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Exclamation SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - June 29th 2010, 10:53 AM

i've been so paranoid the last two weeks i think i'm driving myself crazy :/
so long story short , my bf & i had unprotected sex for 10 seconds (& he was only half way in but there might be a chance that there was pre cum) on June 13. i didn't even know he had put it in so after those 10 seconds i FREAKED out so the next morning i took the morning after pill ( plan b ) (June 14) & this was on one of my most fertile days . on Friday of that week (June 18) i got pink spots on the tissue when i wiped it so i thought that was implantation bleeding ! THEN about two days after (June 20 ish ) i start bleeding lightly then bleed really heavily for a whole week (like my normal period but it was slightly longer ) & stop bleeding on June 27 . i'm supposed to be getting my normal period today or tomorrow but i have NO signs of it coming except i'm REALLY hot right now but no cramps & my boobs are not sore at all .

this morning i took a pregnancy test (EPT) since it's like 1/2 days before my period . it comes out negative but that might still be inaccurate , right ? also my hands & feet have been EXTREMELY HOT for the past 2 days or so & it feels like i'm going to throw up from my throat ( this actually might just be from my nerves because it happened when i was reallly stressed out when i was younger ) . i heard that if your hands & feet get hot then that's a symptom of early pregnancy .

also , i have this weird taste in my mouth . this is my second pregnancy scare & i had that taste too during my first scare so idk if it's just my nerves acting up . also i kinda get this headache on & off but that also might be from worrying tooooo much . i just took a blood test but the results come out in TWO days so if anybody can give me some feedback ? because this is seriously killing me i know it was a big mistake & sorry this was so long if i'm not pregnant i'm never ever ever ever going to let this happen again

Last edited by ek49; June 29th 2010 at 11:04 AM.
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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - June 29th 2010, 12:00 PM

Taking the morning after pill can make your period come early. It really sounds unlikely that you're pregnant, but you could take another test in a week to double check. If that's negative as well then I think you're safe. If this is your second scare maybe you should think about getting the implant or going on the pill?

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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - June 29th 2010, 04:47 PM

It sounds very unlikely... I agree with the above poster, give it a week or so and then take a test, I highly doubt you're pregnant though.

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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - June 30th 2010, 01:48 AM

Just seconding that the morning after pill can and will mess up your cycle. Test if you're still nervous, but I really do think you'll be just fine.

(Also, hey. Huge props for vowing to never let this happen again. Smart girl.)

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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - June 30th 2010, 06:33 AM

There is no way you'd be seeing any pregnancy symptoms that early, it's probably just your nerves that are causing them (and possibly delaying your period). If you took Plan B and bled, that's normal. You may not be getting a period this month.

I know it's hard, but for your sake you should stop worrying.... 10 seconds of unprotected sex isn't a huge pregnancy risk, especially if you took Plan B right after, had your period, and tests are coming back negative. It's really doubtful you're pregnant.
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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - July 2nd 2010, 04:48 PM

thanks for all the replies everybody. i took two pregnancy tests (one on tuesday & wednesday) & they both came out negative (first pee in the morning). i took a blood test just in case on tuesday (that's exactly 2 weeks & 2 days after the incident). i got the results back on thursday & they said i'im not pregnant! but i read somewhere that the hCG levels might not be high enough to be detected even on a blood test if it's taken too early? :/

sorry if i sound so paranoid. i just can't have a baby right now. & today my body started aching like i had a really bad cold/flu & my throat hurts like crazy. i'm sweating a lot my body is still hot & you know that taste you get when you have a fever? yeah i have that too in my mouth :/ been like this for the past few days but today i feel worse .

so does anybody think i took the blood test & pregnancy tests too early? am i really coming down with a cold or what? my boobs aren't sore at all & i'm 2 days late for my period now (but that could be from plan b ) . thanks !
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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - July 2nd 2010, 05:01 PM

If you took a blood test and it came back negative, you're not pregnant.

I'm guessing that your period might not even come this month, due to Plan B. Also, all that stressing may have made you physically sick. :/
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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - July 2nd 2010, 09:26 PM

You are almost definitely not pregnant! You have had 2 negative pregnancy tests and a negative blood test.

Your nerves will be causing all your symptoms and also it will make your period late or you may even miss one. If you don't believe me look up anxiety on the internet, I'm sure you'll find a lot of your symptoms listed there. I have thought I was pregnant before, from a late period (although I've never had sex so it was really silly) but my period was just late from nerves. I know it's really, really hard but you have to relax. The sooner you do the sooner you will come on.

Let us know how you get on. Best wishes

Izzy xx

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Re: SO worried that i might be pregnant :'( - July 2nd 2010, 11:23 PM

yeah really i stressed so bad about being pregnant once that i had an actual phantom pregnancy... my stomache started swelling like i was pregnant and everything... i started throwing upo and getting headaches... it's the stress that does it. You are not pregnant... it's highly unlikely even if you didn't take plan B... I used to pull out method with by bf for over 6 months... sometimes he didnt even pull out and i never got pregnant, which is not advisable. But the point is, it can be more difficult to get pregnant than you think. Usually it takes more than 8 seconds of intercourse to do the deed. And stressing yourself out can make you feel all the things you are feeling. Stop worryin, you're okay. Blood tests are extremely accurate.

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