and make ill-informed choices. And then you get the girls who go through the ordeal of getting raped. Let's remember as well that it takes two to make a baby, the guy is just as responsible as the girl. It's just that people see baby and teen mom and automatically assume that they're easy when really, they don't know the full story at all.

It may seem like people think it's cool because it's become more socially acceptable and you have a lot more coverage in the media about it. Just because the girls in tv shows such as underage and pregnant (uk) aren't turning around and saying things like "I regret getting pregnant" and playing it down doesn't mean they intended to get pregnant or thought it was cool, in fact it's relatively easy to pick out the ones who do think it's cool to get pregnant because of the way they talk about it. The majority are just facing up to their responsibilities despite what people on the outside may think. Yes circumstances aren't ideal for them but we're human, people make mistakes and there will always be teenage parents around whether we like it or not.

Maloo May 17th 2011 12:02 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by princess (Post 643189)
I would say that calling a person a whore for getting pregnat is a little much, for real?

Glad to see you ignored my post as well..
It's called a first impression.
There's way too many ways to prevent pregnancy nowadays. Carelessness is no excuse, and in cases where they got pregnant because they didn't use contraception or only used a condom, then it's pretty much their own fault, and yeah, they're going to be judged for it. There's so much information out there about birth control, and so many different options, there's no excuse for "accidents."

YoungDragonfly_ May 17th 2011 02:52 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I almost feel the same way as OP. I mean, I've heard so many younger teens saying they want to get pregnant at like 15, it's insanity.

Atlantis May 17th 2011 06:22 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
In my definition a slut is someone that advertises sex or seems to promote that they do it!

If a girl is pregnant and single it means one of a few things
* She had a bf but they split up (stereotype of the guy leaving but girls are always pretty emotional while pregnant)
*She slept with one guy and magically got pregnant
*She slept with everyone she could to get pregnant!

I'd say the last one is a whore but i think its more common than what most people would think! It used to be that when people got pregnant they were all like how am i going to tell my parents. Now its more a well they'll find out sooner or later, Yay i'm pregnant! You wall thought the malls and its mother daughter and granddaughter, or friends all young each with a kid. Most of which wouldnt have jobs and will most likely never work again. Rarely see the guys around .. either they dont exist or they're most likely too busy working to support gf and baby.

I guess only time will tell how this latest generation of kids will turn out, seems like its going to be a new class divide, those families that work hard and have kids older and those that dont, and have many kids supported by the goverment!

Twisted May 17th 2011 07:43 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
^^^Not forgetting the young parents who do work, are in a stable relationship and actually planned to have a baby, because it's what they both wanted. Believe it or not these people do exist.

Atlantis May 17th 2011 10:37 AM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Twisted (Post 643423)
^^^Not forgetting the young parents who do work, are in a stable relationship and actually planned to have a baby, because it's what they both wanted. Believe it or not these people do exist.

I'm not saying they dont exist, but how many 16 year olds are in a stable relationship, 100 years ago you might have been able to tell that your going to like a 16 year old for the rest of your life, but now adays 16 is still young and hasnt finished discovering who they really are?

I guess my main thing is people who have kids when their own life is unstable, for the reason that they want kids then and there rather than thinking.. it's the perfect time to raise a kid!

To me it kinda seems a number of younger people are thinking they wont be around in 10 years to have kids, while earning enough to support them well. Why hasnt this apocalypse been on the news?

LucyLouWho May 17th 2011 02:29 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
Tell ya' what... There are some teen parents who are also my friends doing a much better and more "involved" job at being a mother than some of the 20's-30's mothers that I know. Age doesn't matter when it comes to the actual act of being a nurturing mother. Age can make a difference in finances, sure... And that's very important when raising a child. But even if you make all the money in the world, it won't mean anything to your baby if you're never around, or never pay attention to them. Not every teen who gets pregnant is "mother" material... But it can be learned. And if it isn't, I feel very sorry for the child. Justifying that pregnant teens are whores by saying it's just a first reaction is ridiculous... Do you look at older women who get pregnant and first reaction is, "Man, she's a whore, I bet." Even if it's just a first reaction. I look at teen mothers in a much better light than the deadbeat fathers that leave them. (Not that they all do... But a good bit of them do.)

It's not easy being a mother... Even the older ladies make mistakes. So you can bet that the teen is going to make mistakes as well. It certainly doesn't help when you're constantly prodded at... being called a whore, reminded of what you can no longer have the freedom to do, etc... when you're trying to be the best mother you can be. If you haven't experienced it, you really don't know what you're talking about, sorry.

Do you think it's only teenage parents who have a hard time? Or who may end up wishing they had children later in life? Or that they would have furthered their education before having children? Or have better finances? Sorry to shock you, but there are many 20's-30's+ parents who I've heard say the exact same things.

If the teen mom is a whore, why isn't the older mom as well? Because the teen is single? Well, there are older single moms as well... They're whores? I'm not seeing the logic other than "You're a teen who got pregnant, so my first reaction of you is that you're a whore... And your kid's life is going to suck."

forfrosne May 17th 2011 03:20 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Mommy.Wife.Student (Post 643547)
Tell ya' what... There are some teen parents who are also my friends doing a much better and more "involved" job at being a mother than some of the 20's-30's mothers that I know. Age doesn't matter when it comes to the actual act of being a nurturing mother. Age can make a difference in finances, sure... And that's very important when raising a child. But even if you make all the money in the world, it won't mean anything to your baby if you're never around, or never pay attention to them. Not every teen who gets pregnant is "mother" material... But it can be learned. And if it isn't, I feel very sorry for the child. Justifying that pregnant teens are whores by saying it's just a first reaction is ridiculous... Do you look at older women who get pregnant and first reaction is, "Man, she's a whore, I bet." Even if it's just a first reaction. I look at teen mothers in a much better light than the deadbeat fathers that leave them. (Not that they all do... But a good bit of them do.)

It's not easy being a mother... Even the older ladies make mistakes. So you can bet that the teen is going to make mistakes as well. It certainly doesn't help when you're constantly prodded at... being called a whore, reminded of what you can no longer have the freedom to do, etc... when you're trying to be the best mother you can be. If you haven't experienced it, you really don't know what you're talking about, sorry.

Do you think it's only teenage parents who have a hard time? Or who may end up wishing they had children later in life? Or that they would have furthered their education before having children? Or have better finances? Sorry to shock you, but there are many 20's-30's+ parents who I've heard say the exact same things.

If the teen mom is a whore, why isn't the older mom as well? Because the teen is single? Well, there are older single moms as well... They're whores? I'm not seeing the logic other than "You're a teen who got pregnant, so my first reaction of you is that you're a whore... And your kid's life is going to suck."

Teens: 13-19
If you're pregnant at that age... well, first impressions.
And actually, age is very important - not only for finance. That girl who's a mum at 12? She's be a terrible mother without help.

LucyLouWho May 17th 2011 03:41 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by MonsterCosmonaut (Post 643579)

Teens: 13-19
If you're pregnant at that age... well, first impressions.
And actually, age is very important - not only for finance. That girl who's a mum at 12? She's be a terrible mother without help.

Okay, within reason. I'm talking 14-17... 18+ is legal adult. Any teen who becomes pregnant will need help. If they don't have that, they've got a tough road ahead of them. And a 12 year old who gets pregnant... my first impression would be that I feel sorry for her and that her parents must not have been watching over her.

forfrosne May 17th 2011 04:06 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Mommy.Wife.Student (Post 643588)
Okay, within reason. I'm talking 14-17... 18+ is legal adult. Any teen who becomes pregnant will need help. If they don't have that, they've got a tough road ahead of them. And a 12 year old who gets pregnant... my first impression would be that I feel sorry for her and that her parents must not have been watching over her.

I still don't think getting pregnant the moment you become a legal adult is a good idea. One would have absolutely no life experience, very little financials, probably no partner and nowhere to stay, probably.

Maloo May 17th 2011 04:20 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant
I once said that people getting pregnant at a young age on purpose is stupid, and I accidentally said this in front of someone who did it. So I thought of all these defenses to make myself not look bad, and then conversation over. But you know what? Her marriage is an absolute failure. Her anxiety is so bad that she can barely let her child out of her sight. I'm not in any way saying she's a bad mother, but her decision to get pregnant at such a young age has pretty much made her life miserable.

Serene May 17th 2011 04:50 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Atlantis (Post 641782)
whats changed that makes it so popular? when i was younger if you got pregnant you were an outcast!

I think that's part of the answer. Teen Pregnancy isn't seen as such a terrible thing. It's almost socially acceptable now a days. And that itself means more people are going to become pregnant.

There was an article I read a few months ago where a group of girls in school made a 'pact' swearing that each of them were going to get pregnant by the end of the year.

guillotine_blades May 17th 2011 04:58 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by MonsterCosmonaut (Post 643600)

I still don't think getting pregnant the moment you become a legal adult is a good idea. One would have absolutely no life experience, very little financials, probably no partner and nowhere to stay, probably.

You are generalizing. I got pregnant at 18, was married, had a place to live, and was happy with my choice. I later divorced him but now as a 22 year old mother of an almost 4 year old, I am extremely happy with my choices. They have led me to where I am today. I have a great man by my side, a great job, wonderful happy son, and I am doing great. You have a picture in your head of what you see a teenage mom as, and quite honestly its bullshit. Its a Stereotype and not every teen mom is like what you picture.

guillotine_blades May 17th 2011 05:00 PM

Re: Why is it cool to get pregnant

Originally Posted by Myss (Post 643607)
I once said that people getting pregnant at a young age on purpose is stupid, and I accidentally said this in front of someone who did it. So I thought of all these defenses to make myself not look bad, and then conversation over. But you know what? Her marriage is an absolute failure. Her anxiety is so bad that she can barely let her child out of her sight. I'm not in any way saying she's a bad mother, but her decision to get pregnant at such a young age has pretty much made her life miserable.

And for other young moms it has turned out to be the best thing in the world. My son was planned. Yes my marriage failed, but it led me to great things that I couldn't imagine my life without. I am not advocating teens planning pregnancy at all, but you shouldn't group all that do into one category.

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