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Re: Does precum have sperm? -
January 22nd 2012, 10:37 AM
Pre-cum itself does not contain sperm. However, there may be sperm left over from a previous ejaculation that is pushed out along with the pre-cum when it begins to come out. Although the Journal of Reproductive Genetics states the sperm that is pushed out along with the fluid is unable to cause pregnancy, I believe every situation is different, so I'd be on the safe side.
The chances are extremely low, but like I said, every situation is different.
When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.
Re: Does precum have sperm? -
January 22nd 2012, 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by FallenStar
Does precum have sperm?
And what are the chances of someone getting pregnant from precum? Thanks!
Precum, by itself, does not contain sperm. However, precum might CARRY sperm.
You know how rivers carry stuffs from upstream to downstream, right? This is similar to that. Precum is released near the top of a man's urethra (the tube that semen travel through), at the Cowper's glands. Usually after a man released his semen (or cum), he urinates, which supposed to clear the urethra of leftover sperms.
Well, this isn't perfect and sometimes we still have sperms leftover even after urinating; sometimes we don't urinate after ejaculating at all. So if your boyfriend has ejaculated before he had sex with you (for example, masturbated or had some sex earlier), then his precum might pickup some leftover sperms from his previous ejaculation.
You've got about 4% to 27% per year, depending on perfect use vs. typical use (Source: PlannedParenthood, a well-known non-profit reproductive health provider), of getting pregnant with precum.
If you want to be safe and even safer, then BEFORE you two have sex, have your boyfriend take a trip to the restroom and urinate to wash out the leftover sperms.
More information on the withdrawal (pull-out) method here: Planned Parenthood
And here's a chart (click on the pictures to read more about each birth-control method).
University of California, Davis also has a simple chart for birth control effectiveness if you want a quick look.
Note: Keep in mind that both the pills and the withdrawal methods don't prevent STD/STI. (I know that other methods exist, but these are the most common, right?) So if you want to be safer and extra-safer, then combine a male condom into whatever birth-control method you're using or planning to use (e.g. condom + pills, or condom + withdrawal; maybe even condom + pill + withdrawal).
Last edited by Digilodger; January 22nd 2012 at 12:21 PM.
Re: Does precum have sperm? -
January 22nd 2012, 07:07 PM
I was told precum does contain sperm. If you read the wiki on it, it says that it can contain high levels of sperm. It is unlikely that you'll get pregnant from it, but it is possible.
Re: Does precum have sperm? -
January 22nd 2012, 11:02 PM
There is NO sperm in precum. A study that was done recently actually confirmed that precum doesn't contain any sperm, however it CAN have sperm in it if there is any sperm left over in the urethra from a previous ejaculation. That can be fixed by simply using the bathroom to push out what might be left inside or using a condom to prevent precum with the chance of sperm from entering you.
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Re: Does precum have sperm? -
January 22nd 2012, 11:14 PM
As everybody has said, precum in itself does not contain sperm. However, using the pulling out method is very ineffective. There is always the chance of him accidently ejaculating before you are able to pull out, and there are always STIs. I would still recommend you use condoms and/or get on the pill.
Re: Does precum have sperm? -
January 23rd 2012, 04:18 AM
Like others have said, pre-cum doesn't contain sperm in and of itself, but it can carry it. The chances of getting pregnant from this are very slim, but it is still a possibility.