Hey ladies..
So me and my boyfriend had sex twice in the last month, and used protection both times and we're sure that there was no slippage or breakage. The problem is that I am 3 days late for my period (I'm defining late here as counting after a week from the day I was supposed to get my period), and I still haven't gotten it... I got my period last on January 18th and my cycle is around 32 days. We had sex around ovulation time, so that really freaks me out. I took a home pregnancy test a week after my expected period date and it was negative (I used first response, the test that says it can detect the hcg-h hormone 4 days before an expected period) But I still haven't gotten it and I am really stressing out about it, because I am almost always on a regular cycle. I am also getting some cramping for the past 2 days and no period... I was wondering if pregnancy is possible... even with the negative pregnancy test and percautions taken. I am EXTREMELY scared and worried...
