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Exclamation Pregnant? - May 18th 2014, 07:28 AM

Okay, so I'm not sure how many people ask this, but.

My boyfriend and I performed oral on each other. Only, I performed oral on him first, swallowed, then we kissed (with tongue). Then he performed oral on me, with tongue.

Only, this happened twice in one night, pretty much the same way both times?

I'm really scared now that there's the chance I could get pregnant. I'm most likely overreacting, but i've been researching and such.

They say if it was just a kiss, not french kissing, then you're most likely fine. But because both times were french, and tongue was used, could I get pregnant..? Yes, there was penetration with tongue..

Please, an answer would be much appreciated. I'm sorta scared.

Constantly lost and found~
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Re: Pregnant? - May 18th 2014, 10:11 AM

The chances of you being pregnant from this is slim to none. I can understand how you would think you might be, but it doesn't really spread like that. Firstly, you swallowed, so it was probably all gone by then. But even if you did pass some over, then he did oral on you, it wouldn't have been enough to impregnate you.

If you're still worried, you can take the morning after pill up to 3 days after, or just take a pregnancy test 14 days after to be sure.

I always advise that if you're going to be sexually active (even if you're not having sex yet) you should look into a good form of birth control. Speak with your doctor about it and find one that works for you. This way you won't have this worry again.

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