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My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 12:27 AM
Ok.. so my exgirlfriend told me on friday that she hasn't had her period yet.
but here's the problem.. we had safe sex. we used a condom, it didnt break, slip off, or anything like that. the condom wasn't old or expired. i'm freaking out.. to say the least. we also had sex on her period, so its much less likely that shes pregnant.. or so a doctor has told me. i.. i just don't know what to do. i can't eat, sleep, drink, or anything. i don't know what to do.. please please please help.. i already have depression.. and its just gotten so so so bad because of this and i'm scared i'm going to do something really stupid.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 12:31 AM
You just need to have her take a pregnancy test. That's the only way you'll know.
But for now, take a breath, and don't assume the worst.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 12:37 AM
i wish it were that simple.. but icant. not with the way i think about things and over analyze things.. i only fall asleep because my body can't run anymore. i can't get this off my mind.. i mean i'm only 17.. like this isn't supposed to happen to me. it just doesn't make sense. i see a therapist for my depression, and just got back from seeing him.. and he basically told me its nearly impossible that if shes pregnant its mine. i just don't know what to think.. or what to do. im scared honestly.. not because of the situation, but because of the fact that last time my life got tough like this, i got into drugs and nearly killed myself. i'm 11 months and 2 weeks sober now, i'm an ex drug addict, and the only thing i know of to make my problems go away is drugs. and that scares me.. because i know exactly where to find them and get them. i can see myself ruining my life again.. and it just.. it scares me.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 12:39 AM
Relax. Have her take a test.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 12:42 AM
I say have her take the test to be sure and if she is just help her out she is going to be as scared and nervous just as ur are now take deep breaths good luck hope it works out feel free to pm or vm me
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 12:55 AM
she's going to take a test friday.. and regardless of how that test results, i'm taking her to planned parenthood the next week if she still hasn't had her period by then.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 12:57 AM
Taking her to planned parenthood to do what?
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 01:09 AM
to confirm the test. cause the test's aren't always completely accurate.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 01:12 AM
Hey there,
This is definitely a very stressful situation to be in but you can make it through. Try to stay calm and don't over think things. The most important thing is for her to take a pregnancy test which will help to determine if she is pregnant. Until she takes the test try to stay calm. I know that is easier said than done but adding all this stress is not going to do you any good. You need to try and relax and take it one step at a time.
Also, is there anyone you can reach out and talk to about all of this? I think it would be really good if you could have someone to help support you through all this.
I really hope this helped and if you need anything please feel free to pm me.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 01:57 AM
Listen, if the only time you've had sex in the last month was when you used protection and had sex on her period, then yes, the chances of her being pregnant are slim. I just want to throw it out there that it's not unheard of that some women pretend that they are pregnant to try and get a guy back into their lives. Or it could be that she is not pregnant with your child, like if she's had sex with anyone else in the last 5-6 weeks. Because there is nothing more you can do at the moment besides have her take a test to confirm the pregnancy, you just need to accept the possibilities and relax. If you are mature enough to have sex then you should be mature enough to handle the consequences, so just take it a day at a time. Maybe have her take a test now.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 03:20 AM
The thing is, I thought I was mature enough for the consequences if they arose, but I was wrong. It's like.. I hear of stuff like this happening.. But I never thought it would happen to me. I'm trying to relax about it, honestly, but I just can't, no matter how hard I try.. And if she is pregnant.. I'm going to get kicked out of school. And I totally know what your talking about when it comes to a girl saying she's pregnant just to get a guy back in her life.. And with this girl I wouldn't put it past her for her to do that. But I mean.. She cries about it.. I've heard it.. She can't fake the crying.. Can she?..
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 04:26 AM
Chances are, if the condom was used completely correctly and there were no problems with it, she's not pregnant with your child.
Honestly, the first thing I thought of when I read this was that she's an ex girlfriend who is wanting you back or wanting attention from you. I could be wrong, but that's what it looks like to me. I hate to assume the worst about people, but in all reality, if you did use the condom correctly, there's really not a whole lot of chance that she's pregnant.
Just get her to take the test. As long as it's been two weeks since the last time you had sex, the test should be accurate.
Good luck.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 04:45 AM
Yea, its been three weeks now.. She says she has her period every three weeks too, but she's been hella stressed out ever since i broke up with her.. and then she got a ticket, and has been grounded, and her grades are a struggle for her, and her family life isn't so great.. and i've heard that stress can mess with a girls period? and it's only been like 24 or 25 days since we had sex.. so she should only be like.. 5 days late, because she started her period on the 15th.
But yea, I hate to assume the worst, but with this girl.. she's crazy. she needs help, like, she needs therapy. And trying to sound like a douche when i'm saying that, i'm just being completely brutally honest.
In that order...
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 04:57 AM
Originally Posted by mikenikes
Yea, its been three weeks now.. She says she has her period every three weeks too, but she's been hella stressed out ever since i broke up with her.. and then she got a ticket, and has been grounded, and her grades are a struggle for her, and her family life isn't so great.. and i've heard that stress can mess with a girls period? and it's only been like 24 or 25 days since we had sex.. so she should only be like.. 5 days late, because she started her period on the 15th.
But yea, I hate to assume the worst, but with this girl.. she's crazy. she needs help, like, she needs therapy. And trying to sound like a douche when i'm saying that, i'm just being completely brutally honest.
Stress can definitely put off a girl's period. What I suggest for you to do is get her a test to take... and BE THERE when she takes it so you can see the result for yourself so that way you know.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 05:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mommy.Wife.Student
Stress can definitely put off a girl's period. What I suggest for you to do is get her a test to take... and BE THERE when she takes it so you can see the result for yourself so that way you know.
Yea I already bought her a test 2 days ago, and I'm bringing it to her on friday so that she can take it. And trust me, i'm most definitely going to be there when she takes the test, I dont trust her.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 05:42 AM
And just so you know, yes, she can DEFINITELY fake the crying.
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 04:55 PM
You did not even tell how long was the delay of the period..
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Re: My exgirlfriend thinks she might be pregnant.. please help -
January 11th 2011, 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by mikenikes
so she should only be like.. 5 days late
You're going to have a difficult time around here if you don't read the entire thread
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