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I may be pregnant. -
April 23rd 2012, 03:24 AM
Which, I didn't think was possible because my boyfriend and I always used condoms and I didn't think he had gotten anything in me, but I'm not postive. But I've been starving lately, never full, my stomach's looking bloated and it's turning kind of hard, some foods I can't stomach even the smell of, I have random cravings, pissing all the time, mood swings, constipated, and I'm late for my period. I thought it was probably just stress because I was slightly worried about college, getting my ACT and GED's done, and I'm out of work and going to be living on my own soon. But the past few days it just.. Feels different. I went and got birth control (Nuvaring) Friday, but I took it out today because I was just worried that if it turned out I was pregnant, I didn't want it to affect the baby in any way. I can't go and get a pregnancy test from the store because I'm out of a job and completely broke, and if I went to Planned Parenthood they would send the test results to me which my mom would probably see, unless I got it done and the test results back within the two weeks she's going to be gone soon. But I don't know, I don't know what to do. I'm trying not to worry, but I'm afraid it does. Any advice or anything?
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 23rd 2012, 03:34 AM
If you can't afford a name brand test, you could always buy one of the non-name brand ones from the dollar store. Scrounge around for some loose change, and buy one. Especially if you don't want your mom to see, HPT's are easily disposed of. Dollar store bought tests also work just as effectively and accurately as name brand ones. You just need to keep an eye out for expiration dates. Obviously, taking a test would be the only way to know for sure. The symptoms alone you mentioned could be symptoms of anything...even the common cold/flu. Taking an HPT sooner, rather than later, will help put your mind at ease and give you the answers you're so desperately seeking.
As far as birth control, it won't harm the baby. Many woman don't even know they're pregnant (while using birth control) right away and continue to take their birth control regularly, and their child comes out fine. Trust me, it's just an increase in hormones. It will do no harm.

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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 23rd 2012, 03:55 AM
Alright, thanks. I'm just afraid to go to the dollar store around here because the cashier may know me and spread crap about me (It's a small town.), but I'm moving to a bigger city soon so I may get one there.
Oh thank god, thanks for that.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 23rd 2012, 04:12 AM
The longer you wait, the worse it could be. Birth control might not hurt the baby, but lack of proper medical care can! Finding out sooner rather than later might be the best idea for you, instead of waiting to move. Prenatal care is EXTREMELY important in pregnancy (if you are pregnant). Why not go to a different dollar store? Maybe outside of your town, where it's less likely you'll run into someone you know. Or, go inside and see if the cashier is someone you know. If it is, come back later or go back the next day.

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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 23rd 2012, 04:20 AM
There's one dollar store (Which isn't really a dollar store.) around here for miles. I can always look, thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 23rd 2012, 01:58 PM
Good Luck to you. Shannon is right. The sooner the better
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 23rd 2012, 11:22 PM
Hey there, Planned Parenthood should tell you the results within 15 minutes and you can request nothing be sent to your home and they will respect that.
Also, your symptoms could just be something else. And as Shannon said, birth control has not been proven to affect unborn babies. Most are actually safe to take if pregnant.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 24th 2012, 02:49 PM
I agree with the above posts, birth control shouldn't harm your child, but you should get that test ASAP!
The best time (and more accurate time) to take a pregnancy test would be 2 weeks after the intercourse.
I hope that it all works out for you. You may not be pregnant, but you have to be safe rather than sorry.
There are tons of cheap pregnancy tests out there, you just have to find them!
It could be something completely different, but you never know.
I hope this helped, good luck!
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 24th 2012, 05:49 PM
Yeah, planned parenthood won't send anything anywhere if you tell them not to
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 24th 2012, 09:20 PM
Well, it'll cost $15 to get the test, and I'm on my dad's insurance. Would they send a bill of it to him? I honestly wouldn't care about him getting it since we're estranged, but he'd tell my sisters, who'd tell my mom and that would not end up well. Would it just be covered from the insurance without him seeing it, or would they send a bill to him?
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 25th 2012, 05:20 AM
Why not call them and ask? Maybe there is a way you can pay in cash instead of billing it to your dad's medical insurance. Just to be on the safe side. Of course, they WILL NOT send out any information to your home upon request, however, I'm not sure about their billing procedures since I've never been to a PP before myself as I've always gone to other free/cheap clinics in my area. Ask them what their protocol is on billing, and if there is an option to pay in cash instead of billing to a parent's insurance account.

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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 25th 2012, 12:42 PM
You can definitely pay in cash at PP. I'm also not sure on their billing process, so you could definitely call and ask.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 25th 2012, 12:52 PM
Is asking your boyfriend to buy you a test not an option??
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 25th 2012, 02:22 PM
There's no way I can pay cash myself, I'm completely broke.
He lives out of town, and he's hardly in town by himself, so I doubt he'd be able to have the time or privacy to.
Well, I told him that I didn't have the money and my insurance wouldn't pay for it. He asked how much it'd be, so I told him and since he's going to actually be in town today I don't know if he'll stop by with something or not. I'll just have to see.
Last edited by Lost_Confused; April 25th 2012 at 04:31 PM.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 25th 2012, 05:00 PM
I would strongly encourage him to do so!
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 25th 2012, 09:56 PM
I just read that during pregnancy, especially early on, your cervix is mainly closed and very soft and lower. Would that be true? If so, then I'm not pregnant.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 12:35 AM
This is true but not a viable way to check for pregnancy. Your cervix changes during your cycle as well as when you become pregnant and continues to change while you are pregnant. You should not use this as a method of checking for pregnancy as it is not entirely accurate.
You should still get tested. And if your boyfriend doesn't drop the money off, then call Planned Parenthood and see what their billing policy is. Ask them if they know of a way you can test without having your parents find out. They will help.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 02:01 AM
I called and they said insurance doesn't cover it, so I'd have to pay cash myself. But I did manage to get a $1 pregnancy test from the store and it came out negative. So I guess I'm not pregnant. In a way I'm glad, but in a way I wish I was because I love kids and would love to be a mother. I know it'd be difficult, but I really would like to be a mom. Just not right now I guess.
Thanks for all the comments and advice, I appreciate it.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by Lost_Confused
I called and they said insurance doesn't cover it, so I'd have to pay cash myself. But I did manage to get a $1 pregnancy test from the store and it came out negative. So I guess I'm not pregnant. In a way I'm glad, but in a way I wish I was because I love kids and would love to be a mother. I know it'd be difficult, but I really would like to be a mom. Just not right now I guess.
Thanks for all the comments and advice, I appreciate it.
I don't know how you can trust a $1 pregnancy test. Go to Planned Parenthood and make sure. Even top-of-the-line pregnancy tests can be erroneous, let alone $1 ones.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 03:30 AM
It doesn't matter how much it costs! Any home pregnancy tests can either be very accurate or off. It's always safe to take more then one, because it's not uncommon for a HPT to be off and wrong.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 05:33 AM
Well I could only afford one right now, so I could just get another one sometime soon when I somehow get the money.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Harvey
I don't know how you can trust a $1 pregnancy test. Go to Planned Parenthood and make sure. Even top-of-the-line pregnancy tests can be erroneous, let alone $1 ones.
Off-brand tests are just as accurate as name-brand ones. Which many of us have already established with the OP.
If the test came out negative, then you should be fine. If you want, wait until your period is meant to come around and take another one.

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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 02:45 PM
Shannon is right. If you want to take another one when your period is supposed to be come, then you can. It definitely doesn't hurt to take more than one test over a period of time because as someone else mentioned, sometimes the hormone isn't active enough to show up on the test.
So take another test when your period is supposed to arrive, if it will help ease your mind.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 06:03 PM
Alright, I'll just see if I can remember around then, haha. Thanks for all the advice.
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Re: I may be pregnant. -
April 26th 2012, 08:04 PM
I'll go ahead and close this since it seems to have been resolved. OP, if you want it reopened, PM Shannon or myself and we can discuss it
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