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Exclamation frend is pregnant! she doesnt want it! HELP!!!! - June 4th 2010, 09:00 AM

my best frend is pregnant (about a month)
shes only just 15 (like last week)

her pearants will kill her if they find out
trust me they will there very strict with this stuff
shes only just getting a slight bump

she does not want the baby
yet she does not want contraseption
cuz she thinks its killing a life

they did use a condom but it split
and he didnt tell her till a week later
and now he has pushed off

im really worried 4 her
shes evan asked me 2 run away with her
but when the baby comes if we did
we whud hav 2 go to hospital
and wont that b suspicious 2 teens and the 1 is pregnant?

is she pregnant though?
i mean her periods stopped
shes being sick every morning
shes got a slight bump
her brests have got alot bigger

and well...that all points to pregnant dont it?

what do i do?
what shall she do?

please help asap!
i dont think it will be mutch longer b4 her perants find out!

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eunoia Offline
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Re: frend is pregnant! she doesnt want it! HELP!!!! - June 4th 2010, 11:27 AM

Your friend should tell her parents if she does not wish to terminate (end) the pregnancy. They are going to find out anyways, right? Running away isn't a very realistic solution. It's a nice thought, and everyone wishes (at some point or another) that they could just leave and start over in a place where no one knows their name. But that isn't something two young teens can afford to do, and as you mention it would be pretty suspicious. Beyond having to deliver at hospital, your friend will need to frequent a doctor during pregnancy to ensure everything is going well for her and the baby.

Maybe you can urge your friend to tell someone else first--a school counselor or teacher, who can then help her to tell her parents. They will probably be angry (and rightly so, since having a child at 15 will probably make your friend's life very difficult) but I doubt they will actually harm her. They may lose trust in her for some time, they may even shout a lot, but if she is actually in physical danger you should let someone know.

No one can help her if she doesn't tell them, yeah? Just be there for your friend and encourage her to reach out for help. She doesn't have to do this alone.

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Re: frend is pregnant! she doesnt want it! HELP!!!! - June 4th 2010, 12:21 PM

I think the first thing that you should do is find out if she is actually pregnant. If she is only one month along, she would not have a bump yet and I very much doubt she would be experiencing morning sickness. The skipped period, whilst a common sign of pregnancy, can also be caused by a number of other factors. Stress can cause periods to stop (and it sounds like your friend is quite stressed right now). And being so young, her periods might not even be regular yet, so skipping her period might be a common occurrence.

Basically, the first thing you should do, before worrying about telling her parents, is to get her to take a pregnancy test or go see a doctor who can confirm whether she is pregnant. Obviously, she doesn't want to ask her parents to buy a test for her. Would you be able to buy a test for her? Or do you have an older friend or relative who you trust enough to ask?

If her test comes up as positive, you should go with her to see a doctor to discuss her options, such as abortion and adoption. And taking her to see a school counselor would be a massive help as well. They would be able to give her the information she needs and work out a way in which she feels comfortable enough to tell her parents. Running away is not a good option and you should explain that to your friend if she wants you to run away with her. Being just 15, pregnant, and trying to survive on your own won't work and it'll be too dangerous for her and the baby.

I think it's really great that you're looking out for your friend like this. Please give me a PM if you need to talk anymore about this, or get your friend to PM me if she wants someone to talk to .

PM me!

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bump, frend, perants, pregnant, sex

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