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teariey February 28th 2011 05:42 AM

Pregnant? Help...:(
Hey ladies..
So me and my boyfriend had sex twice in the last month, and used protection both times and we're sure that there was no slippage or breakage. The problem is that I am 3 days late for my period (I'm defining late here as counting after a week from the day I was supposed to get my period), and I still haven't gotten it... I got my period last on January 18th and my cycle is around 32 days. We had sex around ovulation time, so that really freaks me out. I took a home pregnancy test a week after my expected period date and it was negative (I used first response, the test that says it can detect the hcg-h hormone 4 days before an expected period) But I still haven't gotten it and I am really stressing out about it, because I am almost always on a regular cycle. I am also getting some cramping for the past 2 days and no period... I was wondering if pregnancy is possible... even with the negative pregnancy test and percautions taken. I am EXTREMELY scared and worried...:(

Tigerlily. February 28th 2011 09:36 AM

Re: Pregnant? Help...:(
Well I don't know how old you are but for teens and even some woman in their 20's periods can be late or skip for no reason. Also given the precautions you took, that alone lowers the risk greatly. You could be late or miss your period completely because of stress alone, stressing now is not going to help it come at all. After the negative pregnancy test, I would say that I don't think you are pregnant, but if it makes you feel better, try to relax for another week or so, and then take another one, by stopping the stress you should get your period, late but get it, or you may miss it entirely, but I highly doubt you are pregnant.

Alyak March 1st 2011 06:05 AM

Re: Pregnant? Help...:(
i am 18 and i miss my period all the time, but i havent had sex at all, so it does happen. i have no idea how expensive pregnancy tests are, but maybe try it again just to double check, or go see your doctor. It could be stress too you never know.

guillotine_blades March 1st 2011 03:17 PM

Re: Pregnant? Help...:(
Make sure it has been atleast 14 days from ovulation, and take another test. In most women it takes anywhere from about 10-14 days for the hcg hormone to get high enough for even the most sensitive home pregnancy test to pick it up. If it is negative, calm down. It is completely normal to have irratic periods while in your teens. If you go 3 months without a period, contact your doctor (if you aren't on any hormonal birth control) and if you are on hormonal birth control, there is actually no need for a period and BCPs actually stop my periods sometimes.

teariey March 2nd 2011 01:07 AM

Re: Pregnant? Help...:(
Thank you ladies!!
My period did come..:)
It was just late....! Most likely due to stress.
Thanks so much for the advice!

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