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Keep Calm and Eat Cake August 6th 2009 01:53 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
touching my lower back gentley sends tingles up and down up spine, touching in other places obv, dirty talking, intensity, i like being teased... kind of builds it all up, when i can feel the guys erection on my leg, heavy breathing, neck kisses are a fave... i could go on lol.

Forgotten August 6th 2009 02:55 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Being dominated >_>

xander August 6th 2009 06:44 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
i find that seeing my gf while shes in pleasure or if she bites me and mistreats me, lately we started tying each other up lol

x-gothic-princess-x August 8th 2009 03:04 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Slow kissing. Dirty talking. Teasing. Biting. skin on skin.

Anything for me lol

Dervisher August 8th 2009 04:57 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Uhm yeah...for me, I think the question would be...What doesn't turn me on? lol. It's always interesting to see what everyone puts up though, some interesting new things for me to try in the future perhaps ^.^

Whisperer August 8th 2009 01:44 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Thanks everyone for your replies. Some are quite unique I must say! haha

Deathscrush August 19th 2009 05:47 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
When my boyfriend makes a breathing sound that sounds like he's saying "ah" over and over again. Dirty talking, his breathing, and just thinking about him gets me.

DeletedAccount64 August 19th 2009 07:57 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Stroking, heavy breathing, dirty talking, moaning, biting, scratching, biting my lower lip, kissing my neck, that kind of thing.
xoxox Bex xoxox

MaggzB August 20th 2009 03:55 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
bitting my neck and being rough with me
and the feel of his hard on against me like
if i tease him really bad and then he gives me
a hug and i can feel it that drives me insane the most

oh and massaging/playing with my feet

Disturbedrox2011 August 20th 2009 06:51 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
when my gf wears a bathing suit :]

kadyCHAOS August 20th 2009 01:15 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
biting and kissing my neck are the biggest for me.

Twisted August 20th 2009 02:54 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
When he gets hard when i haven't even tried, like we can just be cuddling and he'll get hard. I find it a huge compliment as well as a huge turn on. Also purposely making him hard turns me on. When we're lying in bed together in our underwear or even better naked.

As well as teasing, neck kissing, being intimately close. I could go on forever :|.

andie09 August 22nd 2009 04:27 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Kissing, nibbleing on my ear, and for some odd reason when my boyfriend smacks my butt

niente_ August 22nd 2009 11:29 AM

Re: What makes you horny?

Umm, when he kisses my neck and makes his way down my body.

I love guys shirts as well. Because I can't wait to unbutton them! And I like it when I wear my boyfriend's shirts too. They kinda bury me. But I don't wear anything else underneath them. Which is even better.

Ooh, also ... when he talks dirty. Then he pulls me really close to him and I can feel ... things .... :grin:

And when he's laying on top of me and he's all dominating me and stuff .....


I think I'm gonna arrange to meet him ... asap!

Fluorescent_adolescent August 22nd 2009 12:11 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Moaning/breathing loudly, talking dirty, caressing and touching body parts, lower lip bites, thinking about doing sexual acts with certain people. Many things can get me going.

wonderbread August 22nd 2009 02:56 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
When Im making out with someone and they bite my lower lip, oh shivers down my back Im telling you.
When Ive been drinking anything makes me like AH horny
There are these spots on my thighs that when touched I go absolutely crazy
My boyfriend has like this accent and when he says certian things that are suggestive then I go crazy, or when he shows me or talks about the two pairs of handcuffs yup or when he gets me aroused and then acts like hes not doing anything, added with the accent. Automatic turn on
I love bitting and scratching.
Tattoos, ah they drive me crazy.

Magical Forest. August 22nd 2009 04:55 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
When someone kisses/runs their lips over the back of my kneck. Woahhhhh.

Riscar23 August 24th 2009 03:51 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
The sounds of a woman moan as I kiss and bite her neck just drives me wild.

Hollifire August 27th 2009 02:53 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
The biggest turn on for me with a guy, is him taking control. When he's in charge of everything and lets me know how things are going to happen. Also, kissing on the neck, any type of caressing, drives me insane. :]

FenwayFaithful August 27th 2009 03:02 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
The whole girl on girl thing has always been a turn on of mine. I don't know why I just fine the female body attractive. What turns me on the most though is when my boyfriend and I are talking about what we want to do to one another. The fact that we don't get to see each other often makes it hotter. Also I am really turned on by the thought of complete lack of control. I like being submissive.

Also not to all men- The slower you go the better... teasing is a really really good thing! Personally sex is really painful for me when my boyfriend doesn't take the time to build up to it first

tk338 August 27th 2009 03:24 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
My gf... Full stop lol... I consider myself kinda lucky, but it can suck at times, I think shea amazing :)

KatieMarie August 27th 2009 03:41 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
I get super horny when my boyfriend touches me.. and when he kisses me.. and when he sends me texts telling me he wants to be with me..
He and i also play this little game.. where when im not paying attention he'll come up to me and touch my crotch and wggle his fingers.. that by far is the key to get me horny..

Whisperer August 29th 2009 12:09 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Also for me when my boyfriend bites my neck and pretends to start to eat me. :)
Then he starts tickling my tummy and running his hand down my leg.
Mmmmm then hides in my hair while holding onto me.

Anonymous19 August 29th 2009 02:38 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Seeing her naked obviously, watching her wank, when she whispers dirty things into my ears, or a special look she has in her eyes when I'm on top of her that I don't think she does on purpose that just drives me crazy, as well as nibbling on my nips :eek:

flippinmayonnaise August 29th 2009 03:08 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
yeah, pretty much the usual that everyone else said, but...and I'm a bit embarrassed saying this...but i do get more horny when i have to pee. haha, i'm a freak :P

KatieMarie August 29th 2009 03:11 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
oddly as this is.. i get horny just laying in bed by myself.. because i get off thinking or day dreaming about my guy.. and us having sex.. or fooling around.. and then im horny as helll...

DeletedAccount71 August 31st 2009 11:04 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Currently my boyfriend is away from home for a few months, so what gets me horny is dirty, explicit texts (randomly sent to me of course) of exactly what he wants to do to me or how bad he wants me. Naughty pictures are always a bonus, too.

But when I am with my boyfriend, biting, some scratching, kissing me (especially with tongue), pulling my hair, moaning, touching me in various ereogenous zones, saying something especially sexy, and sometimes wrestling around together. There are more, I am sure, but that is all I can think of atm.

i_am_me_again August 31st 2009 11:09 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
I get turned on reading these messages ;)


forfrosne August 31st 2009 11:11 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Would I be flamed if I were to say: Your Mum?

Emzy August 31st 2009 11:11 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Atm I've been watching loads of The L Word to pass my time.. so, seeing Kate Moennig all naked.. jeeesus christ ;)

Cazzum August 31st 2009 11:19 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
When someone kisses or bites my neck, thats a total turn on.

Grizabella September 1st 2009 05:56 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Being taken control of and dominated. Nothing turns me on like a guy that can take control of me (consensually of course).

SammiexLynn September 1st 2009 03:12 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
first of all being somewhat in the mood kinda helps.. ;) [Which for me can happen randomly]

His touch: When he just randomly grabs my chest [can get annoying cause my chest is sensitive and hurts like hell but its ok sometimes] and Kisses my cheek, Licks my neck, Smacks and grabs my ass.. weee can be annoying but i like it :D i hardly complain about the ass thing. lol
His eyes: somehow he has this way of lifting one of his eyebrows and every single time I'm like "ooo.. yummy" and giggle a lot.
His hair: yes, as corny as it sounds i LOVEEEE the way he looks with straight hair... i mean, OMG.. mmm sexy heh
His growling: yes, he does this and has a tendency to do it in my ear which sends shivers down my spine.. Kinda feels like an eargasm. lol
Dirty talk: which happens all the time when we have sex.. i love being called names for some reason .. mm suuuch a turn on when he does it tho.. maybe I'm just weird like that >.>
His Lips: yes, its true. I LOVE his lips for some reason. small yet so cute. i love running my fingers over them. heh

..And his moaning is kinda hot. heh.. Others.. Sometimes the thought of having sex with him turns me on.. a lot. When he grabs my hair and pulls back to kiss me or lick my neck.. [granted sometimes its annoying but i like it none the less]

Xujhan September 2nd 2009 03:20 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Honestly, when it comes to my girlfriend...pretty much anything. :p I know, I'm hopeless. I mean, I'm not continually looking to jump her bones - well, not most days - but it is absolutely trivial for me to get in the mood if she is. :p She's a same way a fair bit of the time, which is really nice. :)

chanelxo September 2nd 2009 09:25 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
my boyfriend even tho i feel wrong sometimes since hes 16 :x

KatieMarie September 3rd 2009 12:48 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
i also forgot to mention.. being away from my boyfriend makes me horny as hell... Kinda weird.. but it really does.. because then all i can think about is him.. and wanting him.. and being with him.. and being naughty with him.. it just drives my body INSANE!

Mittens The Cat September 12th 2009 04:13 PM

Re: What makes you horny?

Originally Posted by YoureMyDisease (Post 200739)
I love to get bitten. I'm sort of a vampire wannabe, so I just love to be bitten. Mainly on my neck


anyway, almost anything :)

MechanicGodCreation September 12th 2009 04:47 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
Sooo much :p
Mostly domination stuff, pain, whips, etc.
I'm a total sucker for that :D

Anddddd older women :embarrassment:shades::shades:

Rismis25 September 13th 2009 08:05 PM

Re: What makes you horny?
I would have to say the way my boyfriend pulls my hair, bites me, ways he rubs his hands all over my body, but most of all just the way he says he loves me with lights darken and a little bit of light (candleLight) goes a long way for me. mmm i hope he sees this heehe. well anyways i guess that is what he does to me.

Clouds. September 14th 2009 12:24 AM

Re: What makes you horny?
Im usually at my horniest when Im drunk for some reason!
Passionate kissing, straddling someone, being kissed on my neck by my bf, porn (I know girls don't usually seem to watch it but I like it!) reading about sex in books, like if they're describing a sex scene or something.

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