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An I pregnant?? -
February 5th 2013, 10:54 PM
Soo at the begining of this month, me and my boyfriend were makin out, and he fingered me for the first time. We have done that three times since then, and I was supposed to get my period this week, but it hasn't come yet. It's always regular, ever since I got it in 6th grade and its only usually 1 or 2 days late. For the last three or four days I've been getting dizzy, but I don't think its because I'm pregnant because I get dizzy randomly throughout the day. Someone please help!!
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Re: An I pregnant?? -
February 5th 2013, 11:03 PM
Hey there, right now I can guarantee you that you aren't pregnant if all you've done is kiss and finger. For a woman to get pregnant the penis has to actually enter the vagina or be around it. Just his fingers, won't make you pregnant. There's plenty of reasons why you could be late, from stress to little tiny things.
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Re: An I pregnant?? -
February 6th 2013, 05:19 AM
If all you've done is get fingered and made out, I can guarantee (I'd actually put my life on it) that you're not pregnant. In order to get pregnant, you need to have sex (meaning his penis needs to be in your vagina and sperm has to meet an egg). At this rate, I think you just have a late period. Though it's always been on a regular cycle, doesn't mean it can't change.

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Re: An I pregnant?? -
February 6th 2013, 01:56 PM
Hey there,
I can give you another 100% guarantee you are NOT pregnant. Even if his fingers HAD cum on them the sperm would have died after exposure to air.
Periods often are thrown out of wack at our age due to changing hormones and the slightest change in diet can also change when your period comes.
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Re: An I pregnant?? -
February 6th 2013, 02:03 PM
As others have said, if you haven't done more than finger and make out, it's impossible to be pregnant. The only way you could be pregnant is if he had sex with you. By the way, stress can make your period late so don't worry. 
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Re: An I pregnant?? -
February 6th 2013, 10:40 PM
Thanks everyone  that reassures me because I've been freaking out the last 5 days. I usually over think everything so I just wanted to make sure.
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Re: An I pregnant?? -
February 6th 2013, 11:05 PM
In addition to what everyone has already said, I'd like to add that your period is probably late because you're stressing about this. If you stress out a lot and keep being afraid that you're pregnant, it can cause your period to come late. And as the others have said, if all you've done is kiss and finger, I can promise you that you are not pregnant.
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