Originally Posted by poison4444
Hey people,
Just found out i was pregnant around June, Day of last period was the 22nd may 2009, I'm quite happy and excited about it.
I had to have a termination when i was 15 because i was too young and scared, but now i am 19 and have my own place I'm ready for this to happen
Problem is I keep getting paranoid about it, I really don't want to loose it, I keep getting stomach aches and pains, Its uncomfortable and really hurts. anyone been pregnant before and know if its okay? Or do i have to get help??
I know its bad but I'm still smoking... only have one day or one and a half a day. I'm trying to but cant go cold turkey.
Please help :]
Tasha x
i would definately see a doctor to be safe : ) but with the smoking thing let me say this,
Yeah its bad, BUT the stress trying to quit can put on your baby is worse, befor me my mother miscarried because she tried to stop smoking, when she was preggo with me her doctor told her to limit yourself like your doing

dont smoke unless you *need* it like that "im really fucking stressed out and going to kill someone unless i have a smoke" kinda smoking.
Most people will tell you that its horrible advice, but once again dont just take my opinion, ask your doctor i'm sure he'll tell you the same thing. :3