Pregnancy and Childcare If you're pregnant, a young parent, or have questions related to either, ask them here!
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so im 3 4 me -
August 17th 2014, 01:57 PM
ok so im preg, i was told last yr that i couldnt have anymore kids but here i am 7 weeks and 4 days preg.
i have pcos, my left overy doesnt work at all and my right has dropped 1 egg in 2 yrs...tada my partner managed to plant his seed in it (lol)
so anyway i have 2 daughters already (2,3) and ive straggled to cope at times with my mental health and people are always putting me down about my parenting so im really stressed about having another child but also im struggling with being pregnant, my doctor took me off my anti depressants which has had an effect but also im really sick and havent been able to eat much and have already been in hospital.
all my pregs have been "high risk" but this one they said is a "higher risk"then the other 2 which just scares me more.
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Re: so im 3 4 me -
August 17th 2014, 05:38 PM
It's normal to be a bit scared with the past that you've had but there is support out there for you. Speak to your doctor about your anxiety and worry over this and they will be able to help you, and guide you to better help throughout your pregnancy and beyond.
Being a young mum is hard, but being a young mum of three under 5's is even harder so it's completely natural to be facing some challenges. Just speak to your doctor and find out what help is available to you.
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Re: so im 3 4 me -
August 17th 2014, 06:27 PM
Being a young mom is hard. I only have one and I am completely exhausted at the end of the day. You are a super hero to have two and one on the way! I am so proud of you, I know how hard you must be working.
I can completely relate with receiving unwanted parenting advice. There is always going to be a critic, you just have to ignore them. People parent there children in so many different ways. There isn't just one right way to parent a child. You just need to smile and say thank you and walk away. No need to take their advice.
Why do they feel that this pregnancy is at a higher risk than the others? Have they discussed this with you? You should be getting all of the facts.
You should talk to your doctor about your morning sickness. It can really take a toll on your body both physically and mentally. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated. I ended up in the hospital twice before I was even fourteen weeks pregnant because my morning sickness was so bad I couldn't even drink water. That's not good for you or the baby.
I ended up going on unisom at night and taking vitamin b6 in the morning. That helped a bit. Something to talk to your doctor about.
Hang in there! There are plenty of other moms around on the site to help out. Just let us know. <3
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Re: so im 3 4 me -
August 19th 2014, 12:25 AM
Hey, I am sorry that you are struggling so much with your pregnancy. At this stage, you still have a lot of options. Though, from your tone I assume you intend to follow through with it.
In that case, there are definitely support systems for you. Because of the risk with the pregnancy the doctors would monitor more closely I assume, which must be reassuring to some degree because hopefully they can catch any issues before the issues get to serious.
I am sure that there are places who can help you with child care if you become desperate.
If you have a boyfriend who is serious about being a dad maybe you can ask him to pitch in a little extra. Family and friends are good resources too 
I hope things will be ok in the coming months.
Feel free to PM me if you ever need to chat or have questions 
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Re: so im 3 4 me -
September 8th 2014, 01:06 PM
That does sound like a lot to handle, but you've been managing so far. People taking shots at your parenting are out of line, I'm sure you're doing the best you can, and in the long run it doesn't matter what they say so long as you do the best you can by your kids.
That was the main thing I wanted to say to you, since I don't know of much practical advice I can give you. Just that support networks are incredibly important. Explain to your doctor how you feel, the father if he's around, any close family who can help you out. There is nothing wrong with needing a little bit of extra help, especially not at a time like this.
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Re: so im 3 4 me -
September 11th 2014, 06:54 AM
I hate to have to be the one to mention, but have you considered other options? If you're personally not against abortion, that might be option, considering your previous complications and mental health stress. If that's not an option, there's always adoption as well.
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