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for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 9th 2009, 07:39 PM
So my boyfriend doesn't really explain this to me and I really just want to know what he feels.
What does it feel like when your hard or when you get hard and what does it feel like to ejaculate? I know this is hard to explain stuff but if anyone can explain better than my boyfriend that would be good lol.
Rest, books, music, nature, love for one's neighbor...such is my idea of happiness.
-Henry David Thoreau
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 9th 2009, 07:50 PM
Wow. That's a really hard (haha puns!) question. It's like trying to describe the sound of music to a deaf person. I really don't think it's possible to explain.
I doubt our orgasms feel much different from a females, but maybe shorter. When we ejaculate the feeling is similar to how it feels in the first moments of peeing I guess. I'm not sure how to relate it to you.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 9th 2009, 09:34 PM
Lol umm when you get hard it's like .... uhhh , damn this is hard. All I can really say is it throbs. Not like a throbbing pain a good throb aha. And when you cum the throbbing stop for a second and then it like pumps. God damn I sound stupid. To be honest you NEED a penis to what i'm talking about sorry
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 9th 2009, 10:12 PM
uhhhhhh....wow... you guys really have a way with words.... not ... I am even more confused but hellz yeah I would want to switch for a day... granted it would be kind of awkward having something dangling down there... oh well at least i would get to experience sex from the male perspective
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 12th 2009, 09:09 PM
Boyfriends Veiw : Its hard to explain its really good plessure for a short amount of time and then you just explode with good feeling and it feels great. Its like you trying to explain how you feel. Though I dont think it feels anything like a girls orgasm but on the same scale as it goes when you cum. Ive heard that it sometimes feel like the guy or girl needs to pee while having the orgasm... Hope it helped
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 14th 2009, 07:06 AM
This is such an interesting question. I would be up for trading for a day, lol. Just to see what it is like and all. And I definitely would want my bf to be me right now for a day since I am pregnant and all, then he can see how miserable it can be.
Single Mommy since July 2011 Joseph, 4 and Madelyn, 3
my back-to-back babies are 1 year, 1 week and 1 day apart.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 16th 2009, 02:52 AM
The "getting hard" feels great under the right circumstances. If it gets like that while you have jeans on, it is unpleasant and feels like the clothes are fighting against it and very tight. It very sensitive so it is a bit painful when it pokes your close.
The ejaculation is difficult to describe. It feels like something is building in you, like urinating but different because it feels great all the way. Like you have something to release and you feel it breaking through with intensity. Then it seems like everything is spinning almost.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 30th 2009, 03:43 AM
yeah, that is something very hard to describe or explain, its like asking "how do you move your arm?" but i guess i dont have much to add to this, everyone else sorta sumed it all up.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 30th 2009, 04:44 AM
k i guess being hard varys in feeling depending on how hard tha guy is. if hes super excited its literally throbbing but not a painful throbbing. if hes just normal hard then its almost like a swelling feeling in your crotch. idk about other people but an orgasm to me feels like a soothing swelling of ecstacy then a warm "orgasmic" feeling. imagine hollding inj your pee for ever then going the feeling of relief you get is what it feels like. then after im done, i feel more connected with my girlfriend (love you alexa) and i also get a bad craving for a ciggie. also the head is very sensetive while its hard so anything touching it feels awesome.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
March 31st 2009, 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Lonely without him
Somtimes i wish i had a penis ..just for a day. and Finaly feel what its like to have one of thoes magical sticks lol ^__^
OMG!! lol. i tell my friends that all the time. i would freaking play with it all day if i could have a penis just for one day. i know for you guys it sounds a little creepy for girls to say that, but it's just a curiousity. .
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 1st 2009, 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by kayduh2010
OMG!! lol. i tell my friends that all the time. i would freaking play with it all day if i could have a penis just for one day. i know for you guys it sounds a little creepy for girls to say that, but it's just a curiousity. .
Well if I had a Vagina for one day I'd just play with it all day, shove crayons and everything up there =D
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 1st 2009, 09:35 PM
True that.
I'm not bi-curious or anything like that.
But fuck, having a putter would be awesome. Just like stick your pencil in it during class, stick crayons in it, candy cans, shit even phones! Stick anything in there and feel good... That'd be pretty awesome :P
And I've always wanted a big rack, just to wrap around my back ,if I could haha
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 1st 2009, 10:13 PM
I have no clue how to describe this stuff, so I am going to quote a self help book that my mom got me a few years ago.
When describing male masturbation:
Originally Posted by Jeremy Daldry
...a warm, tingly sensation starts building up around your *shlong*...The sensation grows and spreads around your body until it reaches a climax that almost hurts. But it's a nice type of hurt. Like a big squeeze...and white sticky stuff, your semen, spurts out the end...And it feels really nice.
When discussing hard-ons:
Originally Posted by Jeremy Daldry
You can be waiting for the bus or standing on the lunch line and all of a sudden... HELLO!!
And first thing in the morning, well, not all guys join the Scouts--but when they wake up, all guys can make a tent with their natural equiptment and the bedspread...They come and go without any rhyme or reason...So (,basically,) you've got this thing looking up at you at every turn.
PM me if you ever need anything. I am always around and wanting to help.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 1st 2009, 10:58 PM
Ya it's true.. And sometimes , in gym , when your wearing tight gym shorts , and theres a cute chick all over you , and shes in spandex and your diggin it , you got a boner and it sticks out and everyone sees it and laughs !
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 2nd 2009, 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by kayduh2010
lol. really. hmmm...but i cant really say much i guess. i mean the whole thing about wanting a penis for a day.
but for you guys, i wouldnt recommend pencils or crayons...lol. that could hurt a lot.
^^^but it would be endless fun. instead of how many straws u can fit in your mouth its how many crayons can u fit in your hoo-ha!
and can some girl plz do a quick experiment for me (since i can't really do it). Stick ur cell phone in (u can put it in a baggie so wetness doesnt break it). call ur cell phone. post what it feels like.
PM me if you ever need anything. I am always around and wanting to help.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 2nd 2009, 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by kayduh2010
OMG!! lol. i tell my friends that all the time. i would freaking play with it all day if i could have a penis just for one day. i know for you guys it sounds a little creepy for girls to say that, but it's just a curiousity. .
You would also see why peeing while standing is all the rage.
I am the Stig's brother in law.
Race me on Gran Turismo 5 Prologue! My nickname is patrakoffman-64
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 2nd 2009, 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by devs711
^^^but it would be endless fun. instead of how many straws u can fit in your mouth its how many crayons can u fit in your hoo-ha!
and can some girl plz do a quick experiment for me (since i can't really do it). Stick ur cell phone in (u can put it in a baggie so wetness doesnt break it). call ur cell phone. post what it feels like.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 2nd 2009, 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by devs711
^^^but it would be endless fun. instead of how many straws u can fit in your mouth its how many crayons can u fit in your hoo-ha!
and can some girl plz do a quick experiment for me (since i can't really do it). Stick ur cell phone in (u can put it in a baggie so wetness doesnt break it). call ur cell phone. post what it feels like.
thats pretty gross...[[and no...i wont be the one to do it first. lol.]]. and i've also always wondered what it's like to pee standing up. . sounds like loads of fun.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 2nd 2009, 10:03 PM
I have to agree with like... pretty much every girl who has posted, it would be cool to have a penis for just one day. Perhaps science will make it possible some day =P
~Where death is I am not, where I am death is not, so we never meet~
I'd rather die terrified
than live forever.
We will all die so gloriously, that having ever lived will seem like folly.
Re: for boys..I wanna know what cumming/being hard feels like. -
April 2nd 2009, 10:24 PM
girls! why would you want a penis which is so awkward when your bits are shaped to perfection and fit in like a dream.
as for an erection imagine two fingers clamped together and tied tight so that your fingers cannot bend or move in anyway, then you put your fingers down your pants and you attempt to push them up against your pants causing maximum uncomfortability.
and ejaculation feels like pressure building up inside your gut, much like when you desperately need to urinate but without the desperation, with the pressure building up untill the moments of release, in which a sudden jolt of pleasure takes over your body twinned with the feeling or release, whilst your actual penis is feeling in a pumping motion as you ejaculate. Afterwards you feel overcome with tiredness and fatigue.
As for all you hopelessly curious girls, you do not want a penis, its uncomfortable and amounts to 93% of all male self esteem problems, its harder to masturbate, and when women masturbate for ten minutes they get ten minutes pleasure while men have like... ten seconds? its a source of embaressment if we are turned on whilst with a guy, but you don't know if a girl is turned on unless you check down there. plus Penises are ugly.
Although I am happy to own one because I don't want periods, for what its there for keep your vaginas
Impossible is a word
to be found only in the dictionary of fools.
To do all that one is able to do, Is to be a man;
To do all that one would like to do, Is to be agod.
-Napoleon Bonaparte