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-   -   Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3 (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f7-pregnancy-childcare/t57528-audreys-parenting-journal-aurora-3-a/)

Nope October 18th 2010 07:36 PM

Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
OK, so Aurora is sleeping in her nursery like a little angel so while I finally have some time to myself, I'm going to try a parenting journal . :)

Aurora Avery was born October 15, 2010 weighing 7 lbs, 2 oz, and measuring 19 inches.


Her birth story is here: http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f7-pregnancy-childcare/t57275-may-time-im-going-hospital/#post498768

We just got home from the hospital today so things have started to go back to normal...or, at least as normal as possible. :bleh:

Here is Aurora in her coming home outfit:


I love her so much! :wub:
Well that's it for this first post. I'm going to try to get some rest while she sleeps. :)

darkangeljbm October 18th 2010 09:39 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Very cute :)

Nope October 18th 2010 09:48 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you :)

.Brittany. October 18th 2010 09:55 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She is sooooo adorable!!!!!

Saphire October 18th 2010 09:57 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
i was just scrolling down and each picture was like "aww." "awwww" "AWWW!" haha :)

Stargazed. October 18th 2010 11:35 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
awwww. how precious!

AmiFey October 19th 2010 12:35 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She's so precious. ^^ I'm looking forward to you updating again. <3 Good luck with her.

Guile October 19th 2010 02:40 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Oooh what color eyes does she have?

~*Rach*~ October 19th 2010 06:54 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She is just gorgous!!
CONGRATS!!!!:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hu g:
I wish you both all the luck in the world!!!

Ancora Imparo October 19th 2010 09:40 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She's super cute! XD

MegaMadness October 19th 2010 10:40 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
So cute! Congratulations! :D

Missjess21 October 19th 2010 08:00 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
awh she is so beautiful! Congrats

Fictional October 19th 2010 08:30 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She looks an absolutely beautiful baby and I hope you have a wonderful time bringing her up to be a lovely little girl :hug:

Nope October 19th 2010 08:30 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you all! :hug:

Guile-She has blue eyes :)

Thanks again everyone! Today is day two of being home (or, you could consider it the first full day), and Aurora is just wonderful. She got up a few times during the night but when she did she usually just fell right back asleep after I rocked her.

She LOVES being rocked. She usually falls asleep within ten minutes when she's rocked. And I enjoy rocking her and singing to her. :) It's good bonding time!

Esmé October 19th 2010 09:06 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
You have a beautiful baby. I am pregnant at 14 and in a tough situation. Is it hard to go through labour and then start to raise a kid?

Saphire October 19th 2010 09:11 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
I remember when you were putting baby bump pictures on here months ago, it all seems to have gone so quick I can't believe she's here already!

Nicolette October 19th 2010 09:35 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
I kept a pregnancy diary with Dante, I still write in it from time to time about milestones and what not. Its a great idea to keep a journal of your little ones accomplishments, they grow up so quickly!

Nope October 20th 2010 10:23 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Aurora was very fussy last night. I'm not entirely sure why...she would cry and even when I would pick her up or cuddle her, or feed her she would still cry. She finally stopped, but she was crying for a good hour nonstop. She did the same thing again an hour and a half later. I didn't get much sleep, but at least I was awake for something important!

Geb12596 October 21st 2010 12:49 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
First of all she's beautiful. Second of all you seem to have a really great camera. :)

Stardaze October 21st 2010 01:41 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Motherhood is a beautiful thing. :)
I wish you lots of luck. xxxx

Simplyme7 October 21st 2010 03:22 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Aww. I remember when my cousin had her baby, she told me that she thinks that infants should come into the world with a knowledge of what sleeping in on weekends are. xD

I just thought I'd share that with you =] Thought you might enjoy it. =D

Kitty. October 21st 2010 04:01 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
I think this is really great! Good luck being a mother! :D

Guile October 21st 2010 08:40 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

Originally Posted by Audball2108 (Post 501285)
Thank you all! :hug:

Guile-She has blue eyes :)

Thanks again everyone! Today is day two of being home (or, you could consider it the first full day), and Aurora is just wonderful. She got up a few times during the night but when she did she usually just fell right back asleep after I rocked her.

She LOVES being rocked. She usually falls asleep within ten minutes when she's rocked. And I enjoy rocking her and singing to her. :) It's good bonding time!

Yah! Guile approves this thread then! Yah for cute little Nordic babies! Wait is she Nordic or Keltic?

Nope October 24th 2010 03:00 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you all so much!!! :hug:

Haha yay I'm glad you approve! lol
What is Nordic and Keltic? lol

Aurora had a bit of the sneezies today. She probably sneezed 12 or 13 times. Like a worried mom, I asked my mom and googled and even called the doctor to make sure she wasn't sick.
They all told me the same thing: it's normal because babies breathe through their nose for the first couple of months. My doctor also told me that they sneeze to clear their lungs and nasal passages of residual amniotic fluid...so I guess I was worrying for nothing! lol

Bibliophile October 27th 2010 12:10 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She's absolutely gorgeous. <3

Nope October 29th 2010 07:03 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you :)

Aurora is 2 weeks old today! I want to have a party...a sleeping party! :haha:
Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Aurora has been keeping me busy :p

SimplyComplex October 29th 2010 07:20 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
She is so beautiful and precious <3

Fictional October 29th 2010 07:20 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awwwwww ^^

Give her a kiss and a cuddle from us here at T.H. ^^

Stardaze October 30th 2010 01:35 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Aw, yes give her cuddles from all of us! :hehe:

Nope November 1st 2010 02:33 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
I will, thank you all!
I am getting a little worried, because today Aurora didn't just spit up, she threw up. Twice. Like, projectile vomit. I'm about to call the doctor if she doesn't get better. :(

Kitty. November 1st 2010 04:56 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awww I hope she feels better! :hug:

Nope November 7th 2010 01:38 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you! It was scary, but when I called the doctor, he told me that her body could have unexpectedly rejected the food, or she ate too much in too little time. It stopped, and hasn't come back, but if it does I'm suppose to call the doctor again.

Saphire November 7th 2010 03:38 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
I hope she gets better soon :)

Fictional November 8th 2010 08:54 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awww, I hope she gets well soon :hug:

Nope November 13th 2010 09:14 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thank you guys! The vomiting never came back, I'm happy to announce! haha

And I'm so excited!!! We just scheduled a trip for me, Aurora, my mom, and my sister to visit my aunt and uncle in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan at their cottage in March 2011, just around the time that Aurora is 5 months! It's going to be so much fun!!

Ancora Imparo November 13th 2010 09:49 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
That sounds like good fun to me, I hope that you all have a great time! :)

Kitty. November 14th 2010 02:18 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Yay! That's great! :)

Fictional November 14th 2010 09:17 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Awww, i'm sure you'll all have great fun!

radhika November 14th 2010 09:48 AM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3

Originally Posted by .Brittany. (Post 500742)
She is sooooo adorable!!!!!

really she is soo cute. i wish her good luck for her future ahead.love you, Audrey :):)

Nope November 14th 2010 06:35 PM

Re: Audrey's Parenting Journal for Aurora <3
Thanks everyone! I can't wait to take Aurora to their cute little clothing shops up there! :)

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