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Exclamation pregnant or not. - February 6th 2011, 07:11 PM

well hey i have posted one before and well i havent had my period for almost 50 days and well im worried that im pregnant. i have like all of the symptoms my breasts are in pain and they have blue veins showing are they suppost to, i hate the smell of food it makes me sick, i have to pee constantly, and well it sucks because me and my bf split up a few weeks ago and well im scared that i am and my bf doesnt believe that i could be pregnant..... HELP ME!!!
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 6th 2011, 07:50 PM

Take a pregnancy test, that would be the first thing I would do.

If you're stressed, that could be affect your symptoms. Sometimes just thinking you are pregnant can cause pregnancy symptoms.

But take a test as soon as possible.

If it comes back positive, you need to talk to your parents as soon as possible.

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Re: pregnant or not. - February 6th 2011, 10:43 PM

Taking an at home pregnancy test is the only way you're going to find out, you can pick them up at any pharmacy where the condoms and what not are. Make sure you read the directions and follow them carefully for an accurate reading. You stressing youself out can cause your period to go missing in action and give you symptoms.

"When it comes down to it I let them think what they want, if they care enough to bother with what I do then I'm already better than them." Marilyn Monroe.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 12:47 AM

While you are showing possible symptoms of pregnancy the other girls are right, the only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. Stress and other hormonal disorders can cause pregnancy like symptoms and in some cases completely stop periods.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 08:14 AM

Since the others left out another part of your questions, blue veins showing are completely normal.

Your blood is actually blue, until oxygen hits it. That's when it turns red. If your very light skinned, like me, they show. It might be embaressing, but it's normal.

But, the best way to find out whether or not is to go buy a pregnancy test. Read the directions and a bit of advice is to take it when you first wake up in the morning!

I hope things work out for you.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by shannonashley View Post
Your blood is actually blue, until oxygen hits it. That's
That's not true...

And you should probably take an at home test, or go to the doctors, and by probably I mean make sure you do.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 10:49 AM

Firstly, you are 15. Many younger girls don't get regular periods until their late teens. Even if you do have regular periods, there are many things that miss with a girl's cycle. Stress, especially about potential pregnancy, is a common cause of late or missing periods. Changes in diet, exercise, medication and so on can also cause late/missed periods.

The other symptoms you've noticed are also not necessarily signs of pregnancy. Needing to go to the bathroom more frequently can be caused by drinking more fluids, painful breasts are often a symptom of PMS, and blue veins are fairly normal. I also get nauseous at the smell of food on a regular basis and I know I'm not pregnant. It's also likely that you are just seeing these signs because you've convinced yourself that you are pregnant.

All that being said, the only way you are going to know if you are pregnant is by taking a test or going to the doctor's. I'm sorry, but posting several threads on a support site is not going to definitively tell you if you are pregnant. A test will and you need to take one as soon as humanly possible.

Though if I may ask, why is your ex-boyfriend so convinced that you can't be pregnant? Is he just in denial or does he have an actual reason to think that?

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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 03:09 PM

Originally Posted by 3.14159265358979323846264 View Post

That's not true...

And you should probably take an at home test, or go to the doctors, and by probably I mean make sure you do.
Actually, that is true, your blood is blue until it hits oxygen, ask any doctor and they'll tell you.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 03:17 PM

no... Deoxygenated blood is dark dark red, oxygenated blood is bright red. Your veins look blue because your skin's pigment changes how it looks. You're skinisn't clear, so your veins aren't going to look red.

But your blood definitely isn't blue. You might want to get a different doctor if that's what they're telling you.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 08:37 PM

haha well my ex is just in denial cuz we had unprotected sex and doesnt wanna believe it.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 08:51 PM

have you taken a test yet?
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 7th 2011, 09:03 PM

You have to take a pregnancy test to know if you are pregnant or not. We are not doctors, the symptoms you mentioned could be pregnancy or PMS or just over thinking things. Good luck

"omg i might be pregnant!?!?!"

"ok..calm down..pee on your keyboard...nope its negative"

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Re: pregnant or not. - February 9th 2011, 12:50 AM

no i still havent took a test or anything my ex compleatly ignores me now acts like we were never even together im really hoping that im not tho cuz well i love kids and think i would be a great mom but with the babies dad being like that no i just cant do that! like im against abortion and adoption so
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 9th 2011, 01:52 AM

You need to take a test to figure out if you even need to be stressing about these things. If you ARE pregnant, you're not doing anything good for the baby by not knowing that you're pregnant. If you're not, you're stressing out for no reason.

Just go take a test.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 9th 2011, 01:55 AM

yeah, seriously. 50 days late, you need to check it out, girl!
we're all here in suspense!

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Re: pregnant or not. - February 9th 2011, 03:34 AM

Take a test and tell us you are kill us I hope things work out and you find out the news you want to find out
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 9th 2011, 04:08 AM

As already mentioned, you need to take a test to find out for certain. I'd advise you take one as soon as possible, so that if you are, you can set up the necessary appointments and start prenatal.
I DO want to mention though, that if you keep thinking your pregnant, your mind has a habit of showing the symptoms. I haven't had my period in a little over thirty days and I kept worrying that I was - so much so that my stomach became bigger and sore, my breasts were tender, and I felt nauseous. However, I just recently took two tests. And once assured that I wasn't, they slowly faded back to normal.
Your mind can do weird things to your body if you're convinced of something.

May I advise you, if you aren't pregnant, to talk to a doctor/OBGYN about getting some form of birth control or investing in a package of condoms - just in case?
Also, your ex sounds pretty crappy for leaving you in this situation and denying he could be a father. Find a better man next time. Any man that'll leave you when you need him most, isn't worth your time.
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Re: pregnant or not. - February 9th 2011, 10:08 PM

Did you take a test?

You actually seem more concerned with the fact that your ex is no longer interested in you rather then the fact that you're 50 days late and could become a mother at 15.

If I'm 2 days late I take a test and I'm 30 and married, you really need to get to grips with the situation and sort your priorities out. If you are pregnant then you need medical care, if you're not then lesson learned and you need birth control.

Take a test.

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