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-   -   Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3 (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f7-pregnancy-childcare/t57528-audreys-parenting-journal-aurora-3-a/)

Fictional December 25th 2010 03:46 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awww i'm glad you two are having a good christmas ^^ :hug:

Nope December 26th 2010 02:14 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you! We definitely are having a wonderful Christmas!!! :)

Nope December 28th 2010 02:48 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
So tired after unboxing and putting away all of Aurora's new stuff!!! I just want to nap, but Princess has other plans. :p

TwilightDwells December 30th 2010 04:05 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awwwww. She's so adorable. I know what you mean about the tired thing. I was at my sister's house for Christmas and there were 4 babies/young toddlers there. Barely slept at all. Every morning I woke up with a 2 year old either pulling my hair or slapping my arm. Hopefully Aurora won't do that, for your sake. It's funny how, them being so young, they can hit SO hard. Either way. Hopefully you guys will have a happy new year, 2010 is almost over which means... Actually, I have no idea what that means. *) Anyway, I hope Aurora and you will have a lot of fun in 2011.

Nope December 31st 2010 04:41 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you Katie :)

It's new years day! Getting ready to celebrate it with the family. We're going to all-you-can-eat crab legs at a local restaurant. For Princess, all-you-can-drink boob juice. Well, at least until it runs out! :haha:

Fictional December 31st 2010 06:06 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Happy new year to you and Aurora ^^

Nope January 5th 2011 01:41 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you so much :)

Aurora really likes music. She makes happy squeaking noises when I sing to her :)

Nope January 8th 2011 03:15 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Snowy day. Aurora & I had a great morning nap. But why was I dreaming about changing diapers?? It's my reality!

Stardaze January 9th 2011 03:56 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Aww i can't believe she's almost 3 months!

TwilightDwells January 10th 2011 02:55 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

Originally Posted by Audball2108 (Post 556895)
Snowy day. Aurora & I had a great morning nap. But why was I dreaming about changing diapers?? It's my reality!

Haha, what an odd thing to dream of. :hehe: Cute though. Nearly 3 months in. One step closer to the 'terrible twos'. Thankfully you still have a while to prepare.

Nope January 11th 2011 01:09 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
I know, I can't believe she's almost 3 months either. And I wish she could stay this age forever. She's such a joy!! But my baby girl has gone from infant to baby. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe both...

Nope January 15th 2011 03:59 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Aurora is 3 months old!!! Woohoo!


I adore that hat, I really do.

So I have decided that it's in Aurora's best interest that she meets her other grandma and grandpa...Ryans parents. They are so sweet, and they were even on my side when Ryan raped me, because they heard him talking to his friends about forcing me to have sex with him. But I have been waiting for them to meet her until I was ready to see them again, because I didn't know if I wanted her to have any contact with his family...but now I know she should. I'm nervous & excited...but I'm not sure which I feel more. Wish us luck!!

Fictional January 15th 2011 04:27 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
N'awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, she looks so cute!!!

Stardaze January 15th 2011 10:25 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

Good luck Audrey <3

Ol' Spazsauce January 15th 2011 10:32 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

She's just toooooo cute for words! Good luck with the meeting.

Kitty. January 16th 2011 12:08 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awwww she's adorable! :)
Good luck with the meeting with Ryan's grandparents! <3

Simplyme7 January 16th 2011 12:11 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Wow! I can't believe it's been 3 months!

She really is adorable. You did an excellent job. =D

Good luck with the meeting, and enjoy your baby girl. =]

AmiFey January 16th 2011 12:32 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Wow, three months already? :) You're doing a great job with her. She's lovely and looks like the happiest little girl in the world. Good luck with the meeting, though!

.Brittany. January 16th 2011 01:41 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
3 months already.. wow.. feels like just yesterday :nosweat: you're an incredible mom so far :D keep it up! :)

TwilightDwells January 16th 2011 04:31 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
3 months? Crazy stuff. Anyway, she's adorable. Good luck with her meeting Ryan's parents.

Nope January 16th 2011 05:11 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you all so, so much!!

Well, they loved her!! Aurora seemed to take to them well too! I'm so glad I could have his parents in her life...

DeletedAccount56 January 16th 2011 07:02 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She is sooooo sweet, and yes, I do love that hat..
Glad the meeting went well

Nope January 17th 2011 03:55 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you!! :)
Aurora has the hiccups at the moment. It's really cute!! <3

Stardaze January 17th 2011 04:26 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awww. She's so cute. :)

Nope January 18th 2011 04:58 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you! :)

It's my 17th birthday today!!! So excited...I don't have any exams today at high school and I don't have classes at post secondary today, and I get to spend the day with my adorable daughter and the rest of my family. Woohoo!!!

Stardaze January 18th 2011 07:15 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

AmiFey January 18th 2011 11:21 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Happy birthday, Audrey! :D

Fictional January 19th 2011 04:55 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awwww, happy birthday Audrey!

Nope January 20th 2011 12:50 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you guys!! I had a wonderful day, but my favorite part was when everyone was singing happy birthday, Aurora had this huge grin on her face and kept making this "bah bah bah!" sound. It was so precious!

Stardaze January 20th 2011 05:23 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Aww :) I bet its so amazing to watch her grow :D

Jocelyn. January 20th 2011 05:52 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

Originally Posted by Audball2108 (Post 565334)
Thank you guys!! I had a wonderful day, but my favorite part was when everyone was singing happy birthday, Aurora had this huge grin on her face and kept making this "bah bah bah!" sound. It was so precious!

Aw, she was singing happy birthday to her momma too!

TwilightDwells January 20th 2011 10:37 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She's so adorable. Sorry, I missed it, but happy birthday!

Nope January 21st 2011 01:39 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
haha it's alright Katie, thank you!! :)

And thank you to everyone! I believe that Aurora WAS trying to sing happy birthday to me :) She's such a sweetie.

Euphoria January 21st 2011 02:34 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Ok she is the cutest baby ever!!! Awww! I can't get enough of it! You seem to be doing a great job with her. Keep it up and enjoy every bit of it!!!

Nope January 21st 2011 02:03 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you so much! :)

Nope January 22nd 2011 08:09 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
There is nothing more damaging to my psyche than lack of sleep. At least it's worth it every time I see her smile :wub:

Stardaze January 24th 2011 05:29 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awww. Adorable! :)

Jocelyn. January 24th 2011 06:25 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

Originally Posted by Audball2108 (Post 567204)
There is nothing more damaging to my psyche than lack of sleep. At least it's worth it every time I see her smile :wub:

It will get better. At about three months is when my son suddenly started sleeping for 6 hours at a time, and would even go back to sleep after that!

I don't know what your daughter's sleeping schedule is like now, but with my son, once he started sleeping those six hours straight before too long it was 12 hours straight!

Nope January 25th 2011 01:33 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Aurora was up all night with the sniffles. :( It\'s rewarding to be a parent, but during times like this, you just want to cry because you know your baby girl isn\'t feeling good.

Fictional January 25th 2011 04:38 PM

Re: Audrey\'s Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awww, I hope she gets better quickly ^^

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