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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by Myss
I'm just curious as to how you KNOW that the show drove some girls to get pregnant intentionally.
When that show announced it was casting it's second season there were news articles about how girls were purposely getting pregnant to be on it. So yes I feel that I do know for a fact that there are SOME teenage girls out there getting pregnant just so they can be on TV. And since we are talking about 90 girls here I think it's perfectly reasonble to assume that at least one of them purposely got pregnant because of that show or the others like it.
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 05:54 AM
Originally Posted by Matthew
Stories like this make me sick if I'm honest.
These girls should NOT receive ANY money from the government. Leave them to fend for themselves I say.
I'd also like to see them forcibly sterilized.
Well, responses like yours make ME sick. These are teenagers we're talking about. Young people are notorious for making mistakes. They have already made their lives a million times more difficult by having a baby and now you want to punish them further by taking away their ability to ever have another child? Also, who do you think is going to suffer by not giving these mothers money? The innocent babies of course.
I understand that it's frustrating to see stupid teenagers getting pregnant and using hard-working tax payer's money, but you should also understand that people (especially young people, and even moreso in poor neighbourhoods like the one in this story) make mistakes. These teens are going to have to grow up now and life will be very difficult for them. The best we can do is try to help them get an education and better their lives for themselves and their children (which will prevent the cycle from continuing).
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by Kismet
Well, responses like yours make ME sick. These are teenagers we're talking about. Young people are notorious for making mistakes. They have already made their lives a million times more difficult by having a baby and now you want to punish them further by taking away their ability to ever have another child? Also, who do you think is going to suffer by not giving these mothers money? The innocent babies of course.
I understand that it's frustrating to see stupid teenagers getting pregnant and using hard-working tax payer's money, but you should also understand that people (especially young people, and even moreso in poor neighbourhoods like the one in this story) make mistakes. These teens are going to have to grow up now and life will be very difficult for them. The best we can do is try to help them get an education and better their lives for themselves and their children (which will prevent the cycle from continuing).
Teenagers in general make very bad parents. Not saying all do, but the large majority do. There's no point trying to 'educate' the parents after they're pregnant, the cycle will just continue (google it if you're not sure what I mean).
I stand by sterilizing them. They are a threat to the continuation of a strong human race. We've watered down to a weak, pathetic excuse of a "humanity" as it is. These "people" are making it far worse. We'd have been killed off decades ago if we hadn't already killed most of the threats.
We could always take the children off them at birth and give them to suitable parents. Put this way: the babies deserve better.
Last edited by forfrosne; January 25th 2011 at 06:55 AM.
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by Kismet
Well, responses like yours make ME sick. These are teenagers we're talking about. Young people are notorious for making mistakes. They have already made their lives a million times more difficult by having a baby and now you want to punish them further by taking away their ability to ever have another child? Also, who do you think is going to suffer by not giving these mothers money? The innocent babies of course.
I understand that it's frustrating to see stupid teenagers getting pregnant and using hard-working tax payer's money, but you should also understand that people (especially young people, and even moreso in poor neighbourhoods like the one in this story) make mistakes. These teens are going to have to grow up now and life will be very difficult for them. The best we can do is try to help them get an education and better their lives for themselves and their children (which will prevent the cycle from continuing).
Thank you for saving me the bother of typing this exact post.  Couldn't have said it better.
Originally Posted by Matthew
Teenagers in general make very bad parents. Not saying all do, but the large majority do. There's no point trying to 'educate' the parents after they're pregnant, the cycle will just continue (google it if you're not sure what I mean).
I stand by sterilizing them. They are a threat to the continuation of a strong human race. We've watered down to a weak, pathetic excuse of a "humanity" as it is. These "people" are making it far worse. We'd have been killed off decades ago if we hadn't already killed most of the threats.
We could always take the children off them at birth and give them to suitable parents. Put this way: the babies deserve better.
Careful there, you're starting to sound an awful lot like Guile. The threats to humanity come from humanity itself, and eugenics can only make that worse.
The atoms that make up you and me were born in the hearts of suns many times greater than ours, and in time our atoms will once again reside amongst the stars. Life is but an idle dalliance of the cosmos, frail, and soon forgotten. We have been set adrift in an ocean whose tides we are only beginning to comprehend and with that maturity has come the realization that we are, at least for now, alone. In that loneliness, it falls to us to shine as brightly as the stars from which we came.
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 02:18 PM
Here's what I don't get. Everyone is so disinclined to believe that any girl would purposely get pregnant to be on reality television. Are we forgetting all of the INCREDIBLY stupid dumbass things people have done to get their 15 minutes of fame? My personal favorite, probably because it happened here, 6 teenage girls lured another teenage girl to a house where they trapped her and beat her for 5 hours. They also filmed the whole thing, so they had 5 hour long video tapes of them beating the crap out of this girl. Why did they film it? So that they could put it on youtube and become big stars. They risked jail, which they are in, and almost permanently disabling this girl, to become youtube stars. You really think that teenage girls would do all of that, but it's highly unlikely that any teenage girl would get pregnant just so they could be on a TV show?
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 02:43 PM
I still think it makes a hell of a lot more sense to blame the parents and society, rather than a stupid TV show.
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Xujhan
Careful there, you're starting to sound an awful lot like Guile. The threats to humanity come from humanity itself, and eugenics can only make that worse.
I wasn't serious about the 'threat to humanity' bit, I was being melodramatic 
Still, I stand by part of it. People like this would have been killed off yeears ago through nature, but now they're procreating. Not looking good for the future .of humanity..
I agree that the threats are humans ourselves, but I'm not sure why eugenics would make it worse.. it's not certain it'd to any good, but I can't see how it'd make it worse?
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 25th 2011, 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Myss
I still think it makes a hell of a lot more sense to blame the parents and society, rather than a stupid TV show.
I'm not saying that parents and society aren't to blame. Of course they are. But I think it's stupid to not consider every possible reason teen pregnancies happen. How can we ever hope to stop something like this from happening again if we refuse to identify all possible reasons.
"For Ignorance killed the cat, Curiosity was framed." -Caitlin McGrath
"For this thing we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down." -Mary Pickford
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 26th 2011, 01:35 AM
Originally Posted by Kismet
Well, responses like yours make ME sick. These are teenagers we're talking about. Young people are notorious for making mistakes. They have already made their lives a million times more difficult by having a baby and now you want to punish them further by taking away their ability to ever have another child? Also, who do you think is going to suffer by not giving these mothers money? The innocent babies of course.
I understand that it's frustrating to see stupid teenagers getting pregnant and using hard-working tax payer's money, but you should also understand that people (especially young people, and even moreso in poor neighbourhoods like the one in this story) make mistakes. These teens are going to have to grow up now and life will be very difficult for them. The best we can do is try to help them get an education and better their lives for themselves and their children (which will prevent the cycle from continuing).
Why should someone who was being irresponsible be given money, when I was responsible and never had a child, and will never, untill I can financially support it. If anyone should be given money it is I, for I managed myself well, and proved that I can actually make rational decisions not just based on desires. I am not suggesting (right now, mind you) that we are punishing them in any way, them getting pregnant is not a punishment, it is a result of their irresponsability, it is also not punishment to refuse them money, it is just a wise decision not to dump more money into the hands of people who proved they lack responsability.
On a side note, the government has no responsability to make children or families middle class, rich, or whatever you want for these people. Not one thing should be done for these people that isn't done for me, if they can get $300 because they have a kid, I should be able to as well, especially since a good majority of them dump the kid on their parents and spend the cash on drugs and whatnot. Sure, some of them are damn good parents who love their kids and work double jobs to pay for them, but I make decisions on the rule, not the exception.
Mathew, mein Gott! Someone else who often agrees with me!
(Refferenced directly by Xujhan, I must be leaving quite the trail of Nationalism somewhere, haha!)
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 26th 2011, 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by emma01
Blaming a TV programme is a real joke, you know that! You can't blame 90 teens getting pregnant all because they watched one TV programme! I watch these programmes, and if anything they more put me OFF getting pregnant. It all depends on the person, sure the TV programme may make them want pregnancy more, but if they really didn't want to get pregnant, they wouldn't. They obviously did want kids, and thats just how they are.
Agreed, but I have heard some tv reports and there are many teen girls who are trying to get pregnant on purpose at 16 just to be on the show. Girls have admitted to it on the news. What a shame. :/
I think 90 is absolutely ridiculous. Where are the parents?? Or why can't they go to a free confidential birth control clinic and get some birth control? Yikes...
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 26th 2011, 02:03 AM
And this is why progressive, in-depth sex ed is a good idea.
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 26th 2011, 04:32 AM
Originally Posted by Superstar
And this is why progressive, in-depth sex ed is a good idea.
If someone is too stupid to google "Birth Control Options", then they are far too idiotic to be a parent.
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 27th 2011, 04:58 PM
25 more and it would be the size of my graduating class. I wonder if there was some sort of pregnancy pact going on here since 90 students seems a bit high.
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Re: 90 Pregnant Teens, ONE High School! -
January 30th 2011, 08:46 PM
I believe it's a lot of reasons. It's obviously their own decision to do that, it's the parents fault for not maybe raising them correctly or helping them out someway (even though I know teens go behind parents back on things even if the parent tries), the media for promoting sex and making it sound like it's beyond awesome and everyone in the world is doing it, and I know the area people live in can have an influence. I'm sad to hear 90 students are now pregnant and I hope the best for all of them. Statisically though, I don't see all of them continuing and moving on with their lives as far as college, career, etc. Sex isn't a game. It's a responsibility. Sadly, it is considered a game for a lot of people.
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