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what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 08:19 PM
right this is gonna sound so stupid but im really worrying about what happened today :S
basically my boyfriend was fingering me and i orgasmed for the first time (came VERY close quite a few times but always asked him to stop before i did for some reason or anouther) and when i did there was alot of liquid.
im just wondering (and if anyone else has had the same problem) if when the orgasm do they actually jizz (like a guy does?) like is there any liquid? because when i did there was quite a bit and i had to change (we were dressed at the time) i feel really stupid asking this but im so worried
i also had athought that maybe i need to pee and when my body relaxed i did? but then almost imeaditaly after i went to the toilet to pee so if i pee'd after orgasming then how could i pee straight after? (if that makes ANY sense) so please help me! so worried, thanks xx
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 08:21 PM
It varies from person to person but I get a lot of wetness down there after most of my orgasms.
Sometimes pee can come out with women but it's very unlikely that it did, orgasming does make you feel the need to pee.
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 08:24 PM
Yeah, like cara said, lots of women get wet "down there". When I orgasm I can get lots of wetness like you described, it's a natural thing really, I wouldn't worry about it
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 08:33 PM
Hi Megan! Don't worry, what you experienced sounds perfectly normal. When a woman becomes sexually aroused, her vagina secretes a clear liquid that is meant to act as a natural lubricant when a man's penis penetrates her. It makes sex less painful and more pleasant.
It's my guess that you didn't actually pee after your climax. The sensations a girl experiences prior to and post orgasm can sometimes feel quite similar to those you experience when you have to urinate. Usually, though, urination doesn't actually occur, although some girls do sometimes experience a little leakage before or after they orgasm. It doesn't sound like it's anything to worry about.
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 08:39 PM
i know you get wet when your aroused. its just. there was quite alot. is there a difference between coming and orgasming? because i think i came. and im just worrying over the ammount :S
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 08:50 PM
I've always used coming and orgasming to mean the same thing, maybe other people don't think they mean the same thing though.
I know women get wet when aroused but when they orgasm they get a lot more wetter and a lot tends to gush out at once, it sounds perfectly normal what happened.
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 08:53 PM
know women get wet when aroused but when they orgasm they get a lot more wetter and a lot tends to gush out at once, it sounds perfectly normal what happened
you have no idea how much you've cleared things up :L its just i didnt know weather women actually jizzed (because of a mix up in sex- ed lessons at my school) so i wasnt sure if it was normal. my bf didnt seem to weirded out so im assuming not but i got really embarresed because it felt like i'd peed abit  but when you worded it as gushing out thats just cleared up all my worrys  thankyou!!
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 09:04 PM
I'm sorry what.
You can orgasm without cumming, they are two different things for women... What she is talking about is discharge, cumming.
Not everytime you orgasm will you cum, and in fact its quite rare to cum as a girl properly anyway.
So no Cara, people do not think cumming and orgasm are the same thing because they are completley seperate.
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 09:32 PM
I'm sorry what.
You can orgasm without cumming, they are two different things for women... What she is talking about is discharge, cumming.
Not everytime you orgasm will you cum, and in fact its quite rare to cum as a girl properly anyway.
So no Cara, people do not think cumming and orgasm are the same thing because they are completley seperate.
omg thank god its rare!! i really dont want to be someone that does al the time cos its quite embarasing  :L
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 25th 2010, 09:42 PM
Yeah jizzing for girls is pretty rare, but im pretty sure most girls have some wetness after they orgasm. But who knows, every body is different
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 12:42 AM
Sounds like you experienced female ejaculation. All women can do it, just many of us have never experienced it first hand.
Women can have 2 different "types" of orgasm. Orgasms from clitoral stimulation feel entirely different to those from G-Spot stimulation (which is what you experienced.)
Its a lot more difficult to have a g-spot orgasm, so kudos for that! Lol. But yes, what you experienced was entirely normal; and pretty mind blowing I should expect. Relax about it, and point out to your bf how difficult it is to make a girl do that (most guys have trouble!) relax and have fun with it. It really is no big deal
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 01:27 AM
Could someone also describe the consistancy of the the female ejaculation? I'm not talking about wetness, I'm talking about if you full on orgasm. I've only ever had clitoral orgasms. If I touch my clit, I make myself pee. Almost automatically. Is it possible It's not pee and actually THAT much cum?
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Chelsea-Marie
Sounds like you experienced female ejaculation. All women can do it, just many of us have never experienced it first hand.
Women can have 2 different "types" of orgasm. Orgasms from clitoral stimulation feel entirely different to those from G-Spot stimulation (which is what you experienced.)
Its a lot more difficult to have a g-spot orgasm, so kudos for that! Lol. But yes, what you experienced was entirely normal; and pretty mind blowing I should expect. Relax about it, and point out to your bf how difficult it is to make a girl do that (most guys have trouble!) relax and have fun with it. It really is no big deal 
You assume too much. She said she was fingered, does that imply internally or could it mean clitoral stimulation. You don't know.
And no not all women can ejaculate. It is a rare feat for any girl to ejaculate. You can also ejaculate without orgasming, and obviously you can orgasm without ejaculation.
Please do your homework first.
Also on a further note your little "most guys have trouble!" I find that quite offensive. Considering you are talking about penetration to cause orgasm, now it is a fact. An actual fact, not one I'm making up. That most girls DO NOT orgasm through penetration. Thus to assume most guys have trouble, only shows your ignorance and sexual inexperiance.
I'm apologising in advance >.>
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 02:53 PM
Its a lot more difficult to have a g-spot orgasm, so kudos for that! Lol. But yes, what you experienced was entirely normal; and pretty mind blowing I should expect. Relax about it, and point out to your bf how difficult it is to make a girl do that (most guys have trouble!) relax and have fun with it. It really is no big deal
i just got really embarresed because i wasnt sure what had happened and there was quite alot and i really wasnt expecting it :L it was awesome and he seemed pretty pleased with himself
Could someone also describe the consistancy of the the female ejaculation? I'm not talking about wetness, I'm talking about if you full on orgasm. I've only ever had clitoral orgasms. If I touch my clit, I make myself pee. Almost automatically. Is it possible It's not pee and actually THAT much cum?
i would also like to know the consistency because that was the main reasons for my worrying :L there was quite alot and quite watery
You assume too much. She said she was fingered, does that imply internally or could it mean clitoral stimulation. You don't know.
And no not all women can ejaculate. It is a rare feat for any girl to ejaculate. You can also ejaculate without orgasming, and obviously you can orgasm without ejaculation.
it started as clitoral and ended internaly. even in the girls that can do it is it rare? because if this is gonna happen every time or most of the time i orgasm i think i'd be less inclined to want to
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by Sonofalich
I'm sorry what.
You can orgasm without cumming, they are two different things for women... What she is talking about is discharge, cumming.
Not everytime you orgasm will you cum, and in fact its quite rare to cum as a girl properly anyway.
So no Cara, people do not think cumming and orgasm are the same thing because they are completley seperate.
I said I use them to mean the same thing. If you read my post properly you'd also see that I said not everyone does use them that way.
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by Sonofalich
I'm sorry what.
You can orgasm without cumming, they are two different things for women... What she is talking about is discharge, cumming.
Also, discharge and wetness are NOT the same thing. Discharge is usually thicker and is what keeps the vagina clean and wetness is a lot thinner and has about the same consistency as artificial lube and is what women get when they're aroused.
Back to the question it doesn't sound like you ejaculated (squirted) but it does sound normal like I said on my other post about it gushing out.
I'm apologising in advance >.>
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 03:46 PM
Back to the question it doesn't sound like you ejaculated (squirted) but it does sound normal like I said on my other post about it gushing out.
going by some research on my friend mr google im pretty sure i did.
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 03:51 PM
It happens to me every time I orgasm, whether I'm being fingered or during sex, you're not alone
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by Yahoo123
going by some research on my friend mr google im pretty sure i did.
Squirting usually means it 'squirts' out. Only you know what happened though, it is your body
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 04:54 PM
If you were the guy fingering her then fair enough or you were the girl but your not!! :@
It is fairly normal for there to be a lot of liquid once you have had an orgasm, and wanting to pee after. jesus I have to all the time it gets annoying sometimes lol, it is normal and I wouldn't get worried about it or embarrsed, just enjoy your self.
Last edited by eunoia; April 26th 2010 at 08:18 PM.
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Re: what happens when girls orgasm? -
April 26th 2010, 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by Sonofalich
You assume too much. She said she was fingered, does that imply internally or could it mean clitoral stimulation. You don't know.
And no not all women can ejaculate. It is a rare feat for any girl to ejaculate. You can also ejaculate without orgasming, and obviously you can orgasm without ejaculation.
Please do your homework first.
Also on a further note your little "most guys have trouble!" I find that quite offensive. Considering you are talking about penetration to cause orgasm, now it is a fact. An actual fact, not one I'm making up. That most girls DO NOT orgasm through penetration. Thus to assume most guys have trouble, only shows your ignorance and sexual inexperiance.
And shows that you're taking this far far too seriously. Get away from the computer, calm down, come back and then realise how unnecessarily rude you are being.
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