My friend wants to be pregnant -
December 13th 2010, 08:22 PM
So my friend just told me like TODAY at 5 in the morning that she lost her virginity LAST night. Now she's going around talking about what she wants to name her kid, and saying that it would be cool if she had a baby.
I have had a kid...its not fun...i tried to warn her but she just really wants a baby. They wore a condom the whole night, but he came on his finger. he started fingering her....but isn't it true that as soon sperm hits the air, it dies and can't get your pregnant? because she thinks that it dies after 30 minutes.
And on the other hand: The guy who took her viginity, is 20 and she is 16! Then he left, and she can't get a ahold of him...she tried calling him and he wont answer...
I'm there for support of course, but i don't know what to do about my friend wanting to be pregnant. So what would you do?
Wtf I'm not a freak!.....The voices in my head say I'm perfectly fine 