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Pregnancy and Childcare If you're pregnant, a young parent, or have questions related to either, ask them here!

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Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 12:54 AM

Well Ok im 15 &+ ii Had A Baby Giirl December Last ii Love Her To Bits ii Do But Today ii Found Out iim Pregnant AGAIIN!! ii Just Cant Stop Cryiin How Could This Happen Agaiin, ii DunnO How To Tell Me Parents BeCause This isnt The Way They Wanted Me Tah Turn Out, Yah Know Two Children At 16 That iis Hard, ii Reliie DunnO How ii Can Cope Like Reliie, i Know i Will Love The Child Two Bits,
i Told My BoyFreind He Was GobSmacked Like He Realyy Was He Told Me Hell Be There &+ Stuff &+ Then He Started Goiin On About How He Wants iit To Be A Boy, iim Not Soundiing Like A Bitch Here But ill Be The One Wiith The Bad Name Not Him, ii Know He Cares And All But ii Just Dont Know What Ta Do Ny Advice On What Steps Tah Take Next,

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 01:04 AM

Originally Posted by lonely View Post
Well Ok im 15 &+ ii Had A Baby Giirl December Last ii Love Her To Bits ii Do But Today ii Found Out iim Pregnant AGAIIN!! ii Just Cant Stop Cryiin How Could This Happen Agaiin,

Did you use a condom :S
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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 01:10 AM

Yeah ii Forgot To Say We Used Proteciion All The Time
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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 01:46 AM

Then you're probably not using it right?

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 04:05 AM

I don't think she's looking to be preached at about how she should've used protection/should've used it right. Maybe she should have, but lecturing her on it won't help now.

What kind of situation are you in right now? Will you be able to afford another baby? You've already said you're boyfriend is being very supportive, and that's excellent to hear.

Your first step is to decide what you want to do - keep the baby, put it up for adoption, or have an abortion. From your post it sounds like you're leaning towards keeping it. If that's right, you'll have to tell your parents. There isn't an easy way to do that, and they may be upset. The best idea would be just to sit down with them and say it. You can decide if it would be best to tell them alone or with your boyfriend there.

You also need to sit down with your boyfriend (and parents, probably) and figure out how you're going to raise this child. You already have one baby, so I'm sure you already know a lot of what to expect. The two of you will have to start looking into the costs of another pregnancy, and how you'll be able to afford it.

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 04:18 AM

yeah, I think Jessica is right, you'll just have to tell them, there isn't really an easy way to do it. be upfront with them, tell the truth, not beat around the bush. Also-- don't do it while they're driving!!

and is your "I" key broken? maybe something is stuck under it- try taking off the key and getting any dust or crumbs out, that should help

and PM me any time, hun <3

and what does "gobsmacked" mean? was he happy or mad? sorry, i havent heard that word before, lol

PM me any time, ok? I'm always here to help.

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 06:28 PM

godsmacked is kinda like stunned for the one who didnt know...
i sugest you look into adoption or abortion, but thats just me there is plenty of other time for children, you are fifteen and already have one child, you dont need another at this time, how will you support both of you children?

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 10:51 PM

Well first off you need to talk to your parents as soon as possible.
Then you need to sit down and figure out what will be best for this child. (keep him/her adoption etc)

You also need to talk to your mother about other forms of birthcontrol.. pill/patch/shot/condom supply.

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 2nd 2009, 10:56 PM

Agreed with the above posts, Talk to your parents, see what they feel, but in the long run, it's your body and your baby, And entirelly up to you what you do,
But maybe after, you could try a diffrent form of contraception, maybe going on the pill?
Take care x


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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 3rd 2009, 10:33 AM

Originally Posted by lauren_160 View Post
you could try a diffrent form of contraception, maybe going on the pill?
I second this. Although seeing as you're so young and this is the second time this has happened I would suggest going on The Pill AND using condoms at the same time. No form of protection is 100% effective, as you well know by now. So using the two together would be a good step for you, alot of people do it. As for what to do about the baby...I agree with FranklinF. I myself would look into adoption or abortion if I were in your situation. You're only young yourself and your body went through the trauma of having a baby not very long ago. Putting it through it all over again so soon probably isnt a great idea. BUT this is your choice, just think this all through seriously before you make it. Talk with your parents about it, with your boyfriend and your boyfriend's parents too seeing as it will affect them also.

Good luck. Think hard.

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 3rd 2009, 04:42 PM

It's absolutely up to you what you do with your baby; sounds like you'd like to keep it but I would think it through whatever you decide to and talk to your parents about it. They can't decide for you but they should give you the best advice they can offer. If you honestly think you can look after two kids then go for it, and good luck. But there's nothing wrong with putting the baby up for adoption if you feel you won't be able to cope with it. Abortion is an option I believe nobody has any say in except yourself, so just think things through carefully and perhaps look into other methods of contraception. I'm sure you're a great mum but you don't want too much on your hands at this point in your life.

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 6th 2009, 04:43 PM

You need to tell your parents asap. Are they helping you to provide for your baby now? if they are, try asking if they would be able to help you look after a second baby. If they aren't, then at sixteen, you probably wouldn't be able to provide for two children. You could maybe look into open adotion? Where the baby is adopted by someone else, but you can keep in contact with the baby. Whatever you choose to do, i'm sure you'll make the right decision

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 6th 2009, 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by lonely View Post
Well Ok im 15 &+ ii Had A Baby Giirl December Last ii Love Her To Bits ii Do But Today ii Found Out iim Pregnant AGAIIN!! ii Just Cant Stop Cryiin How Could This Happen Agaiin, ii DunnO How To Tell Me Parents BeCause This isnt The Way They Wanted Me Tah Turn Out, Yah Know Two Children At 16 That iis Hard, ii Reliie DunnO How ii Can Cope Like Reliie, i Know i Will Love The Child Two Bits,
i Told My BoyFreind He Was GobSmacked Like He Realyy Was He Told Me Hell Be There &+ Stuff &+ Then He Started Goiin On About How He Wants iit To Be A Boy, iim Not Soundiing Like A Bitch Here But ill Be The One Wiith The Bad Name Not Him, ii Know He Cares And All But ii Just Dont Know What Ta Do Ny Advice On What Steps Tah Take Next,

What steps to take next depend completely on what you want to do. Are you going to keep this baby, go through the adoption process, or have an abortion? That's something that you need to think about first.

Either way, I'm pretty sure that you're going to have to tell your parents. Sure, they'll probably be upset because they want a better life for you and two kids at age sixteen probably isn't what they had in mind, but I think that especially since they were there to help with your first, they'll come around and also be there for your second.

Best of luck with whatever you choose to do.

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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 6th 2009, 06:15 PM

I would suggest open adobtion. good luck (:

i love you <3
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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 6th 2009, 06:48 PM

Well hun. I really wouldnt worry about having a bad name. Because you are going to be a parent. And as long as you do what you have to do to take care of them, then dont worry about others. EVeryone has something to say about everyone. So its only the matter if you can just let it go. And i have a friend who is 14 and she is going on her 2nd child to. And everyone talks about her but she doesnt care. Cause she is a good parent. And i respect her for it. And if you dont think you can take care of another then maybe you might have to think of adoption. Because i know it might be hard raising 2 kids. But if your parents will be there to help then keep it. Anyway just dont think to hard about it because you shouldnt get stressed or anything.

Its all up to me now
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Re: Pregnant AGAIN !!!! - May 7th 2009, 02:40 AM

Well i Told My Parents They Said Theyll Be There For Me No Matter What ii Deciided , iim Goiing To Keep iit Because The Tought Of My Baby Calling Some-One Else Mom &+ Dad Kills Me, My BoyFreind is Also Moving in Which iis Realy Good, ii Know ii Can Do The Best ii Can

Thank Youu So Much For All Your Advice, btw iim Seven Weeks HeHe,
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