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-   -   3 months pregnant and I didn't even know? (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f7-pregnancy-childcare/t73096-3-months-pregnant-i-didnt-even-know/)

apples.1996 April 29th 2011 06:49 PM

3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Oh My God I'm three months pregnant and didn't even realise untill like a week ago, Jason is being charged with sexual assault on a minor. There's no way I'm getting an abortion or giving my baby up for adoption, my dad and brother have said he will help me out. Also its twins :o I'm so scared, but yet excited I love that I'm going to have someone to love and someone who will love me unconditionally back :hug:

Maloo April 29th 2011 07:27 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
have you gone to a doctor? If you haven't, you need to. Because an 11 year old being pregnant with twins could be quite dangerous for you and/or the babies.

Porcelain Child April 29th 2011 07:47 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
I second what the above poster have said.. You need to see a doctor..

Dark-and-Twisty April 29th 2011 07:53 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Wow, I don't know to say. Having a kid sister who's eleven, I cannot imagine her going through what you're going through. She's definitely not mature enough; no eleven year old kid is. If the original poster knows she's having twins, I'll assume she's been to the doctor. There's no way she'd know that on her own.

I can understand not wanting to abort a child, but it is extremely dangerous for your body. My sister hasn't even started her period, though I started mine when I was nine.

Just be warned, babies aren't all cuddles and love. In fact, children don't give a lot of love. Babies are a lot of work, and it is not going to be easy. All you can do is love them, and hope in the end that it pays off.

Having family support will help, but still, it won't be easy. Assuming you've been to the doctor, I hope the doctor has warned you of the health risks that accompany being pregnant and so young. The health risks are great enough when you're a teenager, but you're not even a teen.

apples.1996 April 30th 2011 07:36 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
I know the risks and I also know that a baby is alot of hard work because of my baby brother Shane.

Pelios April 30th 2011 07:47 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by apples.1996 (Post 632570)
I know the risks and I also know that a baby is alot of hard work because of my baby brother Shane.

You may have experience with your little brother but you can't really conpair him with your future baby TWINS. It's double everything and your body is probably still too small for twins that comes with a lot of health risks. I try to think of my little cousins your age and I just cannot get my head around how a 11 year old is ready for a baby let alone two.

LittleMissOneBigMess April 30th 2011 11:16 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Hey there :)
First of I just wanted to say that this response is not meant to be mean or rude, I'm just being honest, and trying to help.

But I do have to agree with everyone else, I don't think any teenager is ready to be a mother, heck even some adults aren't ready to be parents, never mind an 11 year old, especially because these babies didn't come from love, you were assaulted, you need to heal from that and take time to heal and be okay before you can even considering raising a child, never mind 2 children.

What about school?, your 11, so your in 5th or 6th grade, you haven’t even hit middle school yet, or high school, how do you expect to finish school, while raising 2 babies?? I mean your not even legally old enough to get a job to support these babies, I'm not saying you should get an abortion but I'm saying you should defiantly consider adoption. Do you really believe you can provide everything for 2 babies at 11? I mean I'm 17 and I know I'm defiantly not ready to be a parent. Even though you have experience with your baby brother, that’s not the same as being a mom ( trust me, I have 2 younger brothers and multiple younger cousins that I always baby-sit), being a big sister means you can give him back to your parents when he cries, or needs a diaper change, or won't listen, you can't do that with your own baby (babies).

My brother is 11 and I can't even fathom him being a father at this age, you should be playing with your friends, learning who you are, learning new skills, having fun at school, discovering your talents, not worrying about being a mother. Your still a child yourself, you should live your childhood while you can.

You not only have to think about the emotional consequences but also the physical, your 11, so I'm guessing your probably not very big, your probably a petite girl, your body most likely cannot carry one baby, let alone 2, it can be very dangerous for you and your babies.

What happens when you become a teen, and you start going to parties or wanting to have bfs, or hang out with friends, or do after school activity?? You can't do that stuff with 2 toddlers. Don't you want to experience your life as a young adult before you have children, don't you want to do all the things your friends with be doing, don't you want to know that when you have kids, you'll be financially, emotionally and physically ready for them?? Babies are no joke, one of my friends has a 7 month old, and she finds it extremely difficult, and she has the support from her parents, friends, grandparents, fiancé, fiancés parents and even our school accommodates her. But I remember her being pregnant, a lot of people were disgusted, called her names, made fun of her, told her horrible things, could you handle that?? I know you would love your children but unfortunately that’s not all they need. Could you handle being up at 2 am feeding twins, one screams the other one screams, changing diapers at all hours of the night, waking up at ridiculous times, your life will be altered, these babies deserve someone who can give them everything they need, they depend on someone for their lives.

I'm not saying its an easy decision, I know it would be hard for me ( and I'm 17), but you need to consider not only what is best for you but what is best for these children.

I do hope that everything works out for you in the end. I'm sorry if this offended you, I just really hope you considering everything.


Tigerlily. May 1st 2011 09:10 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Tessa hit it all on the mark. As an 11 year old, the chances of you being physically, emotionally, and mentally ready for a baby let alone two are slim to none. Both you and the babies could be harmed during this pregnancy, a teenage pregnancy can be fatal and you aren't even a teen yet. This is very serious and as happy and giddy as you seem to be it doesn't seem to me like you are taking this serious. I mean these are babies, not just babies you can hand off to your parents when they cry. It's your choice what to do, but if I were pregnant at 11 I would seriously consider adoption. It would be better for the babies, I mean your only 11, assuming you have the babies while your still 11 you would have two 5 year olds by the time your 16. When you legally become and adult at 18 you'll be caring for two 7 year olds and by the time they're adults at 18 you'll only be 29, not even 30. In my opinion, adoption would be a much better option. You could even look into open adoption where you can get pictures and they'll know about you, you may even be able to visit sometimes, but in your case I would rather recommend a closed adoption. No option you have will be easy, but think of the babies. Would they have a better life with an 11 year old who can't even legally get a job until they are 5 years old, 3 at the very very least. Or with a married or engaged family in their late 20's or 30's who have at least one job and are financially stable enough to care for two babies?

In the end it is your choice but I highly suggest a closed adoption.

Crimson_Craze May 1st 2011 10:11 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
I have to agree with Cheye a baby isn't the easiest thing to handle. Your only 11 you don't need that kind of stress, I know your against abortion, but adoption is probably the best option for you. Your still a kid, you should be out with your friends playing and having fun, you should worry about school and not have to worry about a baby. I know this will be hard but your not even a teen yet...

Pm me if you ever need to talk, I'm always here...

Crimson_Craze May 1st 2011 10:15 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
And where your so young the baby is more at risk at developing disabilities babies with disabilities are hard to handle, trust me I got my little brother to deal with who has autism, I think its best if you look into adoption or abortion babies are alot of strain, emotionally and physically.

metalheadjessus May 1st 2011 01:47 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
I have to say that I agree with everyone else. At 11 years old, it is unlikely that your body will be developed sufficiently enough to be able to carry one baby, let alone two! Your education will be severely affected, compromising your ability to provide enough of an income to financially deal with children in the future. You won't be eligable for a lot of jobs until you are at least 14, either, even those that require no qualifications, and even they will only be on a part time basis with only a basic wage. Babies can be very expensive! Two cots, nappies, clothing, medical care, push chairs, day care, high chairs, sterilisers, formula milk, bedding, bottles and food are all very expensive things, not to mention twice the number of presents to buy at Christmas, which may not seem significant, but it is to a child. All of these things add up to quite a lot of money, and are only the things required by babies, and the cost only gets greater as they get older, what with school trips and clothes to pay for as well.

A lot of thirty year olds find it both financially and physically difficult to deal with twins, even with the help of partners and families, and the wage that full time employment that both members of a couple bring in.

Maybe you could go to your doctor, and just ask him/her to talk you through the risks of going through with such a pregnancy, and maybe talk to someone about the possibility of an open adoption or something?

I wish you all the luck in the world, but beg of you to take what everyone else has said in to consideration and gain a greater understanding of the implications of being not even a teen mother.

Harmony♥ May 1st 2011 02:53 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Alright guys, I think she understands now that there are some dangers to being a pregnant with twins 11 year old. What she needs now is support and advice that is going to help her through this. She ultimately made the decision to carry the babies, and to deliver them (or have a c-section in her case), and to care for them with the help of her dad and older brother.

First off, I want to say good job on getting the man who assaulted you behind bars. It takes a lot of courage to do something like that, and I'm glad that he is being charged so he can't do this to another girl. You may not know it, but you could have saved a lot of girls from the same hardships your going to go through. I do agree with everyone else, but I'm not going to dwell on it. You've been to the doctor now, so I would assume that you know the dangers and possibilities of having twins with disabilities. Sure, it could happen, but don't assume just because your young it will happen. You just need to prepare yourself for what might happen in the future. I hope your pregnancy goes smoothly, and things are ok with the babies.

DeletedAccount18 May 3rd 2011 08:42 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
All I can tell you is good luck. I wish you all the best, and it's wonderful that your dad and brother want to help out. You need your family now, especially after having gone through the trauma of rape at such a young age.

We'll be here if you ever want to talk or get advice. :)

tamz May 4th 2011 04:43 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
well done on getting Jason put behind bars :)
A baby is by no means a walk in the park. My best friend's son is 2 now and he's such a handful, my friend does struggle at times. And he was a very much planned & wanted child. But you already know it's going to be hard, you're in the situation now and just need to make the best of it. I wish you the best of luck with the pregnancy & birth. Have you told any of your friends about the pregnancy yet? I hope they're supportive for you, it's great that your Dad & brother are :)

lola jonson May 4th 2011 05:10 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
people have already said this but : OH MY GOD!!! youre only eleven years old and youre pregnant with twins!!! there is no way that your body can physically handle that. if you have them they are going to moat likely be underweight and/or premature or have some other health problems. you could end up having a miscarriage from having kids that young!!!

Harmony♥ May 4th 2011 07:14 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by lola jonson (Post 634886)
people have already said this but : OH MY GOD!!! youre only eleven years old and youre pregnant with twins!!! there is no way that your body can physically handle that. if you have them they are going to moat likely be underweight and/or premature or have some other health problems. you could end up having a miscarriage from having kids that young!!!

Just so you know, most women, even older women, have babies that are premature and/or underweight when they are carrying twins. Twins never make it to the full 40 weeks of pregnancy.

Tigerlily. May 4th 2011 07:37 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by lola jonson (Post 634886)
people have already said this but : OH MY GOD!!! youre only eleven years old and youre pregnant with twins!!! there is no way that your body can physically handle that. if you have them they are going to moat likely be underweight and/or premature or have some other health problems. you could end up having a miscarriage from having kids that young!!!

You act like it's her choice which it wasn't. Sorry to be so up front with that comment but seriously you don't need to try to scare the crap out of her. Yes she needs to know the facts but you're only giving her half the truth, Shannon was right in mentioning that other much more older women as well have complications with twins, it's almost to be expected not just because of her age.

Now onto helping. Obviously the first time I posted it was to tell you what could happen, and I'll admit I was not very supportive. I still stand by my final answer, but whatever you choose people will be here to support you, you can always find support here on TH, especially from wonderful people like Shannon.

Harmony♥ May 4th 2011 09:46 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by leochick123 (Post 635210)
You act like it's her choice which it wasn't. Sorry to be so up front with that comment but seriously you don't need to try to scare the crap out of her. Yes she needs to know the facts but you're only giving her half the truth, Shannon was right in mentioning that other much more older women as well have complications with twins, it's almost to be expected not just because of her age.

Now onto helping. Obviously the first time I posted it was to tell you what could happen, and I'll admit I was not very supportive. I still stand by my final answer, but whatever you choose people will be here to support you, you can always find support here on TH, especially from wonderful people like Shannon.

Thank you Cheye, that's very much appreciated. :D. Each of you have been supportive in your own way, and I'm pretty sure she now knows that her pregnancy will be extremely high risk. We are here to provide as much knowledge as we can to those who ask, and I think we did a good job of doing so. But, we have to understand, this wasn't her choice. Lola: If you had read her previous post, you would know that she raped and became pregnant. She has already discussed options and made her choice to keep her babies. There isn't anything we can do to stop her now.

Doodle. May 4th 2011 10:23 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Hey, I know I'm just repeating what everyone else has just said but I don't think this is the greatest idea. This isn't safe for you or your future children. Your body isn't ready for this, you're still going through puberty. I know I can't force you to do anything but please think about this.

I know ultimately this is your decision so I hope you will be fine with what happens <3333

charmbraceletxo May 6th 2011 09:56 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Hi Apples,

First and foremost, I'm sorry to hear about your situation--but, on a more uplifting note, I'm glad to know that this sexual terrorist is behind bars.

Forgive me for my redundancy, and I know that you already know this, but sweetheart, you are very young :( I have two younger sisters--one who happens to be your age (well, she's actually twelve--but that's irrelevant)--and I couldn't imagine her being in your situation. Please take my advice seriously and reconsider your decision. While you may honestly believe that you comprehend the difficulties associated with having a baby, I honestly feel that you're gravely underestimating the magnitude of the sacrifice, effort, and exhaustion that's inevitable if you decide to have/keep these children. Think about it, hon--by the time you're my age (21), your child will be 10 years old--nearly as old as you are now (it amazes me that in the United States you're legally responsible enough to have children at essentially any age, but you can't purchase or consume alcohol until you're twenty-one...anyway, I digress...). Imagine if your parents had had you at your age--they'd merely be 22 years old--and they wouldn't have been able to provide you with much of ANYTHING. How would you feel?--because, essentially, in deciding to have these babies (twins, you said?), you're really subjecting them to a life ridden with disadvantage--and that's not fair to them, much less is it fair to you. The babies' father won't even be around to offer you help/support--which is definitely a good thing in this case, but you're definitely going to require tons of extra help and support (which, I realize that your father and brother have offered to lend a helping hand, but still...).

I can't tell you what to do, and I anticipate that you'll lump my response in with the others (which are qualitatively-sound, by the way)...but please please please reconsider...or at the very least, ask your parents to set you up with some sort of a counselor/therapist so that you can wholeheartedly make sense of the seriousness of your situation and make new decision from there. You claim that you're excited to have these babies because you'll "finally have someone to love and who will love [you] unconditionally"--I don't mean to be forward, but that statement alone was pretty telling. I suspect that you've grown up with some degree of dysfunction/rejection--and a baby won't fix that :( It really won't--it'll just make your life really difficult (especially at your tender age). This is real-life stuff you're dealing with--and I don't honestly believe that anyone can truly prepare themselves for what parenthood brings, let alone someone with such little life experience (and I don't care what anyone says, cognitive development--like biological development--exists on a trajectory...and you're not mentally or physically developed enough to deal with this).

Please take care of yourself. Your post genuinely broke my heart--and I want to be here for you as much as possible. Please note that you're more than welcome to personal-message me--we can discuss this whole thing more in-depth if you'd like. I'm here for you, okay hon?

Good luck :) Please take my advice seriously--especially in terms of going to a counselor/therapist. They can really help you. I promise.

Crimson_Craze May 7th 2011 01:29 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
I have been pm apples.1996, her religious beliefs dont allow her to have an abortion, but her family is thinking of adoption in the family, like her dad or aunt or something will adopt them. She also hasn't had the guts to reply to these your all scaring the shit out of her, she's actually thinking of coming off the site. Please we don't need to scare her we need to help her...:?:)

Maloo May 7th 2011 02:44 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Sometimes the best way to help someone is to scare them.

Tigerlily. May 7th 2011 02:55 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Well it's like Shannon and I said, the point has been made more than enough times yet people are continuing to make it. At least Shannon and I are here for her, as well as many others. The point was to scare the complete and utter crap out of her, but she needed to be informed of her situation, the choice is hers, and we on TH are here for her. I'm sorry that she had to be scared like that, it really is a serious thing, but the majority are also trying to offer support and what they know. It's just it's been stated all too many times.

Harmony♥ May 7th 2011 04:43 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by leochick123 (Post 636654)
Well it's like Shannon and I said, the point has been made more than enough times yet people are continuing to make it. At least Shannon and I are here for her, as well as many others. The point was to scare the complete and utter crap out of her, but she needed to be informed of her situation, the choice is hers, and we on TH are here for her. I'm sorry that she had to be scared like that, it really is a serious thing, but the majority are also trying to offer support and what they know. It's just it's been stated all too many times.

I agree. I said this before, and I will say it again: She understands the dangers of what she is going through. We do not need to continue reiterating them to her. She has even become so scared of her own post that she won't even reply to anything we've said, and she's even thinking about leaving the website because we've absolutely terrified her. I'm sorry, but here at TeenHelp, this isn't what we should be doing. We're here to give the facts, yes. But we're not here to scare the absolute shit out of a poor 11 year old girl who has become pregnant merely on accident. She did not ask to become pregnant, she did not ask to get raped. She needs all the love and support she can get from people like us right now, yet, nobody is really doing their job by doing so. Let's remember what we all signed up here to do: BE THERE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO NEED US

Pelios May 7th 2011 06:10 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by Myss (Post 636646)
Sometimes the best way to help someone is to scare them.

I agree sometimes people need some tough love. Life isn't all about butterflies and happiness.

Harmony♥ May 7th 2011 10:16 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by México (Post 636743)

I agree sometimes people need some tough love. Life isn't all about butterflies and happiness.

I agree. But, everyone keeps repeating the same damn shit back to her. Needless to say, we're not here to scare somebody completely off of the website.

TheWhiteTornado May 7th 2011 10:52 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
I really think you should consider adoption. In my opinion, no one under the age of 20 (at the very least) is emotionally, financially, and realistically ready for a baby, let alone two. I know it seems all beautiful and happy and whatnot, but in reality your life will essentially come to an end at such a young age. You'll have no time to yourself, you'll have no money for yourself, everything will (and should) be devoted to the children). I believe it is fully appropriate for teenhelpers to help people with a situation, whether that be unconditional support or a blunt explanation of the facts. It is a reality and must be faced.

TheWhiteTornado May 7th 2011 10:55 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
I'll follow my extreme post with a more supportive one: you'll get through this, as will the kids, no matter what happens in the end. Time goes on and everyone will survive, no matter how grim the present seems, you are no exception :)

Harmony♥ May 8th 2011 12:23 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by TheWhiteTornado (Post 636872)
I really think you should consider adoption. In my opinion, no one under the age of 20 (at the very least) is emotionally, financially, and realistically ready for a baby, let alone two. I know it seems all beautiful and happy and whatnot, but in reality your life will essentially come to an end at such a young age. You'll have no time to yourself, you'll have no money for yourself, everything will (and should) be devoted to the children). I believe it is fully appropriate for teenhelpers to help people with a situation, whether that be unconditional support or a blunt explanation of the facts. It is a reality and must be faced.

Jack, did you take the time to read the other posts? They all sound the same. This poor girl is so afraid by what we've said that she wont even reply to her own thread anymore. I don't think that's right. Yes, the facts should be stated, and as a billion (exaggeration) people have already done so, I think she realizes the dangers of her situation

Marguerite May 8th 2011 04:03 AM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by ShannonPants (Post 636926)

Jack, did you take the time to read the other posts? They all sound the same. This poor girl is so afraid by what we've said that she wont even reply to her own thread anymore. I don't think that's right. Yes, the facts should be stated, and as a billion (exaggeration) people have already done so, I think she realizes the dangers of her situation

You keep posting the same thing too:

Everyone here is awful! Why am I the only good person on Teenhelp??

I'm not advocating scaring her, but if giving her the facts scare her, that can't be helped. I'm not advocating blaming her, because it obviously isn't her fault.

Still, it's a lot more helpful for her to see the reality of the situation than to tell her congratulations, you're going to be a great pre teen parent and everything from here on out will be rainbows and puppy dogs. It's going to be difficult, and if she can't handle hearing the truth about the situation, how will she ever be ready to handle two babies?

I see on this thread a lot of love and support. People want her to have a good life and not worry about this kind of crap until she's at LEAST ten years older. Yes, that's not going to happen now... and that's sad... but do you really think it's best for all parties involved that an 11 year old raises two children? Because I live in the real world and I can see that it's not.

FlyingTrue May 8th 2011 02:02 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by ShannonPants (Post 636700)

I agree. I said this before, and I will say it again: She understands the dangers of what she is going through. We do not need to continue reiterating them to her. She has even become so scared of her own post that she won't even reply to anything we've said, and she's even thinking about leaving the website because we've absolutely terrified her. I'm sorry, but here at TeenHelp, this isn't what we should be doing. We're here to give the facts, yes. But we're not here to scare the absolute shit out of a poor 11 year old girl who has become pregnant merely on accident. She did not ask to become pregnant, she did not ask to get raped. She needs all the love and support she can get from people like us right now, yet, nobody is really doing their job by doing so. Let's remember what we all signed up here to do: BE THERE FOR THE PEOPLE WHO NEED US

Absolutely right. I too would be terrified being in that position reading this thread.

I think if she needs an abortion, that would be for a doctor to determine if it is medically necessary. If she is able to carry the children safely then she should not be scared into something she would not be comfortable doing.

I wish the best for her and I hope the person who did this stays in jail for a long time and that all of his assets are seized to assist her in this fragile situation.

Tigerlily. May 8th 2011 03:27 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by Marguerite (Post 637007)
You keep posting the same thing too:

Everyone here is awful! Why am I the only good person on Teenhelp??

I'm not advocating scaring her, but if giving her the facts scare her, that can't be helped. I'm not advocating blaming her, because it obviously isn't her fault.

Still, it's a lot more helpful for her to see the reality of the situation than to tell her congratulations, you're going to be a great pre teen parent and everything from here on out will be rainbows and puppy dogs. It's going to be difficult, and if she can't handle hearing the truth about the situation, how will she ever be ready to handle two babies?

I see on this thread a lot of love and support. People want her to have a good life and not worry about this kind of crap until she's at LEAST ten years older. Yes, that's not going to happen now... and that's sad... but do you really think it's best for all parties involved that an 11 year old raises two children? Because I live in the real world and I can see that it's not.

Hey now, there is no reason to be rude, and you are being rude.

We're not saying that the realities of what she is going through and will have to go through shouldn't be brought up we're saying that after 17 (I counted) times, she gets the point. We don't need 17 people to say the exact same thing. Honestly yes if she can't handle the truth of it she probably can't handle two small babies, but no one needs to have 17 out of 20 people constantly telling them how bad it is. She gets it, and you know what? 3-5 people out of all 20 gave her support, 17 only stated bad facts on what could happen, no support there. The goal of TH is to yes state the facts, but to also support. What kind of reputation does it give to Teenhelp if 20 people post and 17 of them post the same exact thing, in turn scaring the absolute shit out of someone who is only 11 and did not ask to be in this situation. I'll say it, it makes it look like this site doesn't care whether they're helping a person or only being repetitive to the point of scaring an 11 year old out of her mind. And Teen help is supposed the place where anyone can go to get help without judgment. Now how is it not judgmental for 17 people to post the same thing. I agree I was wrong by posting my first post, I was the 6th person to say the same thing, and that was too much, but 17?! 17?! Really? You can not sit there and tell me that someone needs to hear the exact same thing, demeaning her at that, 17 times. I'll admit,not every one of those 17 posts is demeaning but the majority are, because they aren't saying, "Look, it's your decision, you already have the facts from the above posters here's my suggestion, if you need help or support PM me," No they all only tell her how bad her situation is. Well you know what, it's enough. honestly 5 is too much, I think at the most 3 of those posts telling her how bad her situation is is fine, at the most. But again, 17?! Every single person who posted after the third post stating that is not helping TH or her in anyway, myself included when it came to my first post. At least Shannon tried to show support, and because she's trying to get people stop, that's trying to tell her it's all sunshine and rainbows? I don't think so. She's trying to give her the support that TH offers, that very few others are giving her.

Yes I realize some may see this as rude and that's what I was against with my first sentence, but people aren't getting that every single post only saying how bad her situation is after the third one is rude. Yes I know this is a rant but it's because apparently 14 (only 14 because I said 3 at the most have the right to say the same thing, even 3 is pushing it) people, again including myself in my first post, don't read or don't care about her feelings.

TheOneThatGotAway May 8th 2011 03:39 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Please look after yourself and do what you think is right. Keep all your options open and keep your family involved. Best of luck xxxxxxxxxxx

Harmony♥ May 8th 2011 04:51 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by leochick123 (Post 637219)
Hey now, there is no reason to be rude, and you are being rude.

We're not saying that the realities of what she is going through and will have to go through shouldn't be brought up we're saying that after 17 (I counted) times, she gets the point. We don't need 17 people to say the exact same thing. Honestly yes if she can't handle the truth of it she probably can't handle two small babies, but no one needs to have 17 out of 20 people constantly telling them how bad it is. She gets it, and you know what? 3-5 people out of all 20 gave her support, 17 only stated bad facts on what could happen, no support there. The goal of TH is to yes state the facts, but to also support. What kind of reputation does it give to Teenhelp if 20 people post and 17 of them post the same exact thing, in turn scaring the absolute shit out of someone who is only 11 and did not ask to be in this situation. I'll say it, it makes it look like this site doesn't care whether they're helping a person or only being repetitive to the point of scaring an 11 year old out of her mind. And Teen help is supposed the place where anyone can go to get help without judgment. Now how is it not judgmental for 17 people to post the same thing. I agree I was wrong by posting my first post, I was the 6th person to say the same thing, and that was too much, but 17?! 17?! Really? You can not sit there and tell me that someone needs to hear the exact same thing, demeaning her at that, 17 times. I'll admit,not every one of those 17 posts is demeaning but the majority are, because they aren't saying, "Look, it's your decision, you already have the facts from the above posters here's my suggestion, if you need help or support PM me," No they all only tell her how bad her situation is. Well you know what, it's enough. honestly 5 is too much, I think at the most 3 of those posts telling her how bad her situation is is fine, at the most. But again, 17?! Every single person who posted after the third post stating that is not helping TH or her in anyway, myself included when it came to my first post. At least Shannon tried to show support, and because she's trying to get people stop, that's trying to tell her it's all sunshine and rainbows? I don't think so. She's trying to give her the support that TH offers, that very few others are giving her.

Yes I realize some may see this as rude and that's what I was against with my first sentence, but people aren't getting that every single post only saying how bad her situation is after the third one is rude. Yes I know this is a rant but it's because apparently 14 (only 14 because I said 3 at the most have the right to say the same thing, even 3 is pushing it) people, again including myself in my first post, don't read or don't care about her feelings.

I couldn't have said this better myself!

Horrorstruck May 8th 2011 06:35 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
There is no point into pushing her to get an abortion as Crimson has stated that its against her religious beliefs and she already knows the risks repeating them over and over is just scaring her, she is a young girl whose scared and afraid, her mind is probably confused, she needs our love and support through this we don't need her to get depressed or be so afraid she does something stupid.

I'm here for your apples and so is many other people, if you ever need help just drop us a message...

apples.1996 May 9th 2011 04:56 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Yeah well I given up, I got the people who I need and have thanked the people who deserved it I'm fed up with you all judging me as I get that enough already. I thank you for trying but its just making me feel worse with what people say. I already knew the risks I was looking for some fucking support, but to me it sounds like your all just hypocrites how would you feel in my position? my religion is dear to me and it prevents me from getting abortion so stop trying to push me into one. I wasn't going to answer this right now but what do I have to loose, I don't give a shit anymore...

Maloo May 9th 2011 05:38 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by apples.1996 (Post 637783)
Yeah well I given up, I got the people who I need and have thanked the people who deserved it I'm fed up with you all judging me as I get that enough already. I thank you for trying but its just making me feel worse with what people say. I already knew the risks I was looking for some fucking support, but to me it sounds like your all just hypocrites how would you feel in my position? my religion is dear to me and it prevents me from getting abortion so stop trying to push me into one. I wasn't going to answer this right now but what do I have to loose, I don't give a shit anymore...

How is anyone here judging you....? You may not have received the exact answers you were looking for, but I haven't seen a single response in this thread that was judging you.

Harmony♥ May 9th 2011 05:42 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by Myss (Post 637795)

How is anyone here judging you....? You may not have received the exact answers you were looking for, but I haven't seen a single response in this thread that was judging you.

Let's not be rude here. She's quite upset. Her religion is against abortions, and religion means a great deal to her and her family. She has already decided to go through with the pregnancy, so there is no reason to continue on with this. She's 11 years old! You may think you aren't judging her, but from her standpoint, you are. By repeating everything over and over again, she got the gist of the idea, and she even told me that she knew the dangers. She has a support system at home, and she no longer needs us here, as she has decided to leave the website due to this particular thread.

Maloo May 9th 2011 05:45 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?

Originally Posted by ShannonPants (Post 637799)

Let's not be rude here. She's quite upset. Her religion is against abortions, and religion means a great deal to her and her family. She has already decided to go through with the pregnancy, so there is no reason to continue on with this. She's 11 years old! You may think you aren't judging her, but from her standpoint, you are. By repeating everything over and over again, she got the gist of the idea, and she even told me that she knew the dangers. She has a support system at home, and she no longer needs us here, as she has decided to leave the website due to this particular thread.

I wasn't being rude, but okay.

Apples, I'm sorry that you feel like people are judging you, and I hope you have a safe pregnancy.

TheOneThatGotAway May 9th 2011 05:46 PM

Re: 3 months pregnant and I didn't even know?
Please Myss its not helping. She is going through a hard time and I know you may not have liked her response but please try to see it from her point of view. No one here is in the wrong or the right its just one of those things people have SO many different views on. I don't think the intention of the post was to get suggestions of what she should have done or should do I think she just wanted some justification for her choice and some respect. I am not having a go at anyone, I just don't want people getting too upset over this. (: xxxx

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