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rose94 May 11th 2010 02:49 PM

I think I may be pregnant, plan b involved so i'm not sure, i need advice...
:(So I've been dating my bestfriend for 4 months now, He's 17 & i'm 15, our birthdays are next month though. we have an amazing relationship and i love him to peices. We started becoming sexually active about 2 months ago. We ALWAYS use a condom. But march 22nd our condom broke when he finished.. so i took a plan b pill that night. The pill messed up my cycle & got me all confused. I had two periods in april, im not sure of the exact dates but i know that my latest period was in the beginning of april.
I forgot to mark my 2nd period in april on my calender so i freaked out last week because i thouht i was a week late, i know it could still be the plan b messing me up but i wentto life choices & got pregnancy tested, the result was negative but the ladytold me to come in in two weeks if i still hadn't gotten my period.
It's a week later & i realized that i was'nt a week late then.. i think i had my period around april 8th so i'm just like 3 days late now..
but my nipples have become sore & are usually hard.
I'm going in next week to get tested again if i don't get pms.
Do you think this could be the plan b?

My 2nd question is what do i do if i am pregnant? I've been asking myself this question for the past couple weeks...
I know abortion is what would be easiest... but i dont know if i could get rid of our baby.. i already feel an attachment & i dont even know if i'm pregnant. The thought of killing me & my boyfriends baby is so hard.. It would be hard telling my mom.. she'd be so dissapointed.. i just don't know what to do..

taylalatbh. May 11th 2010 03:49 PM

Re: I think I may be pregnant, plan b involved so i'm not sure, i need advice...
By the sounds of it, you're not pregnant. You took the Plan B right after having sex. And you could go back and see the nurse for another test if you're still worried. The Plan B could have messed up your periods, and it could take a few weeks to regulate back out, but if you have any problems you could talk to the nurse.

And as for if you did become pregnant, cross that bridge when you come to it. There's no point worrying about it now when you don't have to. Just make sure that you're careful when having sex, and see about using two types of contraception, just to be safe.

LetsRock May 11th 2010 05:46 PM

Re: I think I may be pregnant, plan b involved so i'm not sure, i need advice...
It could also be the stress. When you stress a lot about something your period can be late.
The best thing you can do now if you dont get your period is to go back and take another pregnancy test. And then take it from there.
If youre not pregnant then there is nothing to worry about. Dont start freaking out now, nothing is sure yet. If you should be pregnant though, you are going to have to tell your mom sooner or later because she is going to find out. And she might actually be able to help you with your choice. Write her a letter if you are too scared to tell her.

But really I wouldnt start freaking out right now, I know its easier said than done, but wait for the result of the pregnancy test and tell the nurse exactly how much too late your period is.

Hope things go well for you. PM me if you want to talk.
Take care xxx

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