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My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 23rd 2015, 11:40 PM
So, my girlfriend just told me that she hasn't had her period in months and we didn't use protection. I don't know what to do I am not ready for a kid. Should I tell my parents or wait for her to find out. What should I do? This is scary to me.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 24th 2015, 01:11 AM
Have her take a test and if positive go to the doctors and get checked out. And then worry about the parent's if it is for sure she is pregnate
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 24th 2015, 01:18 AM
Take the test. But if she's pregnant, theres nothing you can do, so you might as well tell them.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 24th 2015, 01:25 AM
Definitely have her take a pregnancy test before rushing into anything. You can get one at a pharmacy or store. It is better if you two get a test as soon as possible so that way you can start discussing where to go next if she IS pregnant. If she isn't pregnant, she may want to ask the doctor why she is not having her period, and also try and use a condom or other form of birth control while having sex. If it does come out positive, having parental support would also be a really good idea.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 24th 2015, 03:11 AM
Hey there,
The first thing you need to do is have your girlfriend take a test. This is the only way you are going to know if she is pregnant. This will be the first step you can take to work on figuring this out. If your girlfriend is pregnant then you might want to talk to your parents and both you and your girlfriend are going to have to figure out what steps you want to take. If your girlfriend isn't pregnant then you two really need to figure out some form of contraception so that this doesn't happen again. Using condoms and birth control is always the best option but if there is a reason your girlfriend can't get on birth control then the best thing you can do is buy some condoms. You can get them at your local grocery store. The condoms I see are usually located by the pharmacy. Also, if your girlfriend is not pregnant then she needs to consult a doctor about her missed period.
Best of luck.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 24th 2015, 11:35 PM
Hey there,
The best thing you can do is be supportive of your girlfriend and encourage her to take a pregnancy test. At least once a test has been done you can start to think of your options. There can be other reasons why your girlfriend isn't having her periods.
If your girlfriend you both have to decide whether you're ready to be parents and if you could cope with a baby.
Best of luck,
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 26th 2015, 02:38 AM
She's pregnant
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 26th 2015, 03:24 AM
I suggest talking to your guys's parents and going to the doctors to make sure everything is okay.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 26th 2015, 05:51 AM
That sounds like a tough situation... Does she want the baby? You could always suggest abortion, she may be up for that. Tell your girlfriend how you feel about the baby, wether you're ready for this or not, but respect her decision as well.
I hope this works out!
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 26th 2015, 01:06 PM
Hey there,
Speak to your girlfriend and see what she wants to do, ultimately it is her body and her decision but it is one that is going to affect both of your lives for a long time. You have to think about whether you are financially able to have a baby. Do either of you have jobs, do you have savings or do either of you have parents that are able to support the two of you and a baby until you are both on your feet?
As well as financial concerns you both have to think about whether you are ready for the responsibility of having a baby?
Consider speaking to your parents and your girlfriend's parents and see what they think the two of you should do. Ultimately it is both of your decisions, but it's good to have help as it is a decision that is going to be difficult to make.
I wish you the best of luck,
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 26th 2015, 03:27 PM
She doesn't want to give the baby up. My parents are going to help us out I think. Last night her dad kicked her out of her house so she is a bit uneasy. We did end up in the ER last time since she was severely suicidal from all that's going on.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 27th 2015, 05:16 AM
Originally Posted by Theaweseomrguy
She doesn't want to give the baby up. My parents are going to help us out I think. Last night her dad kicked her out of her house so she is a bit uneasy. We did end up in the ER last time since she was severely suicidal from all that's going on.
Stay strong, both of you. I know this is going to be a huge transition, but I would support her the best you can and get help yourself. You seem like a great guy to stay by her side while she was kicked out and in the ER and I know that you'll get through this. How old are you two? Are you two old enough to get a place on your own, and are you able to work while still going to school? Especially this summer, it may be crucial to start saving money and making your longterm plan.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 28th 2015, 12:20 AM
I am 16 and she is 14 so no not really able to move into a house of our own yet and neither of us have jobs during the school year. During the summer I life guarded last year but don't know if I will do that again this year.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 28th 2015, 02:14 AM
I'm sorry to hear that you are in a tough situation. The most important thing you can do is be there to support your girlfriend during this difficult time, and to be sure you have resources you can turn to for support, too. You two don't have to do this on your own.
While it's great that your parents are willing to help out with the baby, in the end it's your baby, and you are the ones who need to be responsible for it. That means actively working to be as independent as possible to provide a healthy, stable life for your child. Unfortunately at your ages, especially your girlfriend's age, you are quite limited in what you can do to achieve financial and living independence, but there are steps you can take.
I suggest you do all you can in your power to procure a job this summer and start saving up. Work on building a resume; don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Put out applications every day. Check back in with places a couple days after you apply to ask them if they have received your resume by phone, if not in person, and let them know you are excited about that job opportunity. Even though you're just looking to make some money, making it sound like you couldn't be more stoked about being a cashier at a fast food restaurant, or on the janitorial staff at an office building, or whatever job it is you apply for.
It's also imperative that both you and your girlfriend complete your education. Staying in school while caring for an infant may be difficult, but in the long run you will be better able to provide a secure future for your child if you both have high school diplomas.
It won't be easy, but with proper resources, support, and motivation the two of you can actively work towards building a loving, stable, and secure future for your child. It may not happen all at once, but by continuing to take small steps forward you can achieve it.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 28th 2015, 05:56 AM
I am sorry you are in such a tough situation. I agree with what Jordan says, you should try to find a job even if your parents are willing to help you with the baby. I also agree that you both complete your education, because high school diplomas will open up better job opportunities for both for you. It can be hard to go to high school while she is pregnant, maybe you could look into online schooling options. That way she can complete her education from home in a safe environment. You seem like a great guy and you have already shown you care for her, by standing by her in all that happened recently. Just stick together, tough time pass soon.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
April 28th 2015, 09:03 PM
I will start look when summer gets closer but can't get one right now since I have school and that's like a job itself to me at the moment.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
May 2nd 2015, 12:56 PM
If I were you, I would begin evaluating my life very carefully. What job do you want to do? What training would it require? Is there another job that you could get training for in the meantime to help earn a better wage so you could help take care of a child?
If there is a vocational school near you, I would look into it and see what programs they offer. Some people have taken college classes such as college algebra, composition, etc to knock out the general education classes for their degrees while taking vocational classes. A lot of schools offer a variety of classes that will pay decently once you graduate from school. The school near me offered a variety of programs such EMT, construction, dental assistant, pharmacy tech, etc.
Another option after high school may involve job corps which can help provide training for younger people. The jobs they offer vary from location to location though.
Raising a kid is tough. Being able to afford a kid is very tough. One thing I would try to avoid is adding on the debt of college without a clear idea of what job you want to do. A lot of my friends are working jobs that do not require their degree. One girl is working a job that many people without college degrees work.
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Re: My girlfriend hasn't had period in months -
May 3rd 2015, 03:34 PM
Thanks for the advice. Right now I'm just going to look at something I can do at the moment and focus on taking care of Sophia.
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