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Tips for preventing an erection? -
May 7th 2011, 03:18 AM
Hey I usually get erections if I have extended contact with a girl (non-sexual). I know this is normal but does anyone have any good mental or other tips to prevent erections?
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Re: Tips for preventing an erection? -
May 7th 2011, 04:52 AM
I think there's two main factors that cause an erection:
1. Thoughts
2. Friction
If you have one of those, you've got a potential boner on your hands. So to prevent boners, logically you have to eliminate sexual thoughts as quickly as possible and you would have to have as less friction on your junk as possible.
On a regular basis, I have constant sexual thoughts but when I put forth effort to think about something else, I'm usually able to prevent an erection from occurring. So when you start thinking a sexual thought, snap out of it. All it takes is one thought to generate a reaction.
Another option you could try is masturbating or engaging in sexual intercourse before school or whatever. From my experience, you're less likely to have an unwanted erection if you masturbate in the morning. Making out with a woman is a completely different story, though.
In my experience, I believe you should be less concerned about getting an erection and more concerned about how to hide it. Erections just happen and we can't always prevent them. What I would suggest is wear boxer briefs and jeans. I've walked around with an erection before, but it didn't look like I was pitching a tent and therefore no one (or at least I hope not) noticed. I don't know what it is, but when I kiss my girlfriend for even a second...my penis is like "what? You need me? Okay!" Basically when I'm with my girlfriend, I'm walking around with a boner all day. After you get a boner, you could also tuck it in your waistband. Feels fantastic, and you don't have to worry about people looking at your penis (unless you aren't wearing a shirt then people would probably take notice).
Got any more questions or concerns, you can always PM me. Good luck.
Re: Tips for preventing an erection? -
May 9th 2011, 08:31 PM
Don't uh... "flex" it. That sends more blood into it. Oh you could also just wear those tighter-style boxers - that's what I wear, and it makes it pretty much impossible for your erection to become noticeable, as it keeps it flat.