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Algernon September 9th 2010 04:01 AM

How Many People Have You Slept With?
For women and men.

And let's be honest? I don't want to hear...
"57 they can't get enough of me, ha ha ha."

Thanks =)

Brandon September 9th 2010 04:03 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
A whopping two women. I got skills.

PGP September 9th 2010 04:05 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
3. egh and i wish i never had

darkangeljbm September 9th 2010 04:06 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
if you mean sex just one if you mean sleep with alot :P but really i have only been with one person

Jae September 9th 2010 04:19 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Zero! I'm proud to say I'm still a virgin. :)

captain_obvious September 9th 2010 04:26 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
*drum roll please*

The number of people I've had sex with is... zero.

*kids cheering*

In The Arms of an Angel September 9th 2010 04:41 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
8...one was a HUGE mistake and 2 were just a phase?

Dana September 9th 2010 05:32 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
One. Still going strong. :p

stupidity September 9th 2010 05:42 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
alot is i all can say :( but never have waned to have sex in my life so far it's all a mistake but if u really want a nunber somewere around the 250 to 300 mark yay :'(

Batman. September 9th 2010 06:26 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
5... I regret 2 of them, that being my one asshole ex who dumped me shortly after, the other being someone I wasn't dating and regret.

CountryGirl21 September 9th 2010 07:03 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
18 guys...1 girl

nothing to be proud of but you live and you learn.


The ANTI-Troll September 9th 2010 08:05 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
a great big zero proud to say im still a virgin :)

Union Of V September 9th 2010 08:11 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Zero and could we have a poll plz? :p

lovechild777 September 9th 2010 09:09 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
3... with my ex who I regret... the asshole. One guy I thought I liked but was really only a rebound, and my current boyfriend =) who is amazing.

Power Cosmic September 9th 2010 09:22 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
4 people.

As for whether I regret them or not...complicated question.

shimmeringfaerie September 9th 2010 09:26 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?

Originally Posted by Union Of V (Post 475564)
Zero and could we have a poll plz? :p

I'm happy to add a poll, but I'll wait for Holly to give the okay since it's her thread. She might be able to add it herself actually...

I've only slept with one person and that's the number it's staying at.

taylalatbh. September 9th 2010 10:13 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Two. One guy and one girl. :)

Prozac September 9th 2010 11:06 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
One. I plan to keep it that way, too.

DarkSeph September 9th 2010 11:30 AM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Zero for me.

Maloo September 9th 2010 02:22 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
More than I should have.

Daydreamer September 9th 2010 02:27 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
I'm still with the guy I lost my virginity to, so only one for me :)

DemonQueen September 9th 2010 03:45 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Ayy.. Dos.
I feel slightly bad about the first, but it's whatever.

Work_In_Progress September 9th 2010 04:01 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
14 girls and women, but stopped a year ago. I didn't feel good about myself adding more to the counter. Thank you God and Jesus for getting out of it STD-free!

noise94 September 9th 2010 04:21 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
One. Don't regret it, and it's only ever going to be that one person. :D

Doodle. September 9th 2010 04:38 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Zero .

~babydoll~ September 9th 2010 04:43 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
5... I only regret 1 of them because he was a horrible boyfriend who didn't want anything else but sex.

luvflamingos September 9th 2010 05:12 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
1- she was my everything. she was my gift.

L'espoir September 9th 2010 05:25 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
absolutely none :D

Through-Glass September 9th 2010 05:31 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Two...one was my first loving relationship (the one prior to that was abusive), and the other was my current boyfriend. I kind of regret my current, because we sort of rushed in to it. We've decided to slow down though, until I'm more comfortable with my decision.

Melody Pond September 9th 2010 05:35 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?

My current boyfriend of 3 years.

Kyeto-X September 9th 2010 05:52 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
1.95... I will explain
.75 got drunk and fooled around with a girl, got to thrid base...
.20 cybered with two people..one boy and one girl
And then my current girlfriend I have slept with and cypered and fooled around and she tops them all XD I heart you Angela!

Union Of V September 9th 2010 06:29 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?

Originally Posted by Kyeto-X (Post 475774)
.20 cybered with two people..one boy and one girl

Cybering's a zero, I don't want to have to start adding up... :p

Kyeto-X September 9th 2010 08:19 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
lol I count it

Anomaly September 9th 2010 08:39 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Zero :) Nothing wrong with being a virgin.

UltraViolet September 9th 2010 08:58 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
0 - guys
1 - gurl >.<

UltraViolet September 9th 2010 09:00 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?

Originally Posted by Kyeto-X (Post 475774)
1.95... I will explain
.75 got drunk and fooled around with a girl, got to thrid base...
.20 cybered with two people..one boy and one girl
And then my current girlfriend I have slept with and cypered and fooled around and she tops them all XD I heart you Angela!

Ahem i think we need actual clarification.
Personally i dont think fooling around, or cyber counts.
And i always have been and always will be confused on what 1st, 2nd and 3rd base mean >.<

DeletedAccount31 September 9th 2010 10:48 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Zero. I would be a virgin. :) Waiting for the right person.

Algernon September 9th 2010 10:57 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
Sure, make a poll. But you make it lol

Algernon September 9th 2010 10:59 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
I believe 7 for me. I stopped though, been with the same guy for over 2 years.

I kept looking for an ex through sex and never found him.

WillO'Wisp September 9th 2010 11:09 PM

Re: How Many People Have You Slept With?
First was when I was almost 21 with a boyfriend of almost a year, who I regret giving my virginity to because the whole relationship was just a huge mistake, he lived with us and it took him forever to finally get lost. I know that's mean but whatever lol. I realized it wasn't love, it was just a crush, so it was mainly a waste of time for me.

The second one I wished I had saved myself for, even though he used me I would do it all over again because I fell so deeply in love with him, first guy I ever really loved, first guy to break my heart, I miss him everyday and don't regret one minute we spent together.
I guess the old saying you never know what love is until it breaks your heart is true. I'll never love anyone again.

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