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-   -   Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out. (http://www.teenhelp.org/forums/f6-sex-puberty/t25705-used-condom-everything-but-my-period-late-im-freaking-out/)

TheBabyEater September 15th 2009 08:27 PM

Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
My boyfriend and I have had sex a few times since my last period, using condoms every time. In fact, the last 2 times he didn't even cum. And on top of having a condom, he pulled out as well. However it has like. gotten on my arm and shit.
I'm know I'm being more paranoid than I should be, but I usually have my period by now. I'm very regular, and always have my period by the end of the school day. Not yet.. It's been almost a month since the first time we had sex, so any way I could know?
I'm freaking out. >.< My parents would be SO pissed, and I could not stand to have kids. No kidding, I have a shirt that planely says "I hate babies"

I don't know. I'm trying to stay calm, my boyfriend is as well, but it's so hard to stay calm!

forfrosne September 15th 2009 08:31 PM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
Take a pregnancy test.
It may just be an irregular period.
Try to stay calm, and take the test.

OurLovesSublime September 15th 2009 08:37 PM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
It sounds pretty unlikely that you’re pregnant if you’ve used condoms, they didn’t break (I’m guessing you didn’t have any problems with the condoms themselves?), and he pulled out. Stressing out will just delay your period even longer… and at 16 it’s very common that you could just be having an off month with your period because your body is still developing and getting into a rhythm.

The only way to find out for sure is to take a test. Since you’ve already missed your period, one should definitely give you a correct result by now. You can either head to the store and get a home pregnancy test (which I’ve found that even the cheap store brand ones give correct results), go to a planned parenthood (depending on your area, they will give you a free urine test or one at a discount), or do some research and find a women’s clinic in your area. They typically give free tests also. Good luck!

J&M's Mommy September 16th 2009 04:50 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
Yes, I am sure you can take a test now since it has been a month since having sex, and your period is late. Try to stay calm until a test tells you otherwise. It seems you took all the right precautions, so I think it will most likely work out in your favor.

Best of luck!

no.ordinary.dreamer September 16th 2009 04:55 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
I highly doubt your pregnant
Stress will delay your period
16 is a common age for your period to become a little irregular
Try to relax
If you want take a pregnancy test
or wait two weeks and if you dont get your period by then take a pregnancy test

Let us know how it turns out!

fallen fairy September 16th 2009 10:16 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
It does sound unlikely and don't worry so much about the always being regular thing i was totally regular same time of the day same length etc. for years until i first had sex, i had one regular period then one really late one...for no reason at all as I wasn't pregnant and didn't think i was stressed....our bodies just some times screw with us

TheBabyEater September 17th 2009 07:50 PM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
I took a test and it says negative. But it's 2 days late now... Any chance I couldv'e gotten pregnant last weekend and it get a false negative? Even though he didn't even cum, he did cum eventually. Just not while we were having sex (from other stuff. heheh)
I was calm and stuff yesterday and this morning because it said negative. But I STILL don't have my period. I know it's a common age for it to get all wierd... just that I've been perfectly regular for the past few months at least. Pretty regular before then.

Hell now I'm just ANNOYED at my body because I was so used to the 15 to 18th! I'm wasting tampons putting them in just in case I get it at school. lol

fallen fairy September 18th 2009 09:50 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
oooh REALLY bad idea do not use a tampon under ANY circumstances unless you are bleeding, use a pad or a pantie linner! sorry at how off topic that is but it is such a bad idea like super duper bad.

hmmm wait another week and then test again if it hasn't appeared i suppose

TheBabyEater September 18th 2009 07:00 PM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
Ugh... I hate this so much. I'm supposed to be ending today, not even started.
If I got pregnant last weekend, could it be too early for the test to work? And if I take another test, and my period is over, will it not work? The one I got, first response, said like "Accurate results up to 5 days before your expected period" And stuff...

I know nothing about this stuff. I hang out with too many guys.

J&M's Mommy September 18th 2009 09:35 PM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
You can take a pregnancy test 14 days after the date you think you may have conceived. So, just wait it out and take a test in a week or so (whatever equals 14 days). Taking it too early will cause a false negative. Also, it is best to use the first morning urine for the test because the hormone is stronger in the urine. If you do not use first morning urine than wait atleast 4 hours to pee and then take a test.

TheBabyEater September 19th 2009 01:10 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
Alright thanks... I'm still really scared...
But I guess I'll just have to wait and see. Scared and stressed all over.

LittleMiss September 19th 2009 01:33 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
Don't stress, stress will just delay it.

I did have a scare like that once but I think that my stressing over it made it worse.

J&M's Mommy September 19th 2009 02:34 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
Definitely, just try to stay calm. Although, I know it is REALLY hard to do. :/

TheBabyEater September 20th 2009 06:13 PM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
*overly huge sigh of relief*
I ended up getting my period almost a full day after my period regularly ends...
So i did get it. Not pregnant.
Just really.. really... late.

guillotine_blades September 21st 2009 06:23 PM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
YAY!!! now go see your gyno and get on a type of bc!

J&M's Mommy September 24th 2009 12:29 AM

Re: Used a condom and everything, but my period is late. And I'm freaking out.
I second Amber's post. Being more responsible about sex is something you definitely need to do if you DO NOT want to get pregnant. Get on BC and use condoms to keep yourself safe from other diseases. Best of luck, glad you got your period hon!

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