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Could I be Pregnant? - March 13th 2013, 12:49 AM

Okay. So me & my boyfriend had sex Friday. I knew we were going to. I'm on the birth control pill. But I hadn't been taking it because I wasn't having sex. Bit then I started taking it again about two or three weeks ago. Bit Friday morning I took it about an hour later. I forgot.I had to take it at school spend I wasn't looking & I accidenly told a sugar pill but I didn't notice till Saturday morning. He did not pull out because I was on the pill. No condom either. I'm suppose to get my period tomorrow.. I'm freaking out. But my question is.... is there a chance I might be pregnant? & how much of a chance if so
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Re: Could I be Pregnant? - March 13th 2013, 11:50 PM

Short answer; there is always a chance of pregnancy when you have sex, always! The pill is not 100% effective, especially when you miss pills or don't take it at the same time every day. Unfortunately nobody can tell you the chances of you being pregnant because there are so many variables it would be near impossible to give an accurate number (everyone is different, it depends on your physiology and the physiology of your boyfriend as well as many other things).
So, you had sex the chance is there, you made some mistakes with your pill which increases the chance. If you miss your period and you're worried take a test, however remember that restarting the pill can make your period abnormal for a bit, as well as the stress of thinking you may be pregnant. Try to relax and hope for the best.

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Re: Could I be Pregnant? - March 14th 2013, 02:06 AM

As Richard stated, there is always a chance that you can get pregnant.
Your period might be weird this month because of all the weird things that happened with your birth control, so don't be surprised if it shows up late. If it doesn't show up, take a pregnancy test two weeks after the last time you had sex and then go from there.

Sorry I couldn't be there, I was tied to a rocking chair.

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Re: Could I be Pregnant? - March 14th 2013, 06:41 AM

Honestly it's not something I would worry about. Just try to stay calm, the chances are slim. If it'll help ease your mind, as others said, take a test two weeks after that time and then you should know for sure.

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