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Pregnancy and Childcare If you're pregnant, a young parent, or have questions related to either, ask them here!

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Unhappy onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 02:35 AM

im 15 years old and well i havent had my peroid for almost 2 months i have had spotting instead i have been really really tired latley andhave to pee like 3 times an hour, i have lost all intrests in food cuz it makes me throw up im scared that if i am pregnant the baby isnt getting any nutirents cuz im barley eating =/ hellpp!!! i also cant buy a HPT cuz i dont have any money..
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 03:01 AM

You need to go to the doctor and get tested and see if it really is pregnancy. If it is, you can't afford an abortion then you'll have to consider adoption. You're not old enough to have a baby of your own.
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 03:06 AM

Why didnt u get checked out when u didnt get ur proper period in the first place sorry it just makes me confused that u didnt get checked out asap
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 03:29 AM

I would definitely tell your parents/guardian so that you can go to a doctor and get it checked out. They might be mad, but at least you'll have support.
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 04:05 AM

Why didnt u get checked out when u didnt get ur proper period in the first place sorry it just makes me confused that u didnt get checked out asap
In her defense, a lot of people - especially her age - have irregular cycles and a lot of women don't show any big signs until later in pregnancy. I know I didn't find out until two months in because of stomach pains. I just assumed it was stress and my irregular cycle the first month.

Emilyann, as bad as you think the situation might be, you aren't definitely sure if you ARE pregnant or not. It sounds like you're kind of stressing yourself out about this - which could be causing your period to have disappeared.
So, for now, relax. I can't give you a definite on this, but if you live in the US, they have planned parenthoods and free clinics where you can just walk in and do a test for free. They'll also talk about your options, if you are pregnant, as well as birth control, if you aren't.
If you don't live in the US, I'd still maybe check to see if they have anything like that around you? I'm not too familiar with other places, sorry.

If that's not an option or you actually are pregnant, I'd honestly sit down and talk to your mom or some family member about it. It's scary, I know, and you can expect them to be mad at first. But in the end, you need support and they will probably be there for you. I know telling my mother I was pregnant was my worst nightmare. I held off for two weeks, just trying to figure out a way to do it. Eventually, she came up to me with a pregnancy test and I admitted it then. She was mad for a day or two, but calmed down. And when she saw I needed her to be there for me, she definitely stepped up the plate.
No parent wants their kid to become an adult and go through pregnancy so young, I'm sure. But at the end of it, they're typically a great support system and they'll stick by you. So, if you can, I'd try talking to someone.

I hope everything works out for you though.
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 04:10 AM

I never thought of that it tottaly went outta my mind and i know what its like too being young and pregnat i just turned 17 moved back to bc into my bfs house and was 2 provinces away from my mom had to tell her i was pregnant she was mad at me but after awhile she knew being mad wont change that i was pregnant they are good support people when u need them but get checked out asap
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 07:33 AM

What you need to do is find a clinic that can give you a free pregnancy test. I'm in the same boat as Liz, I know they have clinics in the US but I don't know about anywhere else, although I don't see why there wouldn't be something like a clinic or planned parenthood. If you don't have any clinics, you need to tell your mother or another trusted adult that can help you and get you a pregnancy test. You could just be stressing so much that your period didn't happen this month or will happen late but it's better to be safe than sorry. If you are pregnant people will go over your options and in the end if you decide to keep a baby you can, although I don't really like any of the options it is your choice, don't let other people tell you that because of your age something is not an option. If you aren't pregnant you should discuss birth control so you have less of a chance of this kind of scare again. Either way you need to talk to an adult if you can't get into a clinic. You should talk to an adult wither way but especially if you can't get a test from a clinic.

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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 5th 2011, 03:15 PM

well thanks everyone
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 7th 2011, 06:16 PM

I'm 2 months late....... but not pregnant lol.
Go to the doctors as soon as you can and find out if you are pregnant or not

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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 7th 2011, 09:17 PM

The stress of thinking you might be pregnant alone can throw off our period, add on that you are barely eating and your only 15...ALL of those factors alone can throw off your cycle, so add them all together and it is completely plausible that you are not pregnant. However you should go to a free clinic or scrounge up one dollar in change and go to the dollar tree and get a pregnancy test.

"omg i might be pregnant!?!?!"

"ok..calm down..pee on your keyboard...nope its negative"

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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 7th 2011, 10:39 PM

Originally Posted by sugarsweet15 View Post
im 15 years old and well i havent had my peroid for almost 2 months i have had spotting instead i have been really really tired latley andhave to pee like 3 times an hour, i have lost all intrests in food cuz it makes me throw up im scared that if i am pregnant the baby isnt getting any nutirents cuz im barley eating =/ hellpp!!! i also cant buy a HPT cuz i dont have any money..
As has already been said there are places that you can get a free pregnancy test and it would be a good idea to look into them or speak with your parents and go see a doctor. You could be pregnant or it could be stress related. Please please use one of these options.

Originally Posted by *Nocturnal~Symphony* View Post
You need to go to the doctor and get tested and see if it really is pregnancy. If it is, you can't afford an abortion then you'll have to consider adoption. You're not old enough to have a baby of your own.
You know, while she is young I've seen younger moms out there, telling her she should get an abortion or look into adoption is kind of cruel. That is her decision to make and with family support she could very well raise the child perfectly fine IF she is even pregnant.
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Re: onn noo i think im pregnant. - February 8th 2011, 04:22 PM

Originally Posted by Jaden89 View Post
You know, while she is young I've seen younger moms out there, telling her she should get an abortion or look into adoption is kind of cruel. That is her decision to make and with family support she could very well raise the child perfectly fine IF she is even pregnant.

Completely agreed. A girl friend of mine got pregnant at just 14 years old, and had her baby and her baby just turned a year old back in September. With help and support from family, she can very well keep the baby if she wants too.

Abortion isn't exactly an easy decision for those who have to make it. I've seen a lot of girls go to the clinic to go get one done, then come back and say they couldn't do it.

Adoption isn't exactly easy either. I know for me, had I gotten pregnant at a younger, teen age, I would have kept my baby, simply because the thought of my child being with other people being their parents broke my heart.

But, without help and support from parents, chances of keeping the baby would be tough. Their not cheap, and with her only being 15 years old, she'd need a work permit to find a job. And, she'd need her parents consent to get a checking account. If there were no other options for her with her parents, adoption would probably be the best bet.

There is always open adoption, where you can get photo's and letter's from the new "parents" about your baby, and phone calls to them. You can even see your baby. If that'd be too hard, then closed adoption is another option.

There are always options to consider.
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