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Exclamation Possibly Pregnant.. - October 5th 2012, 12:03 AM

Okay, so.. it's safe to say I'm new to both this site and to sex. I literally lost my virginity yesterday... but yeah, not the point. My boyfriend is pretty careful, and keeps condoms 'just in case', lol. But during sex, he's worn one, and been very careful when removing it and such. Basically, we've been really..careful.

I'm also on the pill. However, I'm only on it to reduce heavy periods and extreme cramps, as well as regulation issues. I don't tend to take it at a specific time every day, just as long as I take it before bed.

Anyway, the point is. Today, I was at his house, and we slept together again. However, when pulling out, the condom slipped off and stayed inside me. I'm slightly panicked that, despite precautions, there's a chance that I could be pregnant.

I know it seems like a very low chance since he probably didn't touch me otherwise, and it seems ridiculous to get this worked up about it, but I'm only turning 17 next week. I've just started college and to be honest, I hate kids, and.. I'm not ready for one anyway.

Can someone please give me some advice?

Also, my period is due next Friday.
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Re: Possibly Pregnant.. - October 5th 2012, 12:23 AM

Since this accident occurred JUST today, there is absolutely no change of you knowing if you're pregnant or not. Conception takes at least two weeks to complete. The chances of you getting pregnant are slim though, since you've taken all sorts of precautions against pregnancy. Condoms slipped off, but it sounds like the two of you were careful.

In two weeks, take a pregnancy test. It's the only way to know for sure.

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  (#3 (permalink)) Old
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Re: Possibly Pregnant.. - October 5th 2012, 11:19 AM

Thank you.. that..helps. I just.. I'm not good with waiting to find out, and I can get very easily paranoid too.. It's one of my many issues..
  (#4 (permalink)) Old
Harmony♥ Offline
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Re: Possibly Pregnant.. - October 5th 2012, 02:15 PM

That's a normal reaction, but it's best to remain calm. Worrying, and stressing about being pregnant is only going to cause your period to go off cycle. So remaining calm is the only thing you can do at this point until you can get your hands on an HPT.

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Re: Possibly Pregnant.. - October 7th 2012, 04:09 AM

Since you had a good answer above I am just gonna add on!! MAke sure to get the multiple tests because I didn't get postive till a few days after my missed period. Also I would try to stay away from the ones with blue dye because they can be somewhat misleading! Lastly make sure to take the test first thing in the morning and I would wait two to three days inbetween the next.

I highly doubt you would be with how careful you were but always be on the safe side for you and possibly a baby.

feel free to PM me...

Always keep a smile on your face and Lots of love in you heart! <3

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