So I've been dating my bestfriend for 4 months now, He's 17 & i'm 15, our birthdays are next month though. we have an amazing relationship and i love him to peices. We started becoming sexually active about 2 months ago. We ALWAYS use a condom. But march 22nd our condom broke when he finished.. so i took a plan b pill that night. The pill messed up my cycle & got me all confused. I had two periods in april, im not sure of the exact dates but i know that my latest period was in the beginning of april.
I forgot to mark my 2nd period in april on my calender so i freaked out last week because i thouht i was a week late, i know it could still be the plan b messing me up but i wentto life choices & got pregnancy tested, the result was negative but the ladytold me to come in in two weeks if i still hadn't gotten my period.
It's a week later & i realized that i was'nt a week late then.. i think i had my period around april 8th so i'm just like 3 days late now..
but my nipples have become sore & are usually hard.
I'm going in next week to get tested again if i don't get pms.
Do you think this could be the plan b?
My 2nd question is what do i do if i am pregnant? I've been asking myself this question for the past couple weeks...
I know abortion is what would be easiest... but i dont know if i could get rid of our baby.. i already feel an attachment & i dont even know if i'm pregnant. The thought of killing me & my boyfriends baby is so hard.. It would be hard telling my mom.. she'd be so dissapointed.. i just don't know what to do..