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Why Did Your First Period Suck?
(also NON PG-13, strong language) Alright so I watch this commercial >>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A4km8...eature=related <<< and thought, 'hey, this could actually be fun' So I would like to know, what happened with YOUR first period making you think it was the END OF THE WORLD but looking back on it now its actually.....amusing?
My first period happened around 2 in the morning seriously Christmas EVE, not even joking, and it was NOT a 'spat of blood' it was one heavy mother fucker, atop with the fact that all Christmas I had to hear people asking my mother "whats wrong with her?" her reaction being "its her first period" and then every single time "OHHHHHH" in fact I think one girl even came up to me and patted my back and I gave her the death glare XD I believe I was either 11 or 12. What about you? |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was 12 when I got my first period, and it was the end of the world, because I was at a sleepover at a friend's house. XD I was so mortified at the time, but I was able to find supplies in her bathroom, so it's not like anything too bad happened. I just stayed curled up in my sleeping bag in the corner for the rest of the night. XD
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Because I had just gotten home from my brother's [now ex] girlfriend's aunt and uncles house. >.< And then the next day at school, I had forgotten to steal a pad from my mom before I left, so I had to go to the nurse, and then call my mom (who I had not told yet because I didn't want her knowing). Of course she was slightly furious. :nosweat:
I can't believe this was a year and a half ago though :o |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
My first period was really heavy, and I didn't think it was normal, so instead of telling my mom and then going to the doctors I hid it for a month. My periods lasted 11 days each and I got them 2 a month. Then, it got really heavy so I had to tell her, then I had to ride my bike and buy tampons and pads because I need both due to how heavy it was. I was not fun. A year later I was put on birth control to help stop the bleeding. If I miss a dose, just one, I start a new period. :/ It sucks ass! I started a day before my 11th birthday. I'm now 17 and I still hate my period to death!
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Haha I remember my first period...I was 8...and I told my teacher."My private parts are bleeding!" haha ended up getting it checked out at the hospital because I was so young.
But in the end...it was my period haha |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Mine arrived when I was at home, on the loo. So pretty much perfect arrival. xD
But it hurt like hell. Period pain so bad... |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Oh goody, I love these stories :p
I was ten, and in a pub with my dad and his friends... I had to tell my sister who was useless because she hadn't had hers, who then told my dad and then there was that awkward talk xD Thankfully my mother made up for it with a bunch of 'welcome to womanhood' flowers :D |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
It was my first day at a new school. :p
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Actually, my first period was the easiest. I got it for a few days before I realized it was my period, but it was so light that it didn't leak through my underwear or anything (I wasn't using pads or tampons at the time because I didn't know it was my period). No cramps, no mood swings, no nothin. Haha I was fourteen.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was 11, and thankfully, I had softball practice that day that required me to wear my navy blue softball uniform pants. Had I been wearing anything else, it would have soaked through. It wasn't bad, and I don't mind my period. But, it sucked having to tell my male softball coach I needed to leave early because of my period.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I got mine on a wedesnday which wasn't fun because it was in the middle of the week. I got it very early in the morning before school, so at least I was prepared. But we had a choir trip to Winterfest that day :nosweat:
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I got it when I was 11. And it sucked. It hurt like hell! And I had no idea that my period might have started. >_<. And I had horrible back pains few months before it started.! :mad:
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I never thought it was the end of the world. My mom told me with a two year lead time and let me know exactly what would happen.
I was 11 or so when my family went on a road trip, stopped at a rest stop and there was blood soaked through my underwear, I wasn't scared at all. I was pretty thrilled, actually. |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was about 12/13 and at my dad's house because my mum was on holiday. There were no tampons/pads in the entire flat and there was no way I was having that talk with my father, so I used folded up toilet roll as a makeshift pad until I got home and told my mum.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was 12 and it was so light that I didn't use any pads or tampons. I was so embarassed that once it started getting heavier, I stole them from my step-mom and when she asked who has their period (me or my 9 year old sister) I had to fess up and then I got "the talk". XD
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was in like the 6th grade and got up before school and was getting dressed as usual and it was there. xD I was like "Umm, I think I got my period," to my mom and she was like "Oh..." xD
Then I got horrible, horrible cramps with every period for a few months and then it got better. xD |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I bled out of my vagina for a week. Isn't that enough of a reason? :nosweat:
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I don't have an interesting story of how it started, but 12-year-old me did wander into my mother's room to announce that I had officially become a woman. LOL. XD
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was 10. I went to the bathroom when I got up in the morning and noticed a little tiny brown spot and went into the living room, whispered in my mom's ear, "Umm... I... think I... got... my period..." And my mom was like "GASP YAY YOUR FINALLY A WOMAN BLEH BLEH BLEH" and gave me ONE pantiliner. I had to go to the nurse and ask for a pad. This little fifth grader asking for a pad- she was like, "Are you sure?"
And my craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamps. |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
i was 12 and in year 7 sitting in visal art and bam there it came it leaked right through my undie and the bottem of my school skirt and the guy next to me notices had to tell me and the teacher and i had to walk up the corridor to the office get a pad and a new skirt (they didnt have any spare undies) and go back to class lets just say my whole visual arts class new exactly what happened ;)
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I love these threads!!
Well I was in 5th grade, 11 years old. I remember my "stomach" hurting really really bad in science (my last class that day) then when I came home I thought I needed to go to the bathroom and I realized I had started my period. I walked into my moms office and my mom is a really emotional nostalgic person so the first thing I said was "Mom I need to tell you something but you can't start crying cause I'm growing up on you okay?" hahaha XD |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I got mine in eighth grade on the day of my first volley ball game. I remember going to the bathroom and seeing a bunch of blood on my undies and having to use toilet paper so I wouldn't bleed through. Then I was terrified the rest of the day because I didn't have any pads and I was under the impression that people would make fun of me if I asked for something. xD Yeah. I was silly. :bleh:
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
oh, puberty, periods. they both suck so much!
i started mine when i was 12 almost 13. ...i didnt know what it was. i just thought something was wrong with me, haha. i still get bad periods though :/ |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I got mine when I was nearly 13 and it was super light, like, a small patch of dried blood on my undies that had dried by the end of the day.
I showed my mum and she got me pads. it was no biggie. I wish my period was still light, Nowadays I get 4-6 days of super heavy flow out of 7-10 days of bleeding. |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I think I was just slow to catch on I was ACTUALLY having a period. I went the whole school day just kinda letting myself bleed o.o I had no idea what was going on. I threw away the clothes I had been wearing since I was embarrassed. And then I just used pads/tampons on my own without telling anyone. Later on my mom found out, no big deal. I was 11. I was silly :p
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was like nine and i went to the toilet and it was bleeding so i went to the medical room and said "i think i need a plaster, my flowers bleeding" I was such a weird child.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was 11 and with my DAD!! 2 days before Christmas. It was too mortifying to tell him so I hid it for 2 days until I went home and pretended like I didn't know what happened. I've gotten it almost every time I've been with him since.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I think I was 11, and thank god it was over the summer. My 1st wasn't that bad and it was like super light. Now it's a helluva a lot heavier.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I got mine on Christmas Eve when I was 11.....worse danm Christmas presant ever, lol! My mom even went out that night to buy extra maxie pads to wrap and put in my stocking:glare: I was not a happy camper, lol!:hehe:
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was about 12 I think and by the time I realised, the blood was dry and had gone brown. I thought it was... something else. >.>
So I went through and showed mum and she was like "Oh, no that's just your period. I have a makeup bag with some pads ready for you in the cupboard." XD I had no cramps until last year, though. Then they started bad and leave me curled up in bed with a hot water bottle all day. :( |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was about 12 and a half and on holiday with my parents and grandparents in England.
We went out for dinner the night before and I noticed a stain in my underwear when I went to loo but thought nothing of it..Until the next morning, when I had bled through my PJ shorts. I'd already had "the talk" at school and from my mum, but I went to the bathroom and panicked that I was gonna bleed to death. Then I calmed down, thought logically and told my mum that I was bleeding..whose first question was; "Is it really heavy?" Yes it was.. She got me sorted then. |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I started a week after my 13th birthday. I was in my house, luckily. I just went for a wee and there was blood on the toilet paper :p I was a bit "OHMYGOD, CRAP!" at first but I found a sanitary pad in my bathroom draw and all was well :p
I had cramps a few days before I started but I just thought it was a weird stomach ache. In a way I was relieved I started. My mum kept freaking me out because she kept saying her, my sister and my nan started their periods when they were 10-11. She kept saying it was odd I hadn't had one yet. I thought there was something wrong. |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I started puberty at eight even before my older sister did so I got worried when she got her period first. I thought something was wrong but didn't voice my concerns. When it finally did come I got worried and didn't know if it was really it or not. When I was sure I told my mom and she was excited and told my dad right away. Ugh. He called me a Muchacha which means young lady in spanish. My face was about as red as an apple.
Then the next day I saw that I had an accident on my bed because I didn't put the pad on properly. Silly me got scared that I would have an accident every month :hehe: |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Mine was on my 12th birthday, right before I left for a sleepover, and I had no pads. :P
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Mine was during the summer (this summer :nosweat:) A few days before school started and I just woke up with an iffy tummy so I assumed I was sick (I'd given up hope LOL) so I went to the bathroom for a wee ... and on the paper. OHHHHH!!
It was actually quite perfect :) Except when I bled on my skirt :glare: LOL xx |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was ona trip when mine started, I was just turning eleven too. I was in the car sleeping and on my way to my brother's house and started to feel sick, so I asked my mom to pull over. She told me to wait and kept driving. I fell back asleep and woke up with piercing cramps.and, to my big surprise, blood all Over my seat. Definitly a scary day.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Oh, I have the best story!
I was 11, wearing burgandy pants (thank god for small mercies) and volunteering in the school library. Anyway, I realized something was going on so I excused myself and ran to the bathroom where I figured out I'd gotten my period (and it was one HEAVY mother f*****, it had already bled through my pants in a huge area). So I jammed as much TP as I could down my underwear and snuck out of school because I was too embarrassed to tell my teacher. I took the bus home and dealt with things there, and to that end things were fine, until... ...I get to school the next morning and the librarian wants to know if I'd been working with red sharpie and left it uncapped because the library carpeting had a HUGE RED STAIN on it where I was sitting. I'm pretty sure I lied and said I didn't know a thing about it. Now it's just funny, but for the rest of that year? Humiliating. :p |
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
It was the first weekend of my freshman year, in the middle of the night, during my church's annual family camping trip. I was lucky for the first year or so I had absolutely no cramps, now I spend the first day or so in bed with a heating pad and painkillers unless I absolutely have to go somewhere. I have even called in sick to work.
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
Mine came on the day of my eleventh birthday XP
Re: Why Did Your First Period Suck?
I was 10 and it was a few days before christmas. I went to the toilet and noticed a bit of blood, so I got my mum to look at it and she said it was probably my period. I was kinda in denial, I remember her asking me if I was bleeding and there I was in my little pjama shorts with no underwear on convincing myself that it wasn't real. I mean, I'd read about periods and stuff I just didn't realise that I would get mine so soon! And then mum went out and bought these humungous sanitary towels that everyone could see through my trousers, it was horrible!
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